Rebirth of the Strongest Tycoon

v3 Chapter 1063: Seems to have found a treasure

Although the various decorations inside the special train are top-notch, the railways in the 1980s are indeed inferior to later generations, and it is really annoying to stay on the train for a long time.

Fortunately, the train did not need to stop for the whole journey, so it took 18 hours. At about 12 noon the next day, the train arrived at Guodu Railway Station.

As soon as Xia Yu got off the train, he was warmly welcomed on the platform by Director Liu Zhihe and others who had been waiting for a long time.

"Mr. Xia, you are welcome to come to Guodu again. The bumpy train made you suffer. Please forgive me!"

Xia Yu shook hands with Liu Zhihe, and Feng Qingyun smiled lightly: "Everything I suffer is from a poor family. The train is much more comfortable than the boat I took when I was young."

"I want to say forgive me. I'm really embarrassed to ask you to pick me up on another trip."

Liu Zhihe hurriedly said: "Mr. Xia, you are our distinguished guest. We should give you the highest reception. Now the conditions here are simple, so you don't want to blame it."

"No, no..."

After a few simple greetings, the feeling of strangeness that hadn't been seen in two years gradually melted away.

Liu Zhihe asked Xia Yu to get on the bus, and the convoy went to the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse where Xia Yu stayed two years ago.

After Xia Yu had a perfect lunch, Xia Yu took a walk in the garden of the Diaoyutai State Guest House, while Liu Zhihe accompanied Xia Yu.

"Mr. Xia, the meeting time is set at 9:30 tomorrow morning. Do you have any plans for this afternoon? If so, please tell me, and I will make every effort to arrange it."

After walking for a while, Liu Zhihe said to Xia Yu when he reached the pavilion.

Xia Yu was one of the distinguished guests of the mainland. During Xia Yu’s time in the capital, Liu Zhihe had only two tasks. One was to be a liaison officer, and the second was to accompany Xia Yu so that he could stay in the capital. Get comfortable.

As mentioned above, as long as Xia Yu's request is not a violation of principle, he will do his best to satisfy him, and he has obtained special approval, and he can let other departments cooperate fully at any time.

Xia Yu thought for a while and said, "Director Liu, can you take me out and stroll around the imperial capital."

Liu Zhihe said without hesitation: "Of course no problem!"

"Go now?"

"Yeah!" Xia Yu nodded in response.

After that, Liu Zhihe immediately arranged a vehicle to carry Xia Yu and began to wander around the imperial capital.

The imperial capital of 81 years is very different from the later generations. There is no steel jungle for later generations. There are basically several floors of houses on both sides of the road. There are basically no cars on the empty roads, and there are few motorcycles. The basic capital is full of streets. It's twenty-eight bars.

Unlike Pengcheng in the south of the mainland, there are already many cars on the road.

Regarding the current situation of the imperial capital, Xia Yu can understand that although it has been three years since the announcement of reform and opening up, the emperor is a special existence. It is the center of political power in the country. People with different positions on the issue of economic development Too much, the older generation’s ideas have been deeply rooted and cannot be changed easily.

"Hey, is this coming to Tiananmen Square soon?"

Looking at some familiar roads, Xia Yu looked from a distance and said with some surprise.

Liu Zhihe, who was sitting next to him, immediately said, "Yes, it is already going to Tiananmen Square, Mr. Xia, do you want to park there?"

Xia Yugang wanted to say yes. Suddenly he saw a special building. He immediately asked Liu Zhihe, "Director Liu, where is it?"

"Oh, there is the Chinese Revolutionary History Museum, which was formed by the merger of the Chinese Revolutionary Museum and the Chinese History Museum in 1969."

Liu Zhihe followed Xia Yu's gaze and immediately replied.

Xia Yu suddenly became interested and said to Liu Zhihe: "Director Liu, let's go there and have a look."


"Park in front of the museum!"

Liu Zhihe responded and immediately ordered the soldier who was driving.

Soon, the red flag car stopped in front of the Chinese Revolutionary History Museum.

After Xia Yu got off the bus, he entered the museum under the leadership of Liu Zhihe. At the same time, Liu Zhihe also invited the owner of the museum, Yan Sihai, a fifty-year-old man with eyes to introduce the museum to Xia Yu.

Under Yan Sihai’s introduction, Xia Yu learned about the China Revolutionary History Museum. The National Museum in front of Tiananmen originated from the National History Museum, which was built in 1912. It was later renamed as the Peking History Museum of China Academy of Sciences in 1929. After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, it was renamed the Imperial Capital History Museum. In 1958, the country decided to establish the Huaxia History Museum on this basis, and then merged with the Huaxia Revolution Museum in September 1969, which is what it now looks like.

As the National Museum in front of Tiananmen Square, it represents the face of Chinese culture to a large extent. After all, when foreigners come to the imperial capital, Tiananmen Square is almost a must.

Therefore, the collection in the China Revolutionary History Museum is very rich. In addition to the historical relics related to the revolution, there are also very rich historical relics. In Xia Yu's view, there are not a few national treasures, which can definitely surpass the current Kowloon Cultural Museum~www, he stopped in front of a door, and looked at the words hanging on the door, he was a little surprised.

I saw five words written on it-Foreign Guest Service Department.

Seeing Xia Yu stop, Yan Sihai took the initiative to introduce: "Mr. Xia, Director Liu, this foreign guest service department mainly receives foreign guests and sells some painter's paintings."

Xia Yu was a little surprised: "The museum still sells paintings. Are they ancient or modern?"

Faced with Xia Yu’s unintentional problem, Yan Sihai was a little embarrassed, but Liu Zhihe was here. He also realized that this was an opportunity to ask for funds to improve the status quo of the museum, so he immediately said: "Mr. Xia, we are a museum, ancient paintings They will certainly not be sold here. The main ones sold here are modern paintings, which provide a place for artists from the Academy of Fine Arts and the Fine Arts Association to sell calligraphy and painting."

“Artists also have to live. The foreign guests who come to visit do not understand the situation in our country. Many foreign guests will propose to buy some culture to take back. So we cooperate with artists so that the artists can make a living and the museum can earn some money. Funds are used to receive foreign guests."

When Yan Sihai said this, Liu Zhihe's expression was a little embarrassed. He glanced at Xia Yu subconsciously and found that Xia Yu didn't care, but showed interest on his face.

And at this time, Xia Yu really came to be interested. There were many masters among artists at this time.

Masters like Qi Baishi and Xu Beihong are no longer there, but masters like Zhang Daqian, Li Kuchan, and Li Keran are still alive. I don’t know if there are any of their calligraphy and paintings!

If so, how much is the selling price now?

Thinking of the paintings of these masters in later generations reaching tens of millions or even hundreds of millions, he felt a little eager to move. Will there be a treasure in it?

Thinking of this, Xia Yu immediately said to Yan Sihai: "Chairman Yan, can I go in and have a look?"