Rebirth of the Strongest Tycoon

v3 Chapter 879: An unexpected invitation

"Boss, I found out who the opponent is, it turned out to be New York Chemical Bank!"

Two days later, at the New York branch of Jiuding Securities Company, Toby Morton entered Xia Yu's office in a hurry, his expression was a bit solemn, and he was still clutching a hard board folder.

Hearing Toby Morton's words, Xia Yu raised his head and looked at him, still looking calm, causing Toby Morton to subconsciously silence his voice, and noticed something was wrong.

"Boss, you know?"

Toby Morton asked tentatively.

"Not surprising."

Xia Yu looked at the exquisite invitation letter on the desktop, nodded slightly, and gestured towards Toby Morton, who immediately handed the folder to Xia Yu.

Toby Morton glanced at the invitation letter in front of Xia Yu. Although he was very curious, he did not dare to ask.

Opening the folder, Xia Yu found that there was not much information in it. Most of the limited content was the introduction of New York Chemical Bank. For example, this is a bank established in 1959 by the merger of two old banks. Last year, the Statistics Bank With total assets of more than 40 billion U.S. dollars, it ranks tenth among American commercial banks.

Of course, in addition to the basic information of the New York Chemical Bank, it is the recent acquisition of shares in Phillip Brothers.

It seems that Chemical Bank of New York deliberately hid it, so Toby Morton did not collect much information, but he can confirm that New York Chemical Bank’s shareholding ratio exceeds 25%. More details are needed. confirm.

If it were taken yesterday, Xia Yu would still want to find out.

But this invitation sent by someone early this morning has brightened Xia Yu's heart.

Close the folder, Xia Yu rewrites it and hands it to Toby Morton, smiling and saying, "Torby, thank you for your hard work. There is no need to investigate the New York Chemical Bank."

"Next, we will continue to do our best to acquire shares in Philips Brothers, and strive to achieve some results today."

"Okay." Toby Morton accepted the folder and nodded awkwardly.

"I have something to do. You can handle the company's affairs. If you can't decide, call my home again."

"If it's okay, go ahead and work."

After Xia Yu finished speaking, the confused Toby Morton withdrew from the office and continued to acquire shares in Phillip Brothers.

And Xia Yu picked up the invitation, smiled inexplicably, and opened it again. In the lower right corner of the invitation, the signature of the person who signed the invitation was revealed. It was David Rockefeller.

The New York Chemical Bank was originally one of the financial cores of the Rockefeller Consortium. It received an invitation from David Rockefeller earlier this morning. It was self-evident.

When he saw this name, Rao was still in Xia Yu's state of mind.

Calculating carefully, he hadn't been in the United States for a long time. He thought he hadn't come into contact with this figure at the top of the American pyramid so soon, but he didn't expect the accident to come so suddenly.

"But it doesn't matter. With my current foundation, even the Rockefeller consortium cannot be easily destroyed."

"It's time to go back and prepare, but I don't know what he is calculating, hehe..."

After closing the invitation, Xia Yu put the invitation in his briefcase, then got up and left.


Three o'clock in the afternoon.

On the road leading to the entrance of Rockefeller Manor in New York, three black Rolls-Royce cars approached from far and near.

When I came to the big iron gate, I stopped. At the beginning, the car slowly rolled down the window and handed out a beautiful invitation. After the guard read it, he immediately opened the door and let it go.

The car started again, drove inside along the main road, and followed the instructions of the servants along the way to park the car in the garage.

"Hello, Mr. Xia, please come with me. Mr. Rockefeller is waiting for you in the living room, but your bodyguard may have to wait outside."

When Xia Yu and the nine people walked out of the garage, a middle-aged white man who emerged from nowhere went straight to Xia Yu and bowed to him.


Li Wuming's face changed slightly, and he immediately shouted to Xia Yu.

Before coming, Xia Yu told him some information about the Rockefeller family. At this time, in his opinion, this is Longtan Tiger Den.

"Is Mr. David Rockefeller alone in the living room?" Xia Yu frowned slightly, shook his head at Li Wuming, and asked the white man.

"Yes, only Mr. Rockefeller, he has been waiting for some time, please come with me, please." The white man immediately replied.

Xia Yu nodded slightly and said, "Let's go!"

"After you get to the door, you can wait outside."

After saying a few words to Li Wuming and others, he signaled the white man to lead the way.

Although Li Wuming and others were very worried, they could only watch Xia Yu walk into the villa door when Xia Yu was not far from the door.

Entering the classical living room, Xia Yu's eyes immediately locked in front of the sofa in the center and stood, the old man looking at him with a kind smile on the front.

Xia Yu recognized it at a glance, it was David Rockefeller.

With a smile on his face, he walked over a little faster.

David Rockefeller reached out to Xia Yu and said gently: "Mr. Xia, hello, welcome to my house."

Xia Yu shook hands with him, bowed slightly to show respect, and smiled: "Thank you!"

"Mr. Rockefeller, I couldn't believe it when I received your invitation. It is a great honor for me to be here!"

After a few seconds, the two released their hands.

David Rockefeller smiled gently and gestured to Xia Yu, "Please sit down."

"Thank you!" Xia Yu thanked him and sat on the sofa on the left.

"What do you want?"

"Black coffee will do."

After Xia Yu finished speaking, the white man who had led Xia Yu in bowed slightly in response, and then went to the closet beside him to get busy.

Seeing David Rockefeller looking at himself with a smile on his face, Xia Yu looked at himself and asked suspiciously: "Mr. Rockefeller, what's wrong with me?"

David Rockefeller said with some exclamation: "If I hadn't seen myself, I would really not believe that there is such a talented young man in the world. You made me know the world again."

Such a high evaluation came out of David Rockefeller’s mouth. Xia Yu immediately showed a flattered expression and said humbly: “Mr. Rockefeller, your evaluation is too high. Although I don’t deny that I am a genius, I It seems that I rely more on luck, and it seems that God is watching me."

David Rockefeller was stunned. He didn't expect Xia Yu to answer this way, referring success to luck.

He chewed these two words slightly, and nodded in approval, and smiled: "The ability can be improved, but God’s favor is destined from the moment of birth. Since God favors you, then this is yours. strength."

David Rockefeller's answer surprised Xia Yu and didn't know how to answer the conversation.

At this moment, the servant brought the plate over. After Jiang's plate was placed on the table, he gave Xia Yu and David Rockefeller a cup of coffee each, Xia Yu softly thanked him.

"Try to see if my coffee suits your taste." After David Rockefeller picked up the coffee, he smiled and said to Xia Yu.

"I will try it."

After speaking, Xia Yu picked up the coffee, squinted his eyes and took a deep breath, and then took a sip. He seemed to be aftertaste, and exclaimed: "Very fragrant and mellow, with a slightly sour and rich bitterness in the mouth, and then savor it carefully. , With a hint of sweetness in the bitterness, this is the best black coffee."

David Rockefeller smiled and introduced: "This is Sandos coffee from Brazil, which is unique to Brazil. The taste of black coffee is the most fragrant, but I am older and like to add a little milk when I drink it. The taste is softer."


After five or six minutes of chatting on the topic of coffee, the atmosphere of the chat has been created.

Xia Yu straightened his attitude, looked at David Rockefeller with a smile, and asked: "Mr. Rockefeller, you invited me over today. Is there anything to point me to?"
