Rebirth of the Strongest Female Emperor

Chapter 2039: By the way of the other, he is also a pe

Chapter 2039 is also the way of his own (3)

The voice of the faint voice was extremely tired and weak, but when Ye Qingyi heard his voice, he was relieved.

"How are you?" asked Ye Qingyu.

There was a bitter smile in the stone, "I can't die."

"What happened on that day?" Ye Qing said.

The secluded singer told Ye Qingyi what happened on that day.

On that day, the owner of the ancient family of the Aged, tomorrow, was dissatisfied with the actions of the elders before the elders. Although not critical, the attitude was already very obvious.

The elders’ emotions are even worse, and the beginning of the alliance with the Red League is from his side. Even if the ancients feel that it is an excuse for the Red League to find, they also blame the elders for giving the opportunity to the Red League.

The elders couldn’t argue, and he vented this grievance on the secluded body.

The original news was told by the secluded sorrow, he was annoyed, directly attacked the sorrow, and moved to another place.

Listening to the meaning of the elders, he will not easily let go of the secluded, and there is no life to be quiet, it is intended to return to the sin of the past after the return of the homeowner.

The secluded priest is now imprisoned, so that there is no life worry before the home owner returns.

"Where are you? You can rest assured that I will save you." Ye Qingyi knew that his life was sorrowful and he breathed a sigh of relief.

The secluded sighs obviously, and then I said: "I was taken to the destination by them. It is like a winter night gorge near the west. They seem to be in harmony with other transferred lyrics. Two days..."

Winter night canyon?

Ye Qing’s brow furrowed slightly.

The winter night canyon is remote, and there are rumors that there used to be a place where the big demon was stationed, and few people were close.

The distribution of the forces of the ancient Gus is in the eastern region. If the news is not sent by the secluded secluded, Ye Qingyi is only afraid of one and a half moments. He will not think that the ancients of the celestial family have power in the west.

"I know, you hold on, I will save you." Ye Qing said.

There seemed to be some movement on the secluded side, and he suddenly cut off the connection.

After getting the news, Ye Qingyi immediately prepared to leave the winter night canyon.

In the winter night canyon, the team of the ancient Clan settled in the canyon, and the fire swayed.

The secluded scorpion was locked in a huge iron cage, and the look was stunned. There were countless scars on the body and the body. The whole person seemed to have only a half breath.

He quietly collected the sound stone, kneeling on the cold ground, motionless, his eyes darkly looked at a cage next to him.

In that cage, it was filled with a fleshy body.

It was a young and tender demon cub, but at this moment their skin has been peeled off, the tender flesh and blood is exposed to the air, the skin is protected, and there is a touch of it that will hurt the heart. lung.

The numbness that had already hurt, the cubs who shouted the scorpion, shivered and huddled in the cage, and they were coated with a layer of unknown powder, which allowed them to stop the blood for a while and sigh.

These days, the secluded scorpion has been locked up with them, and the breath is full of **** scent.

He saw with his own eyes how the cubs were peeled off from the living and thrown into the iron cage.

Poor those young cubs, ignorant ignorance, painful heartbreaking, hardship, no way, after being peeled off, can only look at the skins that they have been stripped of fear...

(End of this chapter)