Rebirth of the Strongest Mental Power In the Interstellar

Chapter 12: Meet me (1) [seeking collection]

Nan Ming knew from his expression that he was really angry this time, "Why? Then Dad will help you teach him well, and you can tell me what bad things he has done."

Nan Yu pondered for a while and then said solemnly, "Dad, I think you know the way I get along with him in the past."

The three of them were silent for a while, because they did know that Bai Zhouyun, an intermediate ability player, was still an intermediate and he was dying, and because they had a marriage contract with Nan Yu, they told Nan Yu It's not good at all, it seems that they are not afraid of their Nan family regretting their marriage.

Nan Ming felt angry every time he saw Bai Zhouyun. How could such a stinky boy be worthy of his little son?

It's not that their Nan family looks down on the Bai family. It's just that Bai Zhouyun, a kid who is a few kilograms, basically everyone knows that basically everyone is complaining about the Nan family.

Of course, it's hard to say how many of them want to kick Bai Shiyun up to the top.

Nan Ming, "I can't bear it this time?"

He did not directly ask what happened, he was afraid that Nan Yu would be embarrassed to say it, after all...

Nan Yu didn’t realize his father’s feelings, and said directly, “I chose to forgive him for those things that I didn’t mean that I didn’t care about it, but that I didn’t need to care about it, but my generosity made him gradually become This is as it should be."

"As long as I am angry, he will say that I am abusive, as long as I am dissatisfied with him, he will say that I am difficult to serve. Is he the one who grew up spoiled by the Bai family? Do I still need me to be a spiritual man to spoil him with a supernatural power?

It's a joke!

Of course, he didn't mean that people with mental powers can't aim at superpowers, but this kind of petting is also two-way, right?

"He actually hugged Yun Feiyu in front of me this time, and he didn't put me in his eyes! Wait and see, I definitely won't marry such a supernatural person!"

"I actually thought it was me who misunderstood. I was too caressed. If I speak and apologize well, I won't be like this. They all think that this is all my caressing fault, my attitude is wrong, and I'm really angry!"

Nan Yu's remarks made the three Nan family father and son suddenly feel a depression in their hearts, thinking about breaking out.

"This brat really did this to you? Not on your side?"

This time Nan Yu said this extreme because it made the three of them know the truth, so that even if they weren't with Bai Zhouyun in the future, they wouldn't be too surprised.

But looking at them, it seems that they have been dissatisfied with Bai Zhouyun from a long time ago. Now that they see their attitude, are they still happy to see it?

Seeing that his goal was achieved, Nan Yu did not continue to say bad things about Bai Zhouyun. He knew very well the feelings between his father and two elder brothers towards him. If it was really stimulated, he might go directly to Bai's family to beat people. .

This is not what he expected to see.

He calmed down, "Anyway, I won't take the initiative to apologize this time. Besides... Forget it, let's see what his attitude is."

Hearing what he said, Nan Ming, Nan Yun, and Nan Zhen had thoughts of going to the Bai's family to beat people before they stopped. It must be said that Nan Yu had a good grasp of their three ideas.

"Then first see if this stinky boy is sincere."

Nan Ming didn't say what would happen if he was not sincere. Anyway, if Bai Zhouyun was really not worthy of trust, even if he offended the old man Bai, he would not hesitate.

Moreover, the emperor should never take care of the Bai family's household affairs, as long as he doesn't take the initiative to make trouble for the Bai family.

Everyone is a little jealous of the Bai family, but Nan Ming doesn't care about so much, it's his favorite young son, so he must carefully consider it.

Soon Zhenfeng Pavilion arrived.

The four of them talked and laughed and walked to the gate. After Nan Ming showed his identity certificate, their family was taken to a private room by a waiter.

Nan Ming, "I ordered a good meal when I fixed the location before. You can just bring it over."

Waiter, "Okay, guest, please wait a moment."

After speaking, the waiter left, but just as he was about to close the door after he went out, a drunk man suddenly rushed in and closed his eyes and shouted, "I'm back! Come on, beauty, Let’s kiss..."

Everyone, "..."

Nan Yu and Nan Ming didn’t know this person, but Nan Yun and Nan Zhen knew him. This person was an intermediate-level supernatural being. Like Bai Xiyun, he stayed in the Capital Star Royal Military Academy with his family, but he also shared with Bai Xiyun. The same is an intermediate ability player.

There are a total of six grades in the college. The first to third grades are all mid-level abilities, which means that you need to reach the mid-level level for admission.

To upgrade to the fourth grade is actually to reach the level of a high-level ability player to upgrade to the fourth grade, but there are exceptions, like Bai Shiyun.

This person can be said to be the person who can speak best for Bai Zhouyun except for the two brothers Yun Feiyu and Yun Feiqiao.

Nan Yun's face was extremely bad, "You still want to take him out?"

The waiter hurriedly waved to the outside, and soon two waiters in the same clothes came over, one on each side, dragging the two arms of the person and leaving the private room.

Before being dragged away, he kept shouting, "What are you doing? Do you know who Lao Tzu is?!"

Nan Yu feels that this person is still very powerful, because not many people have the guts to play wild in the treasure pavilion, so there is a high probability that he will be thrown out instead of being sent to the original box.

And the facts are like this. After this person was dragged out, he was directly ordered by the manager who rushed to throw it out with a calm face. Anyway, behind their treasured pavilion is the emperor, whoever wants to move them must first see who is behind.

He also knew this person. He was the only child of the Song family, a small family with a little status in Capital Star. Because both parents are only children, and they only have one child, they have been spoiled since childhood.

Now it really has grown into a garbage full of five poisons.

Some garbage can be sorted, recycled, and recycled, but this garbage is equivalent to the kind that is thrown outside and there is no garbage recycling station.

Total waste.

When Song Xingyu came back to his senses, he realized that his body hurts, "Who dares to hit me!"

He swayed and supported the ground and slowly sat up, just sitting on the street outside and cursing. Although he recovered, he was not sober yet. He sat there constantly cursing the street.

The people passing by all looked at him with strange eyes, and those who came to Zhenfeng Pavilion could actually be regarded as people with a head and face, so it is reasonable to have someone who knows him.

In the end, someone from the Song family informed the Song family about the incident, and the Song family’s talents came and took Song Xingyu away, so that he would not continue to be embarrassed here.

After Song Xingyu was dragged away, it was finally a lot quieter here.

Nan Yu then asked, "By the way, Dad, second brother said how many people are coming here to see people, who are you here to see?"