Rebirth of the Strongest Tycoon

v3 Chapter 1161: 8 leading companies preparing to go publ

"Chairman, I remember. After I go back, I will call a meeting with everyone to re-determine the development strategy."

Liu Tianci humbly accepted Xia Yu's suggestion and replied respectfully.

After speaking, he added: "Chairman, in a short period of time, there may not be much results, but I will strengthen management and find ways to stimulate the stock market."

Xia Yu nodded slightly and said after thinking about it: "Well, now the stock market has regained its vitality, and the listing of high-quality companies will no longer be undervalued by the capital market."

"I will take out some companies to go public to stimulate the stock market."

As soon as Xia Yu's voice fell, Wang Qi and Liu Tianci were both very surprised and suddenly looked at Chairman Xia Yu.

After confirming that Xia Yu didn't just say it casually, Liu Tianci asked expectantly: "Chairman, which companies are you planning to go public?"

Xia Yu smiled and shook his head and said: "I am also a temporary conscious, not yet determined."

"However, the bottom line is that the most core companies cannot be listed. Sub-core companies and non-core companies that can achieve higher P/E ratios will be listed."

"Jiuding Bank and Jiuding Securities will certainly not be listed."

"I will select which ones to choose in the next few days, and I will tell you then."


Liu Tianci nodded obediently, and didn't ask more.

After inquiring about some other things later, Liu Tianci left first, and Xia Yu left Wang Qi behind and asked about the Xiangjiang Futures Exchange.

The Xiangjiang United Stock Exchange has been in operation for more than 20 days. For the Xiangjiang Futures Exchange, the time is ripe. The key depends on whether the Xiangjiang Futures Exchange itself is ready.

"Wang Qi, are the preparations of the Xiangjiang Futures Exchange ready?"

"Chairman, I just want to report this to you. The new "Management Regulations" and "Trading Rules" have been made, such as HSI futures, Nikkei 225 stock index futures, FTSE 100 stock index futures and natural rubber futures. All four commodities are also ready, and the futures exchange is now conducting internal simulation tests."

"It's just that our futures exchange is not a fresh start like the United Stock Exchange. It is still operating every working day, so we can only use the internal simulation test after the market is closed every day, so the progress is relatively slow."

"The initial plan discussed by the company is to also hold a press conference on Monday, November 15 to announce the implementation of the new policy and launch four major futures commodities."

"But before that, we have to carry out large-scale publicity first to avoid a deserted transaction."

Wang Qi reported in detail.

"Have you figured it all out?"

"Now take me over and see."

After Xia Yu pondered slightly, he told Wang Qi that he could only make a decision after seeing it with his own eyes.



In the following morning, Xia Yu and Wang Qi came to the Heung Kong Futures Exchange in Central on Hong Kong Island. He first learned about the current situation of the futures exchange, and then checked various systems and four futures commodities from the data.

When the market was closed at noon, the door of the Xiangjiang Futures Exchange was closed, and the internal simulation operation test began. Xia Yu personally experienced it and did various limit tests, but did not find any problems, so he was relieved.

Then he made an on-the-spot decision on the Xiangjiang Futures Exchange and held a press conference on November 15 to activate the new regulations and launch the four major futures commodities.

The publicity work will officially begin after he leaves this afternoon.

Xia Yu even authorized Wang Qi to use the media resources of the entire consortium to promote the new regulations of the Xiangjiang Futures Exchange and the upcoming four major futures commodities to the point where everyone knows.

Must attract more investors and capital to enter.

Sure enough, related news appeared on Global Satellite TV's "News 30 Minutes" and the Financial Channel that night.

After the news was released, all interested people became active.

The next day, the newspapers also carried out all-round publicity reports on these matters. The Xiangjiang Futures Exchange was full that day. Although many people came to inquire about the real situation, there were also some institutions directly stationed in them, ready to find out the situation in advance.

The news about the Xiangjiang Futures Exchange is not only promoted in Asia, but also in the United States and Europe. The purpose is to attract as many financial institutions as possible.

The focus of publicity is, of course, the geographical advantage of Xiangjiang, which can connect with London and New York.

FTSE 100 index futures are already traded in the United Kingdom and the United States. Once Hong Kong is also launched, financial institutions will have more time to operate and earn more profits. This is equivalent to adding to the original cake. Adding a layer, this is something that all financial institutions are willing to see.

As for the Nikkei 225 index futures, as the world's first futures, it is backed by the now prosperous economy and stock market of the island country. It is definitely an excellent investment futures, and it must be a big cake when it appears.

Therefore, after learning the news, many financial institutions in Europe and the United States were excited.

But the news reached the island country, but it was a different situation.

But Xia Yu didn't care about the clamor and irritation of the island people. This was expected and not worthy of his attention.


At the time when the entire Xiangjiang public opinion focused on the Xiangjiang Futures Exchange, Xia Yu simply sorted out his own assets in Xiangjiang and took two days to screen out eight companies for listing.

These eight companies only come from the four group companies of Jiuding Cultural Media Group, Jiuding Industrial Group, Jiuding Real Estate Group and Jiuding Energy Group.

Among them, Jiuding Culture Media Group has nine companies including Jiuding Newspaper Company, Jiuding News Agency, Jiuding Book Publishing Company, Jiuding Animation Co., Ltd., Jiuding Printing Factory, Universal Television, Universal Music Group, Universal Theater Company, and Galaxy Film Company in Xiangjiang. Registered first-level subsidiary.

Xia Yu only intends to go public with the Galaxy Film Company, which is the leader in the film industry. One is that the market leader status halo will add to the stock price, and the second is because of "Alien E·T", the Galaxy Film Company This year's profits will be extremely high, which can greatly stimulate the stock price of Galaxy Films.

As for other companies, either companies like Jiuding News Agency, Jiuding News Agency and Universal Television cannot be listed, or the strategic layouts of Universal Music Group and Universal Cinemas have not yet been completed and are not suitable for listing for the time being.

However, Jiuding Animation Co., Ltd. still has huge potential to be tapped, and its profitability is superb. It is much more important than Galaxy Film Company and should not be listed.

Under the Jiuding Energy Group, the two largest first-tier subsidiaries are the Xiangjiang Electric Light Company and China Gas Company.

The former is the leader in electric power, which is stronger than the China Power Company under Jiuding Industrial Group. It does not matter if it becomes a listed company again. After all, in Xia Yu's future planning, the listing of Xiangjiang Electric Light Company will not have any impact.

The same is true for China Gas. Although it is the only supplier in the Heung Kong Gas market, China Gas is only at the end of the gas industry. Although it is important, it is not particularly important, as long as it has an absolute controlling stake.

There are many subsidiaries under Jiuding Real Estate Group. Jiuding Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. has the most assets. It is the king of Xiangjiang Real Estate. It has the most land reserves and the most real estate under development. If it is listed on the market, it will definitely shock the market. .

But this is different from Hutchison Whampoa Real Estate, which is a subsidiary of Hutchison Whampoa Group. Once Jiuding Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. is listed, the Hong Kong real estate industry that he has managed to suppress will be stimulated to rejuvenate. This is his own face. .

In Xia Yu's mind, the biggest role of Jiuding Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. in Xiangjiang is to develop large quantities of low-cost real estate, and to suppress the housing real estate market.

There is no conflict between suppressing housing prices and making profits. As long as the housing prices are suppressed, the land price will naturally not rise to the sky. In fact, the profit margin is equally large, and money can also be made. The common people do not have such great pressure to buy houses, and the society has funds. It can flow and create greater value.

Among the Jiuding Real Estate Group, the one to be listed is Jiuding Hotel Management Group, which owns Marco Polo Hotel, Cultural Hotel, Peninsula Hotel and other hotel brands.

The profit rate of the hotel industry is not much higher, and it is also not the core area. However, it requires huge funds for expansion. It is just right to go public. At the same time, the status of a listed company can also enable many shareholders to become shareholders. For Jiuding Hotel Management Group The popularity and the market have a huge boost, and the benefits of listing are great.

Under the Jiuding Industrial Group, the most companies that are going to be listed are Milk Company, Jiuding Transportation Group, Hutchison Whampoa Group and Cathay Pacific Airways.

After the assets of the dairy company were divested, only ice-making, refrigeration, and dairy fields remain. In the dairy field, there is a wholly-owned subsidiary Bright Dairy Company, which also operates ranches in Australia and New Zealand. The dairy company is in these three fields. Leader of a group.

Jiuding Transportation Group owns two non-listed companies, Xiangjiang Tram and Star Ferry, as well as a 45% equity and operating right of a listed Kowloon Bus Co., Ltd., and the other 3% of Kowloon Bus Co., Ltd. More than a dozen shares are held in the hands of companies such as Jiuding Securities.

Jiuding Transportation Group, also the leader in the Xiangjiang transportation market, monopolizes Hong Kong's buses and trams, and at the same time occupies a large share of the ferry market.

The Hutchison Whampoa Group has only two secondary subsidiaries, namely the Hutchison Whampoa Port Company, which monopolizes 21 of the 24 Hong Kong terminals, and the Hutchison Whampoa Real Estate Company.

Hutchison Whampoa Group wants to become a global port operation group in the future. It needs to acquire or build new ports and terminals in countries all over the world. This requires too much capital. Xia Yu did not want to spend too much money here, so he decided to pay Give investors support.

The last Cathay Pacific Airways can be regarded as a secondary subsidiary of Jiuding Industrial Group and the largest subsidiary of Cathay Pacific Airways Group.

As for the Cathay Pacific Group's Xiangjiang Aircraft Engineering Company and Xiangjiang Airport Ground Service Company, Xia Yu does not intend to list them.

The main reason for choosing Cathay Pacific Airways is that this company is in need of funds most in the future. In the future, it wants to become an international aviation giant. Whether it is mergers and acquisitions or purchasing new aircraft, it consumes too much money, and it simply throws it out for listing. , It’s okay to let investors come to raise up together, and divide some profits.

Moreover, the status of Cathay Pacific Airways as a listed company also helps it increase its visibility outside of Hong Kong and expand and consolidate the market.

Each of the eight companies is at least the leader in one field, or even the only monopolist. When they are listed on the market, they can all enjoy the halo bonus of the market leader.

These eight companies are able to hold large amounts of funds to go public, which is definitely enough to stimulate the vitality of the Hong Kong stock market.

However, Xia Yu did not want to be a wealthy boy and was treated as a fool.

Even if it is listed, most of the profits from the underwriting listing will be eaten by himself. His Jiuding Securities Co., Ltd. is the largest listed underwriter. Jiuding Bank, Standard Chartered Bank, and Sun Hung Kai Securities are also the main market underwriters. Of course, the profits from the underwriting listing have to be earned by themselves, and there is no need for others to make it.

Furthermore, even if it goes public, he will at most take out 25% of the equity to go public, and the remaining 75% of the equity will still be in his hands. This is to prevent infiltration.

As long as he holds this shareholding ratio, whoever dares to think badly or attack him, he can easily shoot the enemy to death.

The way these eight companies went public, except for Galaxy Film Company, Jiuding Transportation Group and Jiuding Group Management Group, because their registration period was less than, they could not go through the normal listing process and could only go public by backdoor. The other five companies They are all old listed companies, so they are all prepared to go through the normal listing process.

It just so happens that Xiangjiang stock market still has a lot of "historical stocks". Take advantage of this opportunity to clear out the three junk stocks and replace them with Galaxy Film Company, Jiuding Transportation Group and Jiuding Hotel Management Group.

Because the Hong Kong Securities Regulatory Commission actually controlled him behind the scenes, the time-consuming process of listing his five companies could be greatly shortened.

Previously, Foxconn was able to give the green light all the way when it was listed on the mainland. It only took 36 days to complete the A-share listing process, which he could complete within one month.

After all, the five companies, including Hutchison Whampoa Group and Cathay Pacific Airways, were originally listed companies. Various mechanisms and materials have been retained. They are experienced veterans and do not need to make detours.

And Xia Yu also intends to let his largest standard law firm and standard accounting firm in Hong Kong provide full assistance. It will be completely OK within one month!

After the decision, Xia Yu immediately summoned Liu Tianci and Wang Qi and assigned them tasks.

The next day, the news was announced.

Suddenly, the entire HeungKong capital market was boiling, and they were looking forward to these eight companies.

The impact continues to spread to the surrounding countries. The capital of Southeast Asian countries, island countries, South Korea, Australia and other countries rushed to the Xiangjiang River like a shark smelling blood.

This November is destined to be an extraordinary month...

PS: Based on the opinions of everyone yesterday, these eight companies were selected for listing. Thank you for your comments. Today the two chapters are in one, and it's the end of the month, ask for a recommended monthly pass!


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