Rebirth of the Strongest Female Emperor

Chapter 163: Giant lizard (3)

Chapter 163 Giant Lizard (3)

"This is...what situation?" The two players responsible for the introduction of the small giant lizard were a bit too aggressive. They watched Ye Qingyi use the sleeve arrows to attract the attention of all the giant lizards. Directly dragging dozens of giant lizards to fly in the heavy rock canyon.

Those extremely fast lizard beasts were opened by Ye Qingyi at an extremely safe distance, and they could not catch up.

For a time, everyone who hung a heart was a little dumbfounded.

The tension on the face of Gu Yuqiu has not faded, and his eyes are slightly awkward and look at Ye Qingyi, who looks at ease.

This is the case for the new disciple who is out of the mission for the first time?

Gu Qiuqiu is a bit embarrassed.

Ye Qingying's sophisticated technique is beyond the expectation of Gu Yuqiu. Gu Qiuqiu himself has to open the small giant lizards, but I am afraid that I can only do it at the most.

It is obviously a giant lizard that exceeds their expected number of times, but Ye Qingyi has taken all of them by one person alone.

A few of them showed the intention of turning back, and Ye Qingyi’s sleeve arrow immediately broke his back and pulled his attention back again.

When Gu Yuqiu was awkward, Ye Qingxuan raised her eyes and looked at Gu Yuqiu’s line of sight. Her brows were lightly wrinkled and she lifted her chin slightly, seeming to signal Gu Yuqiu to take over.

Gu Yuqiu is also a veteran who has led the team for a long time. He soon returned to look at the six-stage giant lizard, and only two or three small giant lizards immediately issued an attack command to other companions.

Now is not to explore how Ye Qingyi can do this, they must kill the target as soon as possible!

With Gu Qiqiu's secret number playing, because Ye Qingyi alone led all the small giant lizards, so the two disciples who were originally responsible for blaming can join the battle, and all the players hidden in the dark immediately rushed up. , rushed to the sixth-order giant lizard that was only outside the cave!

On this side, Ye Qingyi systematically pulls dozens of small giant lizards away from the main battlefield. Her look is very calm. In addition to paying attention to the movement of the giant lizard army, is there still a leisure look? Gu Qiqiu and others who started the sixth-order monitor lizard.

Although the giant lizard is a group, but the spirituality is very low, it is extremely easy to be tempted. As long as they continue to attack, they can let their attention be completely attracted to themselves. They are not aware of the fact that they are already trapped.

Ye Qingyi also had many missions in his previous life, including the record of the giant lizard.

Only that time, Ye Qingyi’s team’s goal was a seventh-order giant lizard. The number of the whole team was as many as four or fifty. It was just a small giant around the seventh-order giant lizard. There are thousands of lizards.

In the past, Ye Qing’s rehearsal was slow, and he couldn’t resist the seventh-order giant lizard. In order to get the team’s approval and get more opportunities for rewarding tasks, she could only practice the skills of blaming and add to her previous life. The experience of killing, this little thing can be said to be easy for her.

She knows the range of the venom of the giant lizard, as long as it stays outside this range, slipping these giant lizards is no different from slipping a group of ducks.

Do not say that the dozens of giant lizards behind them are doubled, and she has no difficulty in coming.

However, when Ye Qingqi took the group of giant lizards away from the main battlefield, she was between a few flying bodies, faintly seeing a group of people, flashing from the rock above her.

In the heavy rock canyon, there are other teams?

Ye Qing’s brow was lightly wrinkled, but she soon noticed that those figures were actually heading towards the main battlefield!

A uneasiness, suddenly appeared in the heart of Ye Qingying.

(End of this chapter)