Rebirth of the Strongest Female Emperor

Chapter 1957: Return to home (2)

Chapter 1957 is relegated (2)

Before today, the ancients may not have really realized what kind of enemy they will face.

But today, outside the canyons of the ancient Gus, they saw a strong young boy who made them feel like they were screaming, and they continued to emerge. Such strength, such a number, is not something they can compete with.

As long as the chaotic debris is on them for a day, they are bound to be chased by the ancient Gus.

This thing has become a hot potato.

It is no matter how good it is to have a life.

Many of the ancient people present at the scene have raised the same mind. They understand that the gap between themselves and the ancient family is so great that they can't stop the ancients from taking away the chaotic fragments.

Their only choice is to hand over the chaotic fragments.


Many ancient people present at the scene had had grievances with the ancient Gus, so that they would like to think of the ancients of the ancient family, and not to say whether they can pass.

I am afraid that even if they hand over the chaotic fragments to the ancient family, the ancient family will not let them go.

after all……

Today, they are just a group of ants in the eyes of the ancient Gus.

Looking at the moment, the only one that is likely to compete with the ancients of the Ghost is the Shadow Temple.

The Temple of Shadows accepted their attachment from the beginning, and did not ask for any rudeness. This kind of sentiment in the snow, the ancient people are in the eye.

Although they are not so emotional, they also know that it is definitely better to rely on the shadow temple than to rely on the ancient family.

After all, the ancients of the Shi’s family acted violently and they understood it.

Ye Qingzhen did not expect that this patriarch actually gave up the chaotic fragments himself, and it was a bit strange at a time.

"The purpose of the ancient family is to make the pieces of chaos in your hands. If you are willing to surrender, you can directly give it to the ancient family. You can also protect your whole family without worry." Ye Qing's faint opening.

The patriarch was a sudden voice: "The Lord, do you think that I will hand over the fragments of the Spirit of Chaos to protect the lives of our families?"

Ye Qing said: "No."

The patriarch smiled a bit: "The Lord thinks it is good. My family is now forced to such a situation. This fragment of chaotic spirit cannot be left, otherwise my family life will be lost to the hands of the ancient family. The Lord said, let me hand over the fragments of this chaotic spirit to the ancient family of the Hess, but it is also a method, just..."

"Rather than handing over the Fragments of Chaos to the ancient family of I, I would rather give it to the Lord."

"Why?" Ye Qing said.

"The ancients of the ancient family have always been violent, and they are more respected by the strong. Now they are so strong, my family is relying on it, and it will only be the object of being humiliated by them." The patriarch's bitter opening.

The words of the patriarch made the faces of many ancient people a little embarrassed.

Yes, handed over to the ancient family of the Hege, they may be able to save their lives, the strength of the ancients of the ancients, and the heart of the original.

They use their toes to think about what they will fall into...

That would be a humiliating situation that is worse than slaves and animals.

Each family has been inherited for tens of thousands of years, and even though it knows the time, it has the last dignity that cannot be abandoned.

If you let them live like ants, and let them trample on it, it is better to die.

(End of this chapter)