Rebirth of the Strongest Tycoon

v1 Chapter 128: Can earn 100 million!

In the new week, "Jiuding Daily" directly announced the total sales of "Economy" magazine.

After the announcement of a number of 1 to 0, the entire press in Hong Kong and Southeast Asia was completely silent.

This is an extremely brilliant number, and it is also a number that makes them feel deeply powerless. For Jiuding Newspaper Company, they have completely extinguished the idea of ​​surpassing it. This is not a number they can achieve.

One million magazines are sold at a high price of 2.5 Hong Kong dollars each, which is so much higher than the price of their newspapers that I don’t know where it is. They can still sell one million copies. The average daily sales of 142,800 copies is also more than that. How do they compare the daily sales volume of Hong Kong’s third "Ming Pao"?

What's more, the most important foundation of Jiuding Newspaper Company is the "Jiuding Daily". The total daily sales volume on the latest day reached 800,000 copies, which is another figure that makes them admire.

"Jiuding Daily" has set a new record of newspaper sales in Southeast Asia and Hong Kong time and time again, and the dominant position is becoming increasingly indestructible!

In addition to "Jiuding Daily" and "Economics" magazines, don’t forget that Jiuding Newspaper Company also published "Xun Qin Ji". After accumulating sales this week, the total sales of "Xun Qin Ji" also exceeded one million sets, reaching One hundred and fifty thousand sets, two volumes add up to 2.1 million copies.

The company's total sales reached 6.2 million. Xia Yu's contribution fees and the company's gross profit add up to more than 3 million, and this number will continue to increase with subsequent sales.

The only pity is that not all the users who bought the book have turned into the support of the "Jiuding Daily". It is estimated that some of them are passersby fans or readers who lack compulsiveness and patience in reading books.

In the second week, the second issue of "Economics" magazine was released again, and the cumulative total sales dropped by a large amount in a week to only 680,000 copies, which is 20,000 copies short of the 700,000 copies expected by Xia Yu. , But it also exceeded his expectations of 600,000 copies, and Xia Yu was also very satisfied.

The next thing to do is to stabilize the 680,000 subscriptions, and then continue to find ways to increase sales!

During this period of time, Jiuding Newspaper Company once again held an advertising space bidding meeting, and the results were very gratifying!

Holding the "Jiuding Daily", which covers the entire Southeast Asia and Omen of Hong Kong, with a daily sales of 800,000 copies, and considering that a newspaper is definitely not limited to one person, the impact of the crowd can definitely exceed one million.

There is also a weekly "Economic" magazine with sales of 680,000 copies, covering more than 680,000 people, and this group of people is still a group of people with high spending power and high commercial value, which is the favorite high-quality user group of advertisers.

And these two platforms have achieved the first! And far ahead!

With these two platforms in hand, advertisers are waving checks towards Jiuding Newspaper Company in order to grab those rare advertising resources.

Because of the scarcity of resources, the enthusiasm for the competition is astonishing. The competition in the bidding is fierce, and the price of each advertising space is so high that Yan Wenhan, who is hosting the bidding, can't keep his mouth closed.

Finally, according to statistics, the advertising revenue of "Jiuding Daily" this month reached 3.6 million, more than three times the advertising revenue of the first month of one hundred and ten thousand!

The advertising revenue of 3.6 million, divided by the daily sales of 800,000 copies, the average monthly advertising value of each newspaper is 4.5 Hong Kong dollars, and the daily advertising value is 0.15 Hong Kong dollars, which is not too high.

But thinking about this month later, the daily sales of "Jiuding Daily" are more than three times as high as before. It is not surprising that there are such high advertising revenues!

Of course, the advertising spaces in this auction are all fixed advertising spaces. In addition to these fixed advertising spaces, "Jiuding Daily" also has other active advertising spaces that can be * such as rich adverts!

Directly let "Jiuding Daily" write a soft article and put it in a position with high exposure rate. This kind of advertising value is also extremely high, of course, the advertising fee is not much lower.

However, this kind of soft text needs to take into account the specific circumstances before receiving the order, and it should not appear too frequently, which will affect the user's reading experience, so it will not be placed in the advertising bidding meeting to attract investment.

Therefore, the monthly advertising income of 3.6 million Hong Kong dollars is not the final income, and the advertising income will definitely only be high or low in one month!

The advertising revenue of "Economics" magazine also exploded, and more than "Jiuding Daily"!

According to the design of Jiuding Newspaper Company, an "Economy" magazine has a total of 40 pages. In addition to the official copy of the external order, the fixed advertising space on each page and the advertising space on the first and last cover pages add up. Scary, more than twice that of "Jiuding Daily"!

However, despite the large number of advertising spaces, "Economics" magazine has too special status, and its sales and influence are too strong. As a result, there are too many advertisers to grab, and there are still too many monks and porridges, and all of them are robbed.

Because "Economics" magazine is a weekly issue, unlike the daily issue of "Jiuding Daily", it has ample time to receive and arrange advertisements. Therefore, the advertising charging model of "Economics" magazine is also different. It is once a week instead of "Jiuding Daily" once a month like that!

Because the first issue of "Economics" magazine did not receive advertisements, it started from the "Second Issue", and there is no journal in Southeast Asia and the Omen area of ​​Hong Kong that can compare with "Economics" magazine, even the sales volume exceeds There are no 100,000 copies, so there is no way to compare value of each advertising space is not easy to determine.

For this reason, Xia Yu directly ordered Yan Wenhan to bid directly for each advertising space in the first "Economic" magazine advertising bidding. The highest bidder won the bid, and the winning bid price also became the reference price for the next issue.

Starting from the next issue, the form of receiving advertisements in "Economics" magazine will be richer and more convenient, that is, Jiuding Newspaper Company directly sells each advertising space at a clear price. Whichever you want to buy, you don't have to worry about it. Came over to bid for advertising space once a week.

It can be said that Jiuding Newspaper Company is also very considerate to serve customers!

Because the "Economic" magazine has too many pages and many advertising spaces, the second issue of advertising revenue reached 1.8 million!

Divided by the sales of 680,000 copies, the advertising revenue per issue per issue is 2.65 Hong Kong dollars, which is much higher than the 0.15 Hong Kong dollars per issue of Jiuding Daily!

But think about the number of advertising spaces in "Economics" magazine and the value of users. In fact, the value is not high!

You must know that each issue of the magazine lasts for seven days. If you add up the seven-day advertising revenue of Jiuding Daily, there is also an advertising revenue of 1.05 Hong Kong dollars. The actual difference is not big!

The advertising revenue of one issue of "Economics" magazine is 1.8 million, and 52 issues can be issued a year. Even if the sales of "Economics" magazine no longer increase, as long as the advertising space is sold every time, then The fixed advertising revenue can reach nearly 94 million Hong Kong dollars!

Coupled with the monthly advertising revenue of "Jiuding Daily" of at least 3.6 million Hong Kong dollars, it can reach 43 million Hong Kong dollars in one year!

Adding the two together, in an ideal state, Jiuding Newspaper can exceed 100 million in advertising revenue a year, reaching 137 million Hong Kong dollars!

It is definitely a shocking number!

Exposure will definitely scare colleagues to death!