Rebirth of the Strongest Female Emperor

Chapter 2389: Alternate player (1)

Chapter 2389 Alternate Players (1)

The time passed by, the progress of the college's Dabe continued to advance, and the top enchanting of the major colleges emerged in the trial of this field, and the major colleges were extremely fierce.

The Thunder did not step out of the North Building, but took the last bit of time and constantly consolidated their cultivation.

This time, the college is bigger than the past.

It is said that at the time of the first battle of Wu Xiu, the entire Qiankun City was almost destroyed by the aftermath of the battle between the two.

The boy who finally won the victory was beyond the expectations of everyone.

It’s not Xiao Yuhan of Tianwu College, nor Yin’s fall of Cangwu College. It’s actually an unknown girl who was killed by second-rate college.

It is said that the girl is already in the middle of the four heavens of God. In the final confrontation with Yin, she will directly kill Yin Air...

This result is greatly unexpected to everyone.

The entire martial arts test was carried out for half a month, and finally came to an end. Jiuyou College had to say that it was the top ten, that is, within 50, and only two or three barely entered.

The teenager who ranked second in the Jiuyou College, just sighed with a sigh of relief, stood in the end, and entered the top 20, and finally was taken back to the North Building.

"Hey, no waste." Those teenagers who were defeated and covered with scars were full of disdain and irony when they saw the Thunder and others who did not participate in the test.

"If you are not daring, don't come to the college, and the plains occupy a quota, but it makes people laugh."

"Returning to the main territory of God... is simply a group of deserters who are not planted!"

Those insults that were unbearable, were introduced into the ears of the Thunder incessantly.

In fact, as early as after Qiu Nan left, Qin Feng had already noticed that something was wrong.

Why did Qiu Nan leave, they did not ask, and occasionally bumped into Qiu Nan in the North Building, the other party directly bypassed them, just like they did not know.

The Thunder was still a bit uncomfortable at first.

When Qiu Nan was at their time, Ye Qingyi also treated the same way, teaching Qiu Nan a lot of practice methods on the martial arts, but Qiu Nan turned his head and left, and every time they were like they did wrong.

Fortunately, Qin Feng gave it down, and this did not cause anything to come.

It can be said that a few people in the eyes of other Jiuyin colleges have become street mice, and everyone looks at their eyes full of anger.

During the period, Gong Jinyun and Hang Wenwei's mentor also came to look for them. The purpose seems to be the same as that of Qiu Nan's mentor, but these two people have rejected the good intentions of the mentor.

Decided to stay until the college ended.

In this regard, the Thunder was so excited that they did not pull them on the spot.

Soon, the drug repair test that Yunxiao participated in is about to begin.

Compared with other tests, the drug repair test is much simpler and more rude.

In just one day, the results of the drug repair test have been revealed.

After Jiu You College lost in succession, finally the students successfully entered the top ten ranks.

Yunxiao and Song Yanhan entered the top ten of this drug repair ratio.

Song Yanhan ranked eighth, and Yunxiao was triumphant all the way, directly stabilizing the fifth position.

As everyone knows, Song Yanhan is a pro-disciple of Zhu Ning, and Zhu Ning is a mentor who has personally taught a master-level refining pharmacist. For Song Yanhan to be selected, there is not much surprise among others.

(End of this chapter)