Rebirth of the Strongest Female Emperor

Chapter 193: Long Yuan (2)

Chapter 193 Long Yuan (2)

The disciple, who looks like he is in his early twenties, looks a little resolute, and his body shape is stronger than that of ordinary disciples. But at this moment, he is stunned in front of his booth, his big figure shrinks. In a group, a pair of eyes, sadness and helplessness swept through the crowds coming and going.

Ye Qingying’s gaze swept over the booth in front of the man, but this eye made her eyebrows pick up.

The disciples are not selling rare objects, just some aura crystals of different sizes.

Aura Crystal is a kind of crystal that is born with aura. In many veins, it is occasionally produced. Although there are not many, it is not rare. Aura and Stone are different, and the aura in Lingshi. It can be absorbed and transformed by human beings, but the aura inside the aura crystal is completely integrated with the whole crystal, and there is no way to extract it for cultivation.

And because the aura crystal contains the aura, so the crystal will appear a lot of crystals similar to cotton wool, those crystals entangled in the crystal, greatly affecting the aura and beauty of the aura crystal, so almost no one will produce aura crystal Any interest.

Aura crystal can't replace the role of Lingshi, and it can't be more beautiful with ordinary crystal gem. It can be said that it is very chicken.

This kind of thing should not appear in the land of Zongmen. After all, this disciple is not a prominent person.

The aura of the aura crystal is simply impossible to attract the attention of any disciple. Even when many disciples see the aura of crystal, they can't help but reveal a smile that is not meaningful.

I don't know which idiot, I actually moved this kind of thing out.

Can sell if you have a ghost!

No matter how many people walked in front of him, there was never one person to stop and look at his things.

Compared with the booth selling medicinal herbs next to him, this piece in front of him is really deserted.

The medicinal medicinal medicinal medicinal medicinal medicinal medicinal medicinal medicinal medicinal medicinal medicinal medicinal medicinal medicinal medicinal medicinal medicinal medicinal medicinal medicinal medicinal medicinal medicinal medicinal medicinal medicinal medicinal medicinal genus You said, this aura crystal no one wants, you are sitting here with this silly, it is better to pick up a few tasks, mixed points Xuan Ming points count, you are also a disciple of the boxing, mixed to sell aura crystal Too……"

The medicinal disciple seemed to be kind, but the irony in his eyes was leaking his original intention.

Tong Hua glanced at him, smiled a little, and said nothing.

He and this medicinal disciple were originally at the same time. He was of high quality and his qualifications were good in the same batch. On the contrary, he was a medicinal disciple with a low qualification. However, after a few years, he changed.

For the ridicule of the medicinal disciple, Tong Hua did not care, just silently guarding his booth, waiting for the opportunity.

This scene fell into the eyes of Ye Qingying. The taunts before the medicinal disciples remained in her ears. Her mouth could not be slightly raised, and she walked toward the booth of Tong Hua.

"This aura crystal, how to sell?"

The clear female voice was suddenly introduced into the ear, and the repressed Tong Hua looked up in a strange way, and this look, but actually let Tong Hua hold on the spot.

The beauty of the girl against the sun is not like this kind of dusty person. The smear of the corner of the mouth seems to make people drunk.

(End of this chapter)