Rebirth of the Strongest Female Emperor

Chapter 1774: General (3)

Chapter 1774 General (3)

"Crap, the general is naturally the most powerful." Another little demon is full of awe.

"It’s really scaring me, I feel the strength of the general. I can crush me with one finger."

There are still a lot of little demons in their hearts, and there are only a handful of opportunities for them to see the generals, and many of them have just been born, and they have never seen them.

"Oh, your point of interest, if it is not good to grow up, if you see the demon of the Tian Yaozu, the Emperor Yaozu and the Earth Yaozu in the future, wouldn’t you be able to stun the past directly?" The demon, a look of disgust.

"Great respect, are you talking about the three demons?" A little demon said.

I nodded. "You guys, they stayed in the base camp all day. How do you know the dangers outside? The hostile camp we played at this time is not a bad thing. If the demons of the top three camps appear, fear If you see it, you can scare you to death..."

When Ye Qingyi heard the words of the three top camps, his attention was drawn to the past.

Among the valleys, there are countless demons of large and small, and among them, there are three of the most powerful demons camp, like three big mountains, pressed against the heads of all demons.

These three camps represent absolute power and are the three most powerful tribes in the demon.

They are the Tian Yao, the Yao Yao and the Emperor...

Ye Qingyi had heard the names of these three top giants before listening to other demons. It was only in the valley for so long, but he had never seen any of the three camps.

In the rumors, the demon light of these three camps is like a look, and it looks different from other demons. Its strength is even more powerful.

Don't look at the battles in the valleys, but if the three camps appear, you can shake the valley and shake it.

Other demons camp, simply do not dare to provoke them, it is accidentally bumped into, it is also trying to escape.

As far as Ye Qing’s eastern camp is concerned, it’s not enough to see it in front of the three camps.

However, after seeing the strength of the Eastern camp generals, Ye Qingyi’s strength for the three camps is increasingly unimaginable.

The strength of the demon general has exceeded her cognition, and how terrible the three camps, which are more powerful than the eastern camp they led, will be.

Ye Qing Shuguang tried to think about it and felt the scalp numb.


The battle between these demons is of no significance to her. If she does not have no chance, she estimates that she has left this right and wrong.

After a few days of investigation, they finally found out the path of the Soul Eater.

Sure enough, the appearance of the Soul Eater is not accidental, but the general of the Western camp is deliberate, and the Soul Eater is the war pet of the Western Generals, specially sent to add chaos to the Eastern camp.

At first glance, it was the old-fashioned ambition. The demons of the eastern camp suddenly became angry. A big battle, the homeopathic ignited between the two camps. In just half a month, the two camps were fighting for you, in the valley. The inside is dark and dark.

In addition to the young demon who has not yet grown up, even Ye Qingqi, a "weak chicken" that will not be sent to the battlefield on weekdays, has been directly pulled into the battle line.

(End of this chapter)