Rebirth of the Strongest Tycoon

v3 Chapter 1298: More than 40 billion U.S. dollars

Latest website: This time, the forces involved are all of a terrorist level, so Xia Yu didn't plan to be on the front line, but decided to sit in Xiangjiang and command by remote control.

Plan tactics and win a thousand miles away!

In order to be foolproof, it is also necessary not to bring risks to one's original business empire.

Then, before participating in this war, in addition to formulating a sound plan of action, we must fully and reasonably prepare ammunition!

For this reason, Xia Yu immediately sorted out the funds available to him.

Xia Yu does not plan to transfer funds from companies other than financial companies.

At his current level, there are too many forces staring at him, the most obvious being the Rohill family.

Xiangjiang is his base camp. Although the Roshir family monitors him, although they think it is extremely secretive, they are still discovered by the all-pervasive snare.

However, Xia Yu didn't eliminate it either. After all, after the elimination, a group of people will continue to come over. As long as the Roshir family does not fall, the surveillance will not disappear, and the power will only be stronger and more secretive.

Rather than making it so troublesome, it's better to just let it go. Anyway, as long as the snare is properly monitored, Rohill's monitoring is only a disease of scabies, and the harm is controllable.

In addition to avoiding risks, not using the funds of the apparent entity company, but also taking into account that the Rothier family will not be aware of his financial movements.

This time he not only had to calculate the Rockefeller family and the Morgan family, but also had to plan the Rohill family, and it would be bad if they noticed it.

Companies in the financial sector, even if they want to use them, have different roles in this big operation.

Banks need to give full play to the role of financial assistance and acquisitions, and they cannot use their full strength.

The ones that really want to play a major role are the British Bright Fund, Heungjiang Jiuding Securities, American Polaris Capital, Bridgewater Fund, Tiger Fund and the secret Galaxy Fund.

On the surface, there are only two companies that have a relationship with him, namely Jiuding Securities, which he started, and Guangming Fund, which is a stakeholder behind him. All the other four companies have nothing to do with him.

Among the six companies, the most well-funded is the secret Galaxy Fund.

Although he invested a lot of money in the island country, he has not been idle in the past year. He is still investing continuously, with more profits than losses. Except for assets that cannot be resold, Xia Yu intends to liquidate some of the investment assets to mobilize US$35 billion.

Jiuding Securities Co., Ltd., without affecting the situation, Xia Yu intends to mobilize 2 billion US dollars to enter the market.

As for the Bright Fund, at this time it seems to have developed into a British version of the "Morgan Consortium" with assets exceeding 50 billion U.S. dollars. However, the UK and Europe have a relatively large layout and require a large amount of funds, so this time it should only be adjusted. 3 billion US dollars for admission.

And Polaris Capital, because it has been investing funds in the layout of the United States, so idle funds are not particularly large, and can allocate 2 billion US dollars to enter the market.

The two pure hedge funds, Tiger Fund and Bridgewater Fund, are different.

After repeated wise investments, the Tiger Fund and Bridgewater Fund have been sought after by many investors and have become large hedge funds.

Julian Robertson and Rey Dario have become the twin kings of Wall Street, but apart from the two of them, no one on Wall Street knows that they are serving the same person.

According to the situation reported by the two secretly last month.

The Tiger Fund’s assets under management have reached 8.2 billion U.S. dollars, of which its own assets are 1.67 billion U.S. dollars.

The assets under management of Bridgewater Fund reached 8.5 billion U.S. dollars, of which its own assets were 1.74 billion U.S. dollars.

In addition, there are many banks that the two funds cooperate with. As long as you want, you can use bank leverage to amplify the funds.

As for how much money to spend at that time, Xia Yu intends to let Julian Robertson and Rey Dario decide for themselves.

For the abilities of these two previous Wall Street kings, Xia Yu was very relieved.

The same is true for Bright Fund and Polaris Capital. He informs the plan of action and lets George Berkeley and Peter Lynch take the responsibility.

What he really needs to execute is the obvious Jiuding Securities Company and the secret Galaxy Fund.

The order of entry of the two companies is also different. Jiuding Securities Co., Ltd., which has attracted much attention from the Rohill family, has to be put in the back, and it will not be its turn until the secret Galaxy Fund has finished its operations.

The six companies can add up to a total of at least 46 billion US dollars to enter. If Bridgewater Fund and Tiger Fund are more aggressive, 50 billion US dollars to enter the market is not impossible!

In any case, the funds are enough to eat the biggest piece of cake.

However, Xia Yu is not satisfied with making a good profit. He also wants to use this opportunity to gain more benefits, including Canada and the United States.

And this requires him to plan well.

However, funds can flow into Canada first.

Just when Xia Yu arranged the funds to enter Canada in an orderly manner.

HeungKong has exposed a number of blockbuster news one after another, making HeungKong's capital market surging at the beginning of the new year.

On February 9, the Hong Kong government issued a report stating that it would launch 100,000 public rental housing units and plan to build three universities in 1984.

As soon as the news came out, the low-level residents in Hong Kong cheered, but real estate stocks fell almost across the board.

The group that fell the most was the real estate companies that specialize in the development of housing estates. The larger the proportion of commercial real estate, the smaller the decline in share prices.

On February 10, Jiuding Hotel Management Group, which has a market value of up to 8.59 billion Hong Kong dollars, held a press conference. The company announced that it would acquire Shangri-La Hotel Group in the form of new shares. After the merger, the company was renamed Jiuding Shangri-La Hotel Group, which will further consolidate Asia. The status of the largest hotel group.

On February 14, the Hong Kong government and Jiuding Securities jointly held a press conference and announced two news.

First, Xiangjiang Metro Company will transfer to Jiuding Securities Co., Ltd. at a price of 700 million Hong Kong dollars. The total debt of Xiangjiang Metro Company is 2.84 billion Hong Kong dollars.

Second, the Hong Kong Kowloon-Canton Railway Company was transferred to Jiuding Securities Company at a price of 200 million Hong Kong dollars, and the total debt of the Kowloon-Canton Railway Company was 470 million Hong Kong dollars.

Immediately afterwards, the representative of Jiuding Securities announced that the two subway companies would be integrated, and the new company will remain the Xiangjiang Metro Company.

After the press conference, the entire upper level of HeungKong Capital shook.

However, Jiuding Securities Co., Ltd. sold the company to Jiuding Industrial Group.

On February 20, the Hong Kong government once again held a press conference with Cathay Pacific Group and Jiuding Infrastructure Co., Ltd.

Announced that the Kai Tak International Airport owned by the Hong Kong Government will undergo a new phase of expansion. The contractor is Jiuding Infrastructure Co., Ltd.

In addition, the Hong Kong government granted the Cathay Pacific Group an airport concession certificate and agreed to the Cathay Pacific Group’s proposal to build an international airport to plan a piece of land in Chek Lap Kok, Lantau Island, the outlying islands and give it to the Cathay Pacific Group.

After the news spread, the sky over Hong Kong Island was filled with a scent of citric acid.

The big guys in Xiangjiang are called envious, jealous and hateful.

The airport is different from the Xiangjiang Metro Company. The Xiangjiang Metro Company operates at a loss and has huge risks. Even if it is eaten by the Jiuding Consortium, the airport definitely makes a profit. This is all eaten by the Jiuding Consortium.

But no matter how jealous they are, the current Hong Kong government is no longer the one in the MacLehose era. They have already seen clearly that the Governor Su Xingjian is wearing a pair of pants with the Jiuding Foundation.

In desperation, they could only watch the Jiuding Consortium expand more and more.

As it gradually enters the end of February.

Not only in Canada, but also in many places around the world...

ps: The second one is a bit late, please forgive me