Rebirth of the Strongest Tycoon

v1 Chapter 234: Manke House

This word naturally spread to Xia Dahai's ears, which made Xia Dahai feel bad for a while. In the end, he didn't even see his home, and at most he had contact with some of his relatives. But now that Xia Yu is ready to let go and help his uncle, mother has other relatives who are a little farther away, so it's hard to refuse if he asks to come.

Xu Zhong, a relative of his father's side, has a small number of snobs and white-eyed wolves, and there are still many relatives who are honest.

Having decided to arrange work for his cousin and uncle, Xia Yu wondered how to arrange it.

He does not want to arrange relatives into his core company, which will cause a lot of unnecessary troubles, and it is also easy to breed corruption problems and affect the management and development of the company.

How many grass-roots rich people in the past have stuffed their relatives and friends into the company, and how many end up in the end?

Xia Yu has seen **** incidents such as fighting for power, corruption, occupying the magpie's nest, and rebelling against customers.

Therefore, it is impossible for him to get confused and arrange his relatives into his core company and control his rights.

Unless it is something that is not important, even if something goes wrong, it will have no effect on him.

Suddenly, Xia Yu thought of the toy factory that his uncle was talking about. He asked, "Uncle, what's the situation with that toy factory?"

Chen Liang didn’t know why Xia Yu asked this. He thought about it and said, “This toy factory is called Minghong Toy Factory. It mainly makes stuffed toys and modeling toys. There are 158 workers in the Jiulong Industrial Park. The original development was fine, but after the old factory director’s son came, he said that he had received a large order from the US and he took a loan to replace the machine to expand production. Unexpectedly, the toy was made, but the order was yellow. Now the entire toy The factory is shut down."

Xia Yu's heart moved, thinking about sending someone to investigate whether this toy factory has acquisition value, and if so, it will be acquired. It happens that he needs a toy factory to produce comic peripheral products.

And after the acquisition, it will definitely be expanded, and at that time you can also recruit workers from your hometown. It is better than relatives fishing for a living.

Moreover, my uncle and cousin were also doing this job, so they continued to do it, and they didn't adapt to the new job.

At the same time, this is also good for Xia Yu. After all, it is only a toy factory, at the bottom of the industry chain. Even if something happens to him in the future because of too many relatives, it will not have any impact on him.

Thinking about it this way, buying a toy factory and arranging work for relatives. The relatives of the father and mother are treated equally. No one can have an opinion. It is a complementary effect to his career. It can be described as the best of both worlds.

After thinking about it, Xia Yu smiled, looked at his uncle's family, and nodded: "Uncle, I will definitely help with this. You can just wait for my news. You and your cousin will have a good deal of work for at most one week."

As Xia Yu's words fell off, both his uncle's family, Xia Dahai and Chen Mei's couple all smiled.

"A Yu, don't be in a hurry, you don't have to be in a week when you look at the arrangement, your business is important, you should be busy with your business first."

Although Chen Liang was very happy because Xia Yu agreed to help, he also knew that Xia Yu had a lot of things, so he quickly stated his attitude so that Xia Yu didn't have to worry.

Now that Xia Yu has said it, this kind of thing can naturally be done, and their hearts can be put down, and they don't care whether it is a week or a half month.

Xia Yu smiled, and didn't continue to talk about it. He decided to do it in his heart, there was no need to go into such details.

Later, Xia Yu talked about other things with his uncle's family.

In the evening, the uncle's family also stayed at Xia Yu's house and left early the next morning.

And Xia Yu didn't stay at home much, and went to Jiuding Animation Co., Ltd. by car.

The results of the second issue of "Military Manke" comic magazine have been released. Today is the first day of sales of the third issue of "Military Manke".


"Tengdong, have the sales statistics of last week come out?"

After finding Ma Tengdong, Xia Yu went straight to the topic.

"Boss, the statistics have been calculated. The total sales volume of the second issue of "Zhiyin Manke" is 630,000 copies. The detailed table is here."

As Ma Tengdong said, he took out the prepared statistical table from the drawer and handed it to Xia Yu, who took it and looked at it.

A total of 160,000 copies were sold in Hong Kong and Macau, 100,000 copies in Taiwan, and 150,000 copies in Southeast Asian countries, so the total Chinese version totaled 410,000 copies.

In the island country, the sales volume was 220,000 copies. Compared with the 400,000 copies that were given out for free before, the reader retention rate reached 55%.

The retention rate of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan is 39%.

The lowest are Southeast Asian countries, with a retention rate of only 20%!

After thinking about it, Xia Yu figured it out. The island country has the highest market. That's because the comics market has been developed, the island country’s economy is also developed, and readers have money to buy comics.

The most important thing is that the quality of "Zhiyin Manke" is very high, it is worth buying!

However, Southeast Asian countries are mainly economically inferior to Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, so the low retention rate can be explained.

The economic level of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan is pretty good, especially the local comics industry in Hong Kong has just been cleaned up. Xia Yu is completely eating alone, so sales will naturally not be low!

"Tengdong, good work, stabilize this sales, and strive to reach new highs!"

Xia Yu put down the statistics table, looked at Ma Tengdong with appreciation and said.

630,000 copies are already a good start. Although the overall retention rate is 34%, the retention rate will definitely be much higher if you remove those who bought newspapers and don’t read comics.

"The boss can rest assured, I will continue to work hard!" Ma Tengdong said with a smile on his face.

"By the way, boss, there are already many merchants who want to authorize us to produce peripheral products, and I haven't agreed to it temporarily."

Suddenly thinking of something, Ma Tengdong said immediately.

Xia Yu smiled faintly: "I also want to tell you this."

Ma Tengdong lifted his spirits and looked at Xia Yu with some expectation and said, "Boss, please tell me."

"Peripheral products are the most profitable, and authorized production is the most normal business, but now our comics have only just been released, and the market has not yet developed, so it is not suitable for authorization. We must first set a standard!"

Xia Yu said slowly, Ma Tengdong nodded in agreement. This was also his concern, so he did not agree to authorize.

"When you are in an island country, you should know that whether it is Xiaoxueguan or Shueisha, they have their own flagship stores around them, and we also have them. We must eat most of the profits from the peripheral products."

Xia Yu narrowed his eyes and said lightly, but his tone was beyond doubt.

The surrounding flagship store is a bit like the experience store of later generations of Apple, which only sells company-related peripheral products, which can cultivate user loyalty and also make a lot of profits.

Similarly, this kind of peripheral flagship store can also sell comics and magazines, whether it will be published in the future, or the comics that have been sold, can be sold in it. This enriches the company’s distribution channels and not only allows Jiuding Animation Co., Ltd. A good grasp of the market context can also enhance the right to speak before the channel business.

After all, when Jiuding Animation Co., Ltd. has its own retail stores directly under its control, other distributors are more likely to bow their heads.

Therefore, the benefits of establishing surrounding flagship stores are enormous.

Ma Tengdong nodded in agreement, thought for a while and said, "The boss, what is the name of our surrounding flagship store?"

Xia Yu thought for a while, and slowly said: "Let’s call Manke’s Home. Readers are our customers. The surrounding flagship stores are for them. In the future, we must operate seriously and strive to make Manke’s Home the No. Two homes."

Ma Tengdong's eyes lit up, and he clapped his hands and praised: "This name is good, the home of comics, the home of comic lovers, take the last two words of our comic magazine, it is easy to remember and appropriate, and it can cultivate readers' loyalty."

Although Ma Tengdong was suspected of flattering, Xia Yu was still useful, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but bend a curve.

"Tengdong, you make a detailed plan, and at the same time set up the direct management department of Manke House. My request is to open ten Manke Houses in the first phase, one in each of the three places in Hong Kong, one in Omen, and one in the north and south of Taiwan. One, three in the island country, and one in Singapore in Southeast Asia. You need to check the location of the store. These flagship stores will also be responsible for the task of copying and opening the store in the future. The design of the scene in the store must be closed."


Ma Tengdong nodded seriously and said that he had written it down.

"The boss, we still lack supporting factories to produce peripheral products, what are your plans?"

"Our own factory produces!"

Xia Yu said without hesitation that with his own factory and more people working for him, his influence will naturally be greater. Moreover, with his own factory, he can not only control quality but also make more profits.

"This is what I want to tell you. There is a Minghong Toy Factory in the Jiulong Industrial Park. You send someone to investigate it and see if it can be acquired if it is appropriate."

"I will give you the money for the construction of Manke House and the money for the acquisition of the toy factory. My requirement is only one that is both efficiency and quality, understand?"

Xia Yu looked at Ma Tengdong solemnly and said.


Ma Tengdong answered loudly with joy.

To be honest, the Jiuding Newspaper Company spent at least 36 million Hong Kong dollars. After the news of the massive acquisition was exposed, Ma Tengdong felt envious in his heart.

But he also knew that it was because Jiuding Newspaper had a solid foundation and could digest the acquired company.

However, Jiuding Animation Co., Ltd., which he manages, has just started. The foundation has not yet been established, and the market has not yet been taken over. It is impossible to say that it will acquire other companies to grow itself.

I just didn't expect that within a few days of envy, the boss gave him such a big task and provided funds. How could this not make him happy.

Ma Tengdong has secretly made up his mind to do these things well and let the boss see that he will never waste a penny. Maybe the boss will provide funds to accelerate the animation company's take-off.