Rebirth of the Strongest Tycoon

v3 Chapter 1277: The lion has a big mouth

Latest website: Xia Yu has been paying attention to the consultation between Takejototo and Yasuhiro Nakasone.

Or to be more precise, it was Takejototo consider Xia Yu's opinion very carefully. Of course, this opinion was informed to Takejototo through Junhei Hinata. Takejoto himself did not know that the person behind the scenes was Xia Yu.

It's not that Takejo Nobori doesn't want to know who the whole group is behind Junpira Hyuga. He tried to inquire and investigate, but failed to learn the truth.

But on the whole, the two parties and cooperation have been very happy, and Xia Yu has spared no effort in supporting him, so Takehime Den also let go of his concerns.

After the end of the House of Representatives election, Junpian Day congratulated Takeueno as soon as possible.

After the congratulations, he put forward some suggestions for taking the cabinet post. I hope that the latter will give full consideration, and the latter naturally agrees without hesitation.

As far as Takekami and his founding council are concerned, no matter which party they are in charge of, they must obtain some cabinet minister positions. The founding council also has this strength to share the cake.

At present, there are 19 cabinet ministers in the island cabinet. Although there are differences in power, the 18 posts other than the prime minister (prime minister) are not very different for the founding council. Each has real power.

Since the allies behind them have specific needs, Takekami is naturally willing to listen to opinions and meet the expectations of allies.

In order to maximize the benefits, on the evening of December 20, Takekami went home.

In the face of Nakasone Yasuhiro who came with a gift, Takejoto, who has always been friendly to others, opened his mouth for the first time. He asked Nakasone for the Ministry of Finance (Finance), Ministry of Defense (National Defense), and Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (Agriculture). ), the Ministry of Transport (communication), the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, and the Ministry of Education (education).

In addition, a requirement for the position of a deputy prime minister is attached.

When he heard Takegami’s offer, Yasuhiro Nakasone's complexion turned black, and he suppressed his anger and said, "Takegami-kun, you don’t seem to be willing to cooperate at all. Don’t say I disagree, you The Liberal Democratic Party will never agree to the conditions."

"Your Founding Council has 33 seats in the House of Representatives. If we cooperate, you will not even be able to get positions in three departments according to the proportion of seats in the House of Representatives."

"But we are also old friends, and the cooperation in the past year has been very enjoyable, so as a show of sincerity, I can persuade other people in our party to give you three positions."

Takekami Nori smiled, and slowly shook his head and said, "Nakasone-kun, let me ask you a question first. As the minister, how do I perform to the entire cabinet and to you?"

For Nakasone Yasuhiro, there is only one answer to this question, and it must be affirmative, otherwise there is no way to talk about it next.

Knowing that he answered, he would fall into a disadvantage, but Yasuhiro Nakasone could only bite the bullet and praised: "As we all know, Takekami-kun led the Ministry of Finance and made an indelible contribution to the development of the country. He also supports me very much. Thank you for your past efforts."

"Thank you!"

"Nakasone-kun, based on your understanding, can you find someone more suitable to be the chief minister than me in China?"

Takejoyoshi accepted Nakasone's flattery with a smile, and then raised another question.

Yasuhiro Nakasone felt uncomfortable, but still shook his head affirmatively and said, "I haven't found anyone more suitable than you for the time being."

"Thank you."

"So in fact, no matter which party will be in power in the next cabinet, aside from my other identity, I think I am a strong competitor for the Tibetan minister."

Takekamito said confidently.

Nakasone Yasuhiro nodded.

"Nakasone-kun, the current situation is chaotic, but it is also very clear. I and others in the Founding Council have no ambitions for the position of Prime Minister, but others do."

"The Socialist Party and the Democratic Socialist Party are all about the position of prime minister. They have already contacted me. With the strength of our founding council, as long as you join the opposition party, you can at least get positions in three departments."

"And once the opposition parties really succeed in joint governance, the internal balance of multiple parties will be more beneficial to our founding of governance."

"But the opposition party really succeeded in seizing power, so for the Liberal Democratic Party, there will be more and more troubles in the future."

"Under such a situation, you think there are all three positions. Why should we stand on your side?"

Takekami asked back, looking at Yasuhiro Nakasone with scorching eyes.

The latter was silent for a long time, and then retorted: "Takegami-kun, with your offer, I believe that as long as I am willing to give it, other parties will agree to cooperate with us."

Takejoto said with a smile: "Nakasone-kun, I also believe that other parties will be moved, but in terms of political stance and future threats, we are the most suitable party for cooperation."

"Isn't it?"

"Working with us, I believe we will be very happy in the future, but if you are another party, you will have to keep guarding against it in the next few years..."

Both of them are smart people, and Yasuhiro Nakasone and the Liberal Democratic Party behind them also took these factors into account, so they listed the Founding Council as the most suitable party for joint governance.

The Liberal Democratic Party will definitely compromise, but Yasuhiro Nakasone will never agree to the conditions set by Takeueto.

The price must be reduced!

"Takegami-kun, as a sign of sincerity, I can promise that you will continue to serve as Minister of Tibet, and you will be the deputy prime minister. In addition, you will be given up to three positions, but you cannot accept the appointment."

"In that case, I will take a step back and give me positions in the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, the Ministry of Transport, and the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications in addition to the Minister of Tibet and Deputy Prime Minister."

"No, the Ministry of Defense is absolutely impossible!"

The Ministry of Defense is involved in the military. The interests and military influence in the military industry field involved are too great. The Mitsubishi Foundation and the Fuji Foundation behind the Liberal Democratic Party will never let go. Nakasone Yasuhiro knows that this position is useless even if he agrees. , The Liberal Democratic Party will never agree.


In the next hour, the two sides had a heated conversation. Of course, the talk was not completed in the end, but there was a rough shape.

After Nakasone Yasuhiro left, he immediately convened the high-level Liberal Democratic Party to gather and inform the specific situation.

In the following days, various forces continued to meet.

The heads of the Socialist Party, the Democratic Socialist Party, the Democratic Party, and the Komeito Party have all sought secret consultations with Takekamito.

One word to describe the island nation’s political arena at this time is-chaos!

There are two flowers and one branch each.

Compared with the chaos in the island country’s political circles, the situation in the island country’s convenience store industry has gradually become clearer.

In the past month, excluding the second-tier, third-rate and scattered convenience stores, the first-line convenience store brands, except for Ito Yokado convenience store, have gained a lot.

In the past month or so, the number of Ito Yokado Convenience Stores has not been increased, and there are still 985 stores.

But in the past month, the Ito Yokado convenience store has a net loss of 6.2 billion yen, a brain drain of 1,618 people, and a major change in the entire company.

The average daily turnover of a single store finally stabilized at 208,000 yen, and the fresh and cooked food supply system was barely suitable after running in, which can be regarded as temporarily stabilizing the situation.

Although this situation is still bad for Suzuki Toshifumi, the daily loss is still as high as 100 million yen.

Lawson convenience store opened 42 new convenience stores, FamilyMart opened 35 new convenience stores Daily convenience store opened 21 new convenience stores, and a new day convenience store opened 18 new convenience stores ...

The business territory has expanded.

But the most noticeable is the 7-11 convenience store.

From a hundred stores, 220 stores were crazy expanded, raising the total number of stores to 320.

The number of stores jumped to the fourth place in the industry, behind Ito Yokado convenience store, FamilyMart convenience store and Lawson convenience store.

Most importantly, after successively cracking down on the containment measures of Ito Yokado convenience store, even if a large number of new stores were opened, the average daily revenue of a single store of 7-11 convenience store remained at about 584,000 yen.

In addition, the fresh and cooked food factory of the 7-11 convenience store was also under rush to work day and night. It was fully completed on December 6, and the integration and production work was completed on December 21.

With everything in place, with Xia Yu's order, the long-planned snare delivered a fatal blow to the Ito Yokado convenience store.