Rebirth of the Strongest Female Emperor

Chapter 355: Bright and bright forging (1)

Chapter 355 Bright and Bright Forging (1)

The old man looked at Ye Qing’s action like this, and shook his head slightly disappointing. He turned and walked aside. When other forgings saw the old man, his eyes clearly showed a fear, just On the surface, but for the disclosure, still concentrate on the forging in their hands.

Ye Qingxuan looked at the **** sword's blade a little bit burnt red, and suddenly concentrated his mental power on his eyes, until she found a red light in the red, she immediately took out the **** sword , placed on the forging table.

瞅On time, a few aura crystals that have been prepared for a long time are clipped with iron tongs and set in the middle of the red-hot sword!

The few aura crystals were carefully selected by her, and the characteristics of the aura in the **** sword are fully consistent.

The old man who walked to the distance, faintly swept over, his brows could not help but wrinkle slightly.

He recognized that Ye Qingying was inlaid on the sword, and it was aura crystal. For this reason, his brow was not deeper than the wrinkles.


Aura crystal, this is the chicken ribs, the sword in her hand is not bad, but this girl, actually do not know the weight, random inlay, this is to destroy the breath of the sword.

"A good sword is really a waste." The old man shook his head.

At the moment, the swordsmanship of Jianlingfang also saw the old man's place. He quickly came over and hurriedly saluted. The old man raised his hand slightly and stopped his actions.

The palm of the hand secretly sighed, following the old man's gaze, looking at the direction of Ye Qingyi, when he saw Ye Qing's move, the brow could not help but wrinkle.

"With a crystal of aura, inlaid with a blade, is it not the destruction of the sword itself? This disciple is too chaotic."

"Look at the age of the girl is not big, but it is to ruin a good sword, you go to say, let her stop." The old man frowned.

The slightest nod of the matter, just want to go to Ye Qingyan.

But see Ye Qingzhen just finished the inlay, directly put the reddish blade, as the water cools.

The sound of the sizzling sounded instantly.

The misty mist filled the air.

The old man saw this and could not help but shake his head.

The sword has been forged, and it is too late to stop it. I am afraid that it will not be saved.

The person who is in charge is also quite speechless.

However, when Ye Qingyi took the inlaid **** sword out of the water, the sword was covered with a red light!

"What happened?" The old man squinted and looked at the red light floating above the blade, his eyes changed.

If the sword can only be counted as good before, then now... but it is completely comparable to the weapon of the gods!

He has also been stunned by the fact that he has been forging for many years and has never been in this situation.

The eyes of the two men solidified instantly, but Ye Qingyi was unaware.

She looked at the **** sword in her hands, and with a sweaty face, she immediately picked up a smile.


She had no spiritual roots in her previous life, and it was difficult to improve her skills. She spent a lot of effort on the side, whether it was alchemy or forging. As long as she could improve her combat effectiveness, she would study hard and hard.

And this forging, she spent nearly a hundred years in her previous life.

Not to mention the side, in terms of her current forging ability, I am afraid that I have already covered many famous forging masters.

Still 30,000 Xuan Ming points?

If she had no place to forge, then a thousand Xuan Ming points were too lazy to give.

Today's eight chapters, the daily update of the replenishment has ended, what?

(End of this chapter)