Rebirth of the Strongest Female Emperor

Chapter 866: Jiang's blood

Chapter 866 Jiang's blood

The gnome brows a slight glimpse, looking at the spirit, hesitating for a moment, and finally said: "His Royal Highness, this ... I am afraid it is not very good, the strength of the ancient cloud is strong, if I secretly protect, it can be, can... If you let Ye girl face it..."

Hearing this statement, Ling Yan is faint: "So, you think, I do it like this, it seems that there is something wrong."

"Don't dare!"

The gnome was alone on one knee.

"In terms of her causal life, there will be no end in the future... If, just the flowers in the greenhouse, without any polishing, lost their own strength, even if it is me, can not change their destiny... You know How many children of the strong have died." Ling Yandao.

"The subordinates know that ... the strong children, once there is any problem, those strong will immediately come out to solve ... lead to the child's mediocrity and incompetence, once the strong leave, it is when they die."

The gnome sighed, and he saw too much of this kind of thing, just like the child of his older brother.

"Nature, Ye girl is not such a person... Moreover, Ye girl is very strong, perhaps, stronger than you, I imagine... In the future, even my life and death, perhaps will be in her hands, your worry, too Excess." Ling Yan waved his sleeves and walked forward.


At this moment, Ye Qingxuan and the windless, ancient Tianhe, Li Bingxue three, walked toward the depths of the forest.

Not long after, a figure appeared above the void, and there was no such thing.

"That is... Ye You?"

At a glance, Ye Qingyi recognized Ye You.

"I didn't expect that Ye You also came..." Li Bingxue looked over the void and snorted.

“Li Shimei knows Ye You?” asked Ye Qingyu.

Since the last time he was punished from Aphrodite, Ye You was like a human being. Until this time, the dragon's veins appeared again.

However, what makes Ye Qingqi curious is how many people Li Bingxue knows Ye Ye...

"Who is Ye You? Li Shimei, how can I not know?"

Gu Tianhe inexplicably looked at Li Bingxue, but the wind is not swaying but the same expression, the two have never heard of Ye You.

Immediately, Li Bingxue had a mysterious opening: "Jing Duandian’s granddaughter..."

Heard the name of Jiang Duantian, the wind is not swaying and the ancient Tianhe is a shock.

Jiang Duantian, the first domain of the contemporary domain king, the martial art strength is unprecedented, is the super hegemon of the famous one.

"No, Jiang Duantian has no daughter, where is the granddaughter?" Gu Tianhe frowned.

"That's not clear, anyway, I accidentally heard the president talking to an old man." Li Bingxue said.

At this moment, Ye Qingyi was caught in meditation.

For Ye You’s identity, Ye Qing, who is a human being, is naturally known.

Jiang Jia, the first surname of Jiang in the central mainland, Jiang Diantian did have a daughter in the same year, obsessed with the practice of space array.

At that time, Jiang Duantian’s daughter, when arranging the space array method, because of some mistakes, the space array method actually crossed the sub-wall of this continent, came here, and met one of the elders of Ye Jiada, also the father of Ye You. Ye Hao.

After the combination of the two, this gave birth to Ye You.

Ye You body, with the blood of the Jiang family, can be sensed by the Jiang family, but the first time the wall is isolated from the blood.

After the wall of the Dimension was broken, I was afraid that the Jiang family sensed the blood of Ye You in the first time, and recognized her back and took over the Central Dynasty.

(End of this chapter)