Rebirth of the Strongest Tycoon

v3 Chapter 1077: Penetrate the British Telecom sector aga

After going to work in the afternoon, Xia Yu did not go to the busy George Berkeley, but called an executive of the investment banking department-Elton Colin, and ordered him to investigate the details of Chelsea Football Club and make an acquisition plan. .

The reason for choosing him is that Xia Yu learned that he is an old fan, and may have a better understanding of the inside story of Chelsea Football Club and will be more efficient.

The result did not disappoint Xia Yu.

It took three days before and after. Elton Colin got a close look at the situation of Chelsea Football Club, and also made a complete acquisition plan. It was early in the morning on November 6. Presented to Xia Yu.

The real situation of Chelsea Football Club is uncovered in front of Xia Yu.

Chelsea Football Club is indeed in crisis!

Moreover, there is no hope of rising after falling into the trough!

Over the years, Chelsea Football Club's situation has been up and down, and the results have been quite unstable.

Especially in the past two years, it has been going downhill and on the verge of relegation. The team’s poor results hurt the hearts of fans and disappointed fans again and again, so that fans voted with their feet, resulting in Chelsea Football Club ticket revenue. And advertising revenue plummeted.

Prior to this, in 1977, when Chelsea Football Club's performance was good, the Mills family had already initiated the reconstruction of the East Stand at Stamford Bridge in order to increase commercial income, and was preparing to build it into a stand with a three-tier suspension structure. , Not only has more seats, but the creativity of this design is now far ahead, but the difficulty and cost of construction have also increased.

With the decline of Chelsea Football Club's performance, the ticket purchase rate of the game is also declining, and the sharp decline in income has caused the Mills family to also start to restrain themselves.

That's all.

What's more terrible is that the British economy has been in a quagmire these years, the main business of the Mills family has also been greatly affected, and the family business capital chain is tight.

For this reason, the Mills family had to delay the renovation project of the Stamford Bridge Stadium. Four years have passed, and the progress of the stadium renovation has reached half of the design level.

Despite the delay of the reconstruction, the interest from the bank loan has been accumulating. The income of Chelsea Football Club is no longer enough to pay the bank's interest, and it is not even enough to maintain the operation of Chelsea Football Club, let alone transfer. The market has bought superstar players.

The vicious circle has emerged!

To this day, Chelsea Football Club has a debt of 620,000 pounds.

The Stamford Bridge Stadium does not belong to Chelsea Football Club, but the private property of the Mills family, which belongs to Stamford Bridge Assets, and the Mills family owns 100% of the company.

However, in order to expand the Stamford Bridge stadium, the Mills family has a debt of 6.4 million pounds, and this debt, because of interest, continues to increase every year.

It is worth noting that of the 6.4 million pounds of debt on the back of the Mills family, 3.86 million pounds belong to the Royal Bank of Scotland, which is the major creditor of the Mills family.

In the acquisition plan, Elton Colin evaluated the assets of the Chelsea club, and the result was that the old or untalented players and the coaches were worthless.

And the Mills family is now saving the family business, so it is very likely to negotiate to take over the Chelsea club free of charge at the cost of assuming a debt of 620,000 pounds.

As for the Stamford Bridge Assets Company, only Stamford Bridge Stadium is valuable. The company is valued at around 9 million pounds, excluding the 6.4 million pounds of debt, and the net assets are around 2.6 million pounds.

Considering that the Mills family is now in trouble, urgently need funds, and want to get rid of the burden of debt, so we will take the initiative in the acquisition.

Elton Colin preliminarily determined that Stamford Bridge Assets could be bought for a price between two million pounds and two and five million pounds, at the cost of assuming the corresponding debt.

With the whole plan, the initial plan will only require more than two million pounds.

Even if you add in the funds for the subsequent completion of the reconstruction, it is only five or six million pounds.

This sum of money may be a lot for the Mills family, whose assets are only more than 20 million pounds, but for Xia Yu, it is very rare.

Nothing to say, I bought it!

After laying down the information, Xia Yu instructed Elton Colin: "Elton, this project is left to you to handle. You can first communicate with the Royal Bank of Scotland. The assistance of the bank is more beneficial to the acquisition. ."

"Acquire the Chelsea club as soon as possible!"

"Besides, you can collect information on British football coaches and players, and then give it to me. Chelsea will need an all-round exchange of blood after the acquisition. It will be less than two months before the winter transfer period."

Elton Colin, who is interested in football himself, was very interested in this task. He smiled and nodded in response: "Boss, promise to complete the task as soon as possible!"

"Well, go!"

Xia Yu smiled and nodded, watching Elton Colin leave his office at a brisk pace.

Next, Xia Yu continued to get busy.


As time passed, the competition for the second telecommunications company became more and more fierce. Although there was no report in the newspapers, it was calm on the surface, but it was rough in the dark.

Although the Roshir family, who had been watching Xia Yu's movements closely, was unable to get close to Xia Yu due to the security of the net and Xia Yu's Aegis, they had a better grasp of the movements of the Bright Fund.

The Rohill family also knew that Xia Yu had secretly met Margaret Thatcher, but they didn’t know what they were talking about. They could only speculate that Xia Yu had a talk with Margaret Thatcher based on the actions of the Bright Fund. Is the investment of the second telecommunications company.

Thanks to the connections of the Rohill family, they learned about the negotiation process between the British Ministry of Commerce and the Bright Fund.

In the face of Xia Yu's big bargaining chip for real money, the Roshir family had to mobilize greater power and cost to intervene in the fight in order to occupy more shares.

In addition to the Bright Fund and the Rothschild family, other major families and consortia in the UK did not watch, and stepped in to compete.

It wasn't until November 9th that the competition officially ended, and Margaret Thatcher's cake distribution plan for the second telecommunications company was approved by Margaret Thatcher.

George Berkeley returned from Downing Street with the results and hurried back to report to Xia Yu.

Guangming Fund, in Xia Yu's office, George Berkeley sat in front of Xia Yu and said cheerfully:

"Boss, the new telecommunications company is called Mokerui Communications. It has the second British domestic telecommunications operating license issued by the government, and we have won 20% of the equity!"

Twenty percent!

Xia Yu's eyes lit up, this ratio is definitely not less!

"Good job!"

Xia Yu said appreciatively.

George Berkeley responded with a humble smile: "This is what I should do."

"By the way, how is the remaining 80% of the equity distributed?"

Xia Yu was a little curious about who had allocated other shares.

"Boss, when the announcement was made at the meeting, I had already recorded the specific equity distribution. Because there are too many, you have to ask you to read it yourself."

As George Berkeley spoke, he opened up what he had recorded in his notebook and handed it to Xia Yu.

Xia Yu scanned it carefully.

Barclays Bank is 25%.

15% of Great Eastern Telecom.

Lloyds Bank 11%.

Ten percent of the National Westminster Bank.

HSBC Holdings 9%.

BP is 7 percent.

Black Rose Capital is two percent.

One percent of the Rock Fund.

Sure enough, the Rohill family accounted for the majority, and the banking industry occupied a major position.

The four major banks accumulatively hold more than 55% of the shares!

But Xia Yu was not surprised.

Except for Barclays Bank which mainly implements the will of the Rothschild other three banks are actually the convergence points of major British consortiums or established families. In fact, they are fighting in the name of the bank. In this way, the risk is small, the cost is low, and the money of the depositor is used.

The individual capital is Xia Yu's Bright Fund, Black Rose Capital and Locke Fund. Xia Yu's Bright Fund is in a special situation, so it is very conspicuous.

But Xia Yu didn't care, he just had to get enough equity. As for how to do it later, it was the next thing.

He doesn't believe that if Mokerui Communications does not make money for a few years, there will be no shareholders to transfer shares.

If you want to increase your holdings, you can choose the right time.

After returning the notebook to George Berkeley, Xia Yu smiled and said to him: "George, you will leave some of the follow-up matters to you to follow up. The director of Mokerui, you have to choose your appointment carefully. In this company Here, we must have corresponding voice and influence."

"I understand!" George Berkeley nodded solemnly.

Xia Yu nodded slightly, and instead of repeating the warnings too much, he asked about Dadong Telecom.

"How is the equity transfer of Dadong Telecom's Xiangjiang Branch going forward?"

"The progress is relatively smooth, and it can be successful in at most half a month."

"Okay, tell me after success."


After talking to George Berkeley again, Xia Yu sent him away.

The matter of Mokerui Communication Company has been settled, and he also has a worry, so next, the focus will be on France!

Two days later, just as Xia Yu was about to start his action, he received a call from Prince Philip and learned a news that surprised him but was reasonable.
