Rebirth of the Strongest Female Emperor

Chapter 1622: Task countdown (3)

Chapter 1622 Task Countdown (3)

"Oh, the guardian of the glory empire is very strong. It is said that he can control the earth. One hand can make a landslide and crack the ground... Are you sure?" The Super King has long expected that the other party will send a guardian. However, the guardian of the glory empire is among the guardians, and the strength is not bad.

Ye Qingyi smiled slightly and gave the Super King a peace of mind.

"Your Majesty, please rest assured." After that, Ye Qingyi flew directly and flew above the high fortress to the battlefield.

At this moment, the hearts of all the people in the Super League have mentioned the eyes of the blind.

The Alliance Army is calm. In fact, the imperial guardians who come here are not only honoring the empire, but the guardians of the glory of the Empire are playing, and they are famous. Their other guardians are restricted by the mainland convention. Can't shoot directly.

However, as far as they are concerned, the guardian of the Super Race Empire seems to be very young, and it seems that the wind is not like how powerful it is. The guardian of the glory of the Empire should be enough.

The guardian of the glory of the empire, watching the girl who flew to her own eyes, the eyebrows could not be lifted by contempt.

"You are the guardian of the Super League Empire?"

"Yes." Ye Qing said.

"Oh, well... you slaughtered my glory empire 500,000 troops. Today, I will recover this account from you!" The guardian of the glory empire jumped directly from the horse and shook hands. The sound is loud.

Ye Qingying's gaze was only faintly swept from his body, as if he did not feel the smoldering temperament of the other party.

"I will use my hands, crushing every bone in your body, and burying you in the ground, it is better to die." The guardian of the glory empire was full of gloom, and he suddenly rushed forward and a pair could smash The fist of the mountain peak slammed toward Ye Qing’s body.

With a bang, the glory of the imperial guardian slammed into the shoulders of Ye Qing, who did not evade, but the picture of a girl who had a punch in the forehead did not appear at all. His fist was like playing in the fist. It's the same on a hard steel!

"Which is so much nonsense." Ye Qing's faint opening, directly raising his hand, a hitting knife, lightning as fast as the other's back neck!

In the moment of being shackled, the guardian of the glory of the Empire was like a lightning bolt hitting the back neck. A sharp pain in the heart broke through the whole body. The painful face was pale, and the tall body fell straight on the ground. There was a faint convulsion.

"Crush my bones?" Ye Qingyi looked at the guardian who fell to the ground. The corner of his mouth slowly smirked a smile. She slowly lifted her foot and directly took the guardian's head to the foot. In the middle of the earth.

In an instant, the blood splattered, and the guardian’s entire head was directly crushed by Ye Qing’s foot and broke into the soil.

Manipulating the earth?

Ye Qingzhen did not really see that this person has this ability.

Maybe there is, but... In the eyes of Ye Qingying, his strength is too weak, so weak that he has no chance to show his special abilities.

Ye Qingyi now only wants to complete the task as soon as possible, with points to exchange baby, where there will be leisure, and continue to entangle with the people of this world.

Recovering the **** feet, Ye Qing looked up at the Alliance's camp.

(End of this chapter)