Rebirth of the Strongest Tycoon

v1 Chapter 225: Country boy rushes to the city

Liao Wei is also a manga fan. He is now studying at Diocesan Boys' School, which happens to be in Xia Ming's class next door.

A few days ago, the small group that Xia Ming belonged to had a copy of "Friends Manke", but his eyes were bad. He was fortunate to ask one of them to borrow it once, and he was taken back less than half of it.

But even though he only saw half of it, the comics in it had completely aroused his interest.

It’s just that the fame of the "Milk Manke" magazine quickly spread throughout Diocesan Boys' School, but there are only more than ten comic magazines, and more and more people want to borrow them, and he can't borrow them later.

He went to borrow with hope again and again, but returned again and again in disappointment, which made him feel uncomfortable, who desperately wanted to know the next plot.

Especially some people have already seen it and always get together to discuss passion, but he never sees it. Every time he goes to listen to their discussion, not only does not understand anything, but he gets hooked and scratched with the cat in his heart. It seems very uncomfortable.

Fortunately, he got a piece of news from Xia Ming that excited him, that it would be officially released in a few days.

For this reason, he goes to the bookstore in front of the school every day when he goes to school and asks to make sure that he can buy the comic magazine "Milk Manke" as soon as possible.

Then he saw the poster posted on the wall of the bookstore. The owner of the bookstore gave him another clear message that everyone can get the comic magazine "Milk Manke" on the event date, and the first issue is completely free, but Only one copy per person!

It's finally time to wait!

The news made him excited all night. Last night, he suffered from insomnia for the first time, and it was not until the early morning that he could not hold back falling asleep.

But when the alarm clock rang this morning, even though he was too sleepy to open his eyes, he still jumped out of the bed with great power, washed quickly, and had no time to eat breakfast, so he rushed to school.

Coming to the entrance of the school, Liao Wei ran into the bookstore in five steps and three steps, and asked with anticipation: "Boss, is "Milk Manke" here?"

After seeing Liao Wei, the owner of the bookstore smiled and took out a brand-new "Milk Manke" magazine from under the table, and handed it to him under the excited and expectant look of Liao Wei, "Here you!"

Seeing the comic magazine that I thought about day and night, Liao Wei quickly took it and said happily, "Thank you, boss!"

"Boss, give you money!"

With that, Liao Wei took out the money from his pocket and handed it to the bookstore owner.

Unexpectedly, the bookstore owner didn’t pick it up, but said with a smile: “Take it, I said yesterday that this first issue of comic magazines is free, but the second issue will be charged from next week. This is 3 Hong Kong dollars!"

Hearing this from the bookstore owner, Liao Wei was grateful and thankful, then opened the comic and read it, he was not prepared to enter school so quickly.

Seeing Liao Wei's obsession, the bookstore owner was in a good mood, and this customer was stabilized!

Although the money was confiscated in this issue, he can make money from Liao Wei in every subsequent issue of "Milky Way" magazine, that's the big head!

Moreover, Liao Wei is not a special case. In the past few days, many students like Liao Wei ran to his store to ask about the news of "Military Manke" magazine. Those students will be loyal readers of "Military Manke" throughout the school. In the case of his own bookstore nearby, isn't it the only way to buy from him in the future?

Thinking of this, the bookstore owner was in a good mood and happily handed out copies of "Milk Manke" comic magazines to the students who came to inquire.

Even as long as the students who enter his bookstore, even if they don’t ask, he will take the initiative to give him a copy of "Milk Manke", hoping to attract readers for "My Manke" and make more customers in the future.

Xia Ming’s school was because he sent a lot of comics to his classmates. As a result, the news had spread. The students took the initiative to find comics in the bookstore.

However, students in other schools did not know that there is a free "Military Manke" comic collar today.

But it doesn’t matter. Every owner who runs a bookstore in front of the school basically knows those students, which students often buy books in their store, what kind of books they buy, and which students like to read comics, they know in mind.

So as long as those bookstore owners see which students have entered the bookstore, they will guide them to look at the event posters posted at the door of the bookstore, telling them that they can receive the comic magazine "Milky Way" today.

For this reason, bookstores in front of other schools also send out comic magazines in large quantities on this day.

These pictures mainly took place in Omentai Province and Southeast Asian countries.

But in the island country, the situation is not good. After all, "Fengyun Daily" has little influence in the island country. So far, it has sold less than 10,000 copies, and almost all subscribers are Chinese. These Chinese have one characteristic, that is Generally, they are relatively old, even if they see the news of the comics of "Military Manke", they are still indifferent.

They are not interested!

And the influence of Jiuding companies in island countries is very small!

No way, the island country is not its own territory after all. Although the distribution channels are well laid out, but the right to speak is not enough, so many things are inconvenient to do. In order to send out more comics as much as possible, Xia Yu can only use money. .

On the one hand, it hired a large number of temporary workers to distribute the comic magazine "Zhiyin Manke" at the entrance of major middle and elementary schools; on the other hand, rented the most conspicuous location in major bookstores for publicity, and then spent a lot of money to put advertisements on island TV stations.

It can be said that Xia Yu tried his best to promote.

Of course, these cartoons sent to the island country are directly printed by the printing plant of the island country branch.

Jiuding Animation Co., Ltd. has established a branch in the island country, as well as a printing factory. The comics sold in the island country have been dailyized by the company's translators, and there will be no situations that readers cannot understand.

The fanfare of "Friends Manke" in the island country is naturally seen by the island country's comics industry.

However, in the comics industry, people in island countries have a lot of self-confidence. Compared with the markets in island countries, the comic market in Hong Kong and Southeast Asia is like a remote country.

Large-scale comic clubs such as Xiaoxueguan, Jiyingsha, Baiquansha, etc., did not take Jiuding Animation Co., Ltd. into consideration.

Now a young man from the countryside does not know how high the world is, and spends a huge amount of money to make a breakthrough in the island country's comics industry. This thought and behavior makes them feel ridiculous.

Really think that the island country comic industry is so easy to enter?

Many businessmen from their American fathers have coveted the island comic market, but not all have failed!

Even American fathers can't rush into their market, and people in their places will naturally not be regarded by them.

As for the big country on the opposite side, they admitted that they had learned from the big country on the opposite side 10 or 20 years But after a decade or two of development, the island country’s comics industry has undergone earth-shaking changes long ago, and the opposite country The animation industry is declining, and it can't be spread abroad.

This situation has caused the island country’s comics industry to despise the comics industry of other countries and regions.

So for the actions of Jiuding Animation Co., Ltd., they basically have the mentality of watching jokes.

Just waiting for Jiuding Animation Co., Ltd. to exit!

Are the facts as they think?

If Xia Yu knew the general idea of ​​the island country's comics industry, he would sneer again and again!

The vigorous and vigorous free delivery operation of the comic magazine "Zhiyin Manke" lasted for a week before it ended. When the results were calculated, the entire company was a sensation!

The number of deliveries can definitely apply for the Guinness World Records!

The number has reached...