Rebirth of the Strongest Female Emperor

Chapter 2182: Pharmaceutical Branch (2)

Chapter 2182 Pharmaceutical Branch (2)

Even if they are taken out now, they are all candidates who can make good remedies.

If you can make good friends with these teenagers, the teenagers in other branches can naturally get more medicinal herbs to help them practice.

The Thunder were originally used to being sloppy, and they were all ready to break the cans. They did not rise above the idea, but now they see hope because of Ye Qingyu’s arrival. This is in the cloud. Under the reminder of the cockroaches, the group went to the side of the drug repair branch to see if you could find a few teenagers in the drug repair branch to maintain the future drug.

Thunder, they think very well, but a pity...

The sky is not from people.

After they found a circle, students who did not have a drug repair branch were willing to pair with them.

There is no reason for this. The teenagers in the Pharmacy Branch are not idiots. The remedies in their hands are limited. Naturally, they should give priority to those excellent warriors who have a broader future.

And the Thunders... there is no one that echoes their request.

There have been rumors in Jiuyou College, and several of them will soon be driven out of Jiuyou College. They are denied by the college. There is no expectation in strength. The students in the medicine branch will naturally not waste the medicine on their hands. On the faces of several of them.

"Are you not with Yunxiao? If you want the medicine, let Yunxiao give you the refining?" The teenager of a drug repair branch was impatient and looked at the Thunder. Their eyes were like they were treated. A group of irritating flies.

As for them, I want to go to the medicine branch to match?

The fool will give the remedy to them.

In the words of the teenager, let the Thunder and others glimpse, and they subconsciously glanced at the clouds.

The smile on the face of Yunxiao is not reduced.

"Yeah, don't you have any clouds? Are you still looking for other people to do? Say it... Besides him, do you think that there will be someone here to give you the medicine?" Another teenager is not welcome. The opening road.

Nangong Lie was still very good, but the words of these two teenagers suddenly made his face sink.

He and Yunxiao recognized it before, and it was also the Jiuyou College that entered the same period. Both of them were on the other side of the Wuxiu branch. It was just because the body of Yunxiao was not good, so he switched to the drug repair.

However, the situation of Yunxiao in the drug repair branch is a bit embarrassing. The blood flow in his body makes the success rate of his refining medicine extremely low, and it is difficult to supply others.

These two people are all in the pharmacy branch. How can they not know the situation of the cloud? Now, this is a cloud, isn’t it clear that it is embarrassing?

"If you don't give it, don't give it, really think that we are rare." Nangong Lie had a hard time pulling down his face.

"It is rare, no one will give it, I advise you not to waste time here." The teenagers in the Pharmaceutical Branch sneered, then turned and left.

The Thunder also wanted to say something, but they were stopped by Nangong Lie.

"Don't bother, you can't see it, can't they see us at all?"

The juveniles in the drug repair branch have to give the drug, and they have to look at the strength of the other party. The value is not worth it.

And a few of them are the objects that these teenagers think are not worth it.

The pairing was not successful, and it was also degraded. The thunder and other people who are full of joy are not looking good on their faces.

Just as they turned and prepared to leave, they were directly loaded with a slender figure.

(End of this chapter)