Rebirth of the Strongest Tycoon

v3 Chapter 1157: More than 20 billion floating profit

Just when Huo Jianning was personally responsible for CD-ROM standards, he had already sent a vice president to lead a team to the United States to participate in the competition for the copyright of the "Alien E·T" game.

The competition for the copyright of the "Alien E·T" game is fierce.

No way, the global box office of the "Alien E·T" movie has exceeded 600 million US dollars, and the total box office in North America has exceeded 300 million US dollars. Even though it has been released for more than three months, it is still in hot screenings. After the premiere, "Alien E·T" won the North American weekend box office championship position.

From September 17 to 19 last weekend, the number of "Alien E·T" North American screening theaters still exceeded 1,200, and the North American weekend box office still exceeded 4 million US dollars.

This movie has been creating various records and is called "historical record creation machine" by major entertainment media.

As of the latest situation, "Alien E·T" has won an astonishing 15 consecutive championships and is continuing to create brilliance!

Seeing the influence of "Alien E·T", powerful game companies around the world are very eager for its game copyright style, and there are more than 20 game companies eligible to compete.

This situation angered Atari.

But human nature is like this, the harder it is to get, the more I want it.

Atari company internally determined that this warm family sci-fi movie adaptation of the game is definitely the most suitable for Christmas sales, and its appeal to young people far exceeds all the games currently being developed or sold within the company.

But time is getting tighter now!

Therefore, Atari's determination to win the game copyright is extremely firm.

Some game companies are lacking in strength and are losing ground one after another, but Tiangong Electronics Group has bitten Atari company hard, and the Atari team bit their teeth with hatred.

It’s just that Tiangong Electronics Group was originally Atari’s biggest competitor. After seeing the madness of Tiangong Electronics Group, Atari’s acquisition team had to report to the company again and again and approve more funds to participate in the competition. .

In the end, Atari "has the last laugh."

On September 24, in the unwilling gaze of the acquisition team of Tiangong Electronics Group, Atari's acquisition team triumphantly won the game copyright of "Alien E·T" at a price of 42 million US dollars.

In the original history, due to lack of competitors, Atari only spent 25 million US dollars to obtain the copyright.

But this time, Atari’s situation is even more difficult, and because of the vicious competition of the Tiangong Electronics Group, Atari had to pay an additional 17 million US dollars to obtain the "Alien E· "T" game copyright.

After taking the copyright, the research and development, production and distribution time left for Atari has been only three months!

The two tasks arranged by Xia Yu were completed, and Huo Jianning immediately reported the situation to the chairman Xia Yu and obtained Xia Yu's encouragement.

However, Xia Yu also did not forget to remind Huo Jianning that the Christmas offensive is the most critical step. Whether Tiangong Electronics Group can soar into the sky, after the arcade game field, once again won the leading position in the home game console market, it depends on that Up.

After that, Huo Jianning continued to devote himself to the work of Tiangong Electronics Group with high morale.


In a blink of an eye, September flashed by.

More than 50 days have passed since the outbreak of the sovereign debt crisis in Latin America.

However, the sovereign debt crisis has spread too widely and the situation is too complicated, and the demands of countries such as Mexico are too unreasonable in the eyes of commercial banks in Europe and the United States.

So far since the crisis broke out, not to mention an exact result, even the preliminary plan has not been fully negotiated.

The longer it drags on, the more pessimistic people are about this crisis.

Unfortunately, the first to bear the brunt is the banks involved in various countries.

Many small and medium-sized banks around the world have been forced to file for bankruptcy because of the vortex of sovereign debt that triggered a run.

The global banking industry has been shrouded in a dark cloud of systemic risks.

For this reason, Fed Chairman Paul Volcker and International Monetary Fund President Jacques Delarosier are under increasing pressure.

As a last resort, the two of them tried their best to put pressure on Latin American countries, and at the same time put pressure on major commercial banks, trying to get the two sides to compromise with each other as soon as possible.

At the same time, major commercial banks also turned to their governments for help, making European and American governments continue to put pressure on Latin America and other countries, forcing Mexico and Brazil to make concessions as much as possible.

The pressure of various governments has only played a significant role in Mexico. The Mexican government announced the implementation of specific plans for clean government, preparing to increase revenue and reduce expenditure.

However, Brazil, Argentina, Chile and other countries are tough, and their attitudes are still tough. There is a strong voice in each country, calling on the government to completely rely on these debts.

On October 2nd, at a meeting held by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the President of the International Monetary Fund Jacques Delarosier brought another bad news to the bankers.

Before the International Monetary Fund contributes funds, many commercial banks must jointly provide 5 billion U.S. dollars in new funds, and this funds must be in place before December 15, otherwise the IMF will not contribute money to participate in the crisis.

After the news was exposed, the stock prices of many banks accelerated again.

The floating profit obtained by the Galaxy Fund skyrocketed again.

After Xia Yu's special statistics, he learned that the eight teams of the Galaxy Fund had accumulated floating profits of 28.6 billion US dollars!

And Fuying is still climbing rapidly every day.

According to the current situation, it will take at least a month for European and American countries to come up with a proper solution to the Latin American sovereign debt crisis.

This means that there is at least one month left to tell the profit period!

Even if European and American countries come up with a plan, it does not mean that the crisis will be resolved immediately. In the past life, until 1989 ~ ~ the United States was still proposing a Brady plan to resolve the Latin American sovereign debt crisis.

It is conceivable that the bad effects of the Latin American sovereign debt crisis will still exist for many years to come.

Therefore, Xia Yu is not worried that it will rebound after the high-speed profit period. Unless it is due to the Galaxy Fund's own operation errors, there will be no floating profits to be spit out, but the profit rate will drop by a large margin.

However, more than 50 days after the crisis broke out, the stock prices of many banks have almost fallen.

Bright Fund has begun secretly buying the shares of Barclays Bank and HSBC Holdings.

Standard Chartered Bank is also hunting down the shares of Standard Chartered Bank in South Africa in an attempt to complete the absolute control of the largest commercial bank in Africa.

October 6.

Two major events occurred in Hong Kong that affected everyone.

The first is the new "Hong Kong Securities Exchange Law" and "Securities and Futures Commission Regulations" ("SFC Regulations") announced their formal implementation.

Second, the Hong Kong Securities Regulatory Commission was officially established!

On this day, the entire capital market practitioners and investors cheered.

Global Satellite TV and major newspapers have done an extremely detailed analysis of these two things, and summed it up in one sentence-the Hong Kong financial market already has a very complete institutional foundation, and the future of Hong Kong's financial market will be bright!

The system problem has been solved, and investors and practitioners have not forgotten the other most important thing.

That is the formal merger of the four major exchanges and the opening of the Unified Exchange.

And the time is just next week!

PS: Sorry, the weekends have nothing to do with me. The city made a surprise inspection. I worked overtime a bit faster last night. I was still doing work this morning.


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