Rebirth of the Strongest Female Emperor

Chapter 1834: Life is worse than death (3)

Chapter 1834 is born, it is better to die (3)

However, those tentacles seem to feel abnormal, and they have actually dragged the whole person into the giant mouth.


At the last moment when the war was engulfed, he only had time to make this last roar. He didn't want to even squash Ye Qing, and directly opened Ye Qing's arm.

The next second, his whole person was completely swallowed up.

Ye Qingying looked at the closed giant mouth and was drowned by other living dead people in an instant. There was only the last snoring of the war.

The hands of many living dead people once again extended to Ye Qingyi.

Ye Qingxi watched her companion being swallowed up by the huge mouth, and the long-repressed emotions vented at this moment.

A huge black flame instantly enveloped Ye Qing's body.

At the moment when black inflammation appeared, the quiet ones who were living in fear immediately fell to the ground.

"Hurry to find a way to destroy the bones of the cursed god, otherwise we will all die here." The white tiger spoke openly.

This place is everywhere and weird.

The words spoken before the war and the death have already revealed the horror of this place.

Under their feet, I don’t know how many huge mouths are waiting for them to swallow.

Ye Qingyan took a deep breath and jumped to the back of the white tiger.

The white tiger rushed directly to the place of the cursed god.

But at the moment when Ye Qing was close to the cursed god.

The land of the dead in their feet suddenly burst into violent vibrations, and a huge hill swelled from the front of the cursed god.

"What is that?" White Tiger slammed.

Almost at the moment when the white tiger stopped, a magical rush of the sky rushed out from the hill.

The living dead gathered on the hill, and the magic gas that was rushed out was instantly turned into a powder.

A tall black shadow, in the presence of magical gas, appeared in front of Ye Qingying and others from the bottom of the ground.

The black shadow was more than a dozen meters high, and there was a dark red flame on his body. A black armor wrapped his body.

He stood quietly in front of the skeleton of the cursed god, holding an epee with a black flame in his hands.

Like a guardian, it is on the way to the cursed god.

"What is that... a strong magic." The white tiger slightly widened his eyes, and the black armor's body was filled with strong magic.

What makes the White Tiger unbelievable is that the magic of the guy is not inferior to the little devil.

"...this... is it a god?!!"

What a joke!

The white tiger is going crazy.

In the true cemetery, how can there be a demon?

"You said that he is a demon?" Ye Qingyi gave a slight glimpse.

what's the situation?

"You look closely at the black armor on his body." White Tiger Road.

Ye Qingyan looked closely and found that the black armor wrapped in the dark red flame faintly floated some dark red totems, and the totem looks a bit familiar...

"That is the totem of the devil?"

The white tiger nodded. "This is the armor that the devil can use, but how can the demon appear here?"

Ye Qingying is also a foggy water, and when the demon of the black armor appears, the cursed god's cheekbones have no slight change, which really makes her feel incredible.

Ye Qingqi and Xiaobaihu don't know why this day's demon appeared here, and in the posture of the guardian, stood in front of the cursed god's skeleton.

(End of this chapter)