Rebirth of the Strongest Female Emperor

Chapter 2601: No. 01089 unmatched (9)

Chapter 2601, No. 01089 No enemy (9)

The only two black robe men, although the position is more concealed, but Ye Qingyi still noticed.

Ye Qingxuan can be sure that the two black robes men are concerned about it.

Ye Qingxuan once read the historical record, Feng Jiu's best playmate when he was a child, was taken away by the Tianmo, used for the blood sacrifice of the demon.

The past history has already happened and can't be changed. But now, Ye Qingyi has returned to this age of incomparable age. She can watch the history reappear and remain indifferent, and can break it all.

Yes, in the end, she is only a passer in such an era. If she intervenes, will there be some chain reaction that should not exist.

If Ye Qingqi shot, it has a chain reaction, whether it is good or bad, no one can guarantee, or even, it is very likely that it will change the future era, and it will not be understood by Ye Qingzhen.

If she dares to misbehave in such a long-term era, the consequences are unimaginable. Perhaps, in the era of the future, the people who should have existed will disappear, and those who should not exist will reappear...

At this moment, Ye Qingyi looked at the innocent and innocent voice, and his brow slightly picked up. Even Ye Qingyi himself did not know how to do it.

"Ye Yue sister, you are tired, then we will go home!" Feng Wuyin wiped the sweat on his forehead because of the hot weather, and smiled at Ye Qingyu.

"Okay, go home." Ye Qingyi slightly decapitated and smirked at the seal.

Between the talks, Ye Qingying’s gaze looked at somewhere in the market, and the two black robe men who disappeared and disappeared again, and their eyes still fell on Feng Wuyin.

In fact, Ye Qingzhen could not understand why the Tianmo family, why they are staring at the sound.

There is nothing particularly special about the soundlessness, but why the gods and devils use the soundless sound to carry out the blood sacrifice.

According to common sense, even if the demon family needs to find someone to carry out a blood sacrifice, it should be to find those talented people with strong spirits.

At the moment, Ye Qing’s gaze can’t be seen by the side of the seal.

Could it be said that if there is nothing special about it, what is the special point of this, is this being ridiculed by the Heavenly Devils?

Immediately, Ye Qingying secretly runs the power of the demon to devour the blood.

The demon devours the blood and has not been running for a long time. Ye Qingyi discovered that this sound is unnatural, and it is unusual.

The sound of the soundless body is very majestic, and it is difficult for ordinary people to find out. Unless it is the blood of the gods, or the same as Feng Jiu, it has a very strong breath to see.

And Ye Qingying not only has the blood of the demon, but also the existence of the magic bead. Once you use it, you want to see the sound of silence. It is very simple.

In addition, Ye Qingying's body, but also has the existence of a sigh of relief, the year broke through the legend of the yin and yang Zhenjun, the tenth heaven, known as the realm of God, after breaking through this situation, Ye Qingyi has already acquired God Interest, but Ye Qingyi’s thoughts are relatively weak and cannot be compared with the sound of the body.

Although Ye Qingxuan did not know how this silent sound was obtained, but so far, it has been confirmed that the two black robe men must have taken a fancy to the silence of the body.

The soundlessness has a breath, and it does satisfy the blood sacrifice conditions. It is no wonder that the demon family will use the silence as a target.

(End of this chapter)