Rebirth of the Strongest Tycoon

v3 Chapter 895: Layout France

Xia Yu asked without expression for three consecutive times: "What is the name of this movie? Has it been released in the United States? How much is the box office?"

Jiang Zhiqiang immediately replied: "The movie's name is "King of the Killers". It is a kung fu movie. It was released on September 12, but it was released on September 27. The US box office... one hundred and seven thousand dollars. "

Xia Yu raised his brows, thinking he had heard it wrong, and asked again: "How much? One hundred and seven thousand dollars?"

Jiang Zhiqiang's face burned, and he lowered his head awkwardly and said, "Yes."

After confirming that it was correct, Xia Yu was not satisfied.

One hundred and seven thousand U.S. dollars is only more than 400,000 Hong Kong dollars. Even if there is no publicity cost, the income after dividing the share of the cooperative issuer and the US theater is estimated to be more than one hundred thousand Hong Kong dollars, which is too small.

And for this one hundred thousand Hong Kong dollars, it is also divided between Universal Cinemas Company and Galaxy Film Company. Whether the two companies can squeeze into the top 100 companies in Hong Kong, they will divide the money, or 15 days of income, and say it. Make people laugh out loud.

Said it was his Xia Yu company, he couldn't afford this person!

And counting the time, it was released after only half a month of release. Normal movies were released for four weeks, which was released almost half the time in advance, which is too abnormal!

Xia Yu suppressed a trace of dissatisfaction in his heart, and said calmly: "I will talk about the details."

Seeing that chairman Xia Yu was not angry, Jiang Zhiqiang secretly breathed a sigh of relief and quickly started from the beginning.

"Chairman, this is the situation."

"At the end of last year, Universal Agency signed Cheng Long, and Galaxy Film Company took Cheng Long as the protagonist. Two Kung Fu movies were made. Each movie’s box office in Hong Kong exceeded 7 million. Manager Chen Shufen thinks Cheng Long The potential is huge, so together with Manager Wu Siyuan, we plan to make Cheng Long into another'Bruce Lee', so I carefully crafted a script "King of Killers" and used the best team to produce the finished product after three months."

"After the release, "King of the Killer" really caught fire, and the local box office of Hong Kong reached more than HK$13 million, breaking the Hong Kong box office record in one fell swoop."

"Not only that, the total box office outside of Hong Kong reached more than 24 million Hong Kong dollars, which also set a record."

"Then I brought "King of Killers" to Hollywood with confidence. The first company I found was Universal Pictures that I had a little cooperation with before, and wanted to reach a cooperation with it to release "King of Killers". In this way, a good cooperative relationship will be built and pave the way for future film releases."

"But Universal Pictures was only willing to buy out. When it comes to talking about it, it was only willing to give a buyout price of $150,000."

"Then I looked for other film companies, all of them were very proud. No one was willing to divide it up, only to buy out."

"The potential of "King of Killers" is huge. I am unwilling to be bought out, so I searched for theatrical distribution by myself. The first few major theaters in the United States such as AMC and Ximanke are basically the world of the eight major Hollywood giants. The split is pressed very low, the point is that you can't get enough screens."

"So in order to plan for long-term channels, I also found several small and medium-sized theaters to sign cooperation agreements. I plan to pilot the broadcast first, and then use this as a stepping stone to open the door to other theaters."

"It's just that the lack of publicity partners leads to inadequate publicity, so the performance of the screenings is average. On the fourth day of gradual improvement, the several theaters we cooperated adjusted our "King of the Killer" to midnight. The screen was taken away by the movie "Melvin and Howard" being screened by Universal Pictures. There were not many audiences at midnight. Because the attendance rate was not high, "Killer King" was released after two weeks. ."

"After I finished the painting, the people from Universal Pictures found me again and wanted to buy out the copyright of "King of Killers" for $30,000. I didn't agree. The people from the distribution department of Universal Pictures later threatened me. If we don’t cooperate with them, we cannot enter the American market."

Speaking of this, Jiang Zhiqiang's arrogant and insidious face and superior posture of the Universal Cinema Company appeared in his mind. He could not help clenching his fists and sighed in his chest.

"Chairman, Universal Pictures Company is deliberately squeezing our resources. I have consulted those theater companies for theory, but they clearly told me that they cannot refuse Universal Pictures' request."

"They are robbers. I'm not reconciled. At such a low price, I would rather not make a point than I would be killed by Universal Pictures."

Seeing the expression of excitement and resentment on Jiang Zhiqiang's face, Xia Yu was also annoyed, but he also knew that Jiang Zhiqiang did his best.

Xia Yu is very aware of the xenophobia and dominance of Hollywood giants. Hollywood is controlled by Jews even in later generations. Wall Street Capital does not know how coveted it is, and has been trying to infiltrate and control it.

And Universal Pictures, which suppressed Universal Cinemas, originally lived in the tail of the top eight Hollywood giants, but after cooperating with Spielberg five years ago to produce "Jaws", it has risen again, and in the next few years it has cooperated with Spear. Berg and George Lucas have cooperated, and now Universal Pictures has rushed into the top of the eight Hollywood giants, with great influence.

With Universal Pictures' voice in the film industry, it is not easy to oppress several small and medium-sized cinema companies.

What's more, the U.S. cinema industry has not yet integrated. Even the top four cinema companies in the United States together account for less than 20% of the screens in the United States. The cinema companies are simply unable to hold on to the eight Hollywood giants. Come.

Moreover, the Hong Kong film has not yet reached its golden age, and its influence is limited to Asia.

At this time, the European and American worlds simply look down on Asia. After all, with the exception of island countries, the economic levels of other Asian countries and regions are indeed not very good.

Jiang Xieqiang wanted to come to cooperate, and it was normal to be bullied.

The former Sega Harvest was able to cooperate with Warner Pictures thanks to Bruce Lee. Even so, Ghigh’s right to speak is very low and belongs to the party squeezed by Warner Pictures.

As for the Shaw Films Company, let alone, the Chinese film boss for decades was still rejected by Hollywood. Later, he invested 150 million Hong Kong dollars, but he lost even his underwear. Enter the mind of Hollywood.

At this time, the Galaxy Film Company was just emerging, and the Global Cinemas Company was only well-known in Asia. Although Jiang Zhiqiang’s previous Anle Cinemas screenings of Western films had a certain connection with Hollywood, it was only stronger than Shao Yifu, and it was in harmony with wrinkles. Not much better than that.

In the absence of phenomenal movies, the box office of Western films shown in Universal Cinemas is only a few million Hong Kong dollars, and it is only a million dollars when converted into US dollars. For the eight big Hollywood giants, it is just mosquito meat.

With such a small cooperation, global cinema companies are not irreplaceable. One can imagine the weight of Jiang Xieqiang in the eyes of the eight Hollywood giants.

Of course, Xia Yu doesn't look down on his company when he thinks this way. However, the current status quo is like this, just blame others for underestimating it!

But whether it is for the sake of receiving Jiang Xieqiang's heart, or for his own business, this matter can't be left alone!

If your own film company wants to break into Hollywood, it must break into the Hollywood Big Eight, and the best way is to win one.

And it is not safe to win a movie giant. After all, Hollywood has always been controlled by the Jews, and other giants unite to deal with him.

Don’t you see Sony, a wealthy little devil in the past, has also suffered from the acquisition of Columbia Pictures. Relying on the strong strength of the consortium behind it, it has taken years to gain a foothold in Hollywood.

Therefore, it is not safe to win one of the eight Hollywood giants!

If he wants to gain a foothold in Hollywood and fight arbitrarily, he also needs a theater that covers the entire United States, and this theater must be large enough. Now the theater giants before the integration of the U.S. theater market cannot meet his requirements. !

These two things have to be done, but there is no way in a short time.

And in these matters, Jiang Zhiqiang has no effect.

Xia Yu retracted his mind, and gently encouraged Jiang Zhi: "The strongest, know your shame and then be courageous. You must keep this in your heart. Xiangjiang movies are not brilliant enough. After you go back, you and Wu Siyuan have a good exchange. Let go and do it. Now both Galaxy Films and Universal Cinemas are still young. Although they have achieved certain successes, their leadership status is not stable enough. You will continue to cultivate the Asian market this year."

"It's not a good idea to go out behind closed doors!"

"Now most of the good resources of the Xiangjiang film industry are in the hands of you and Wu Siyuan. There is time to study and study the various models of Hollywood, and learn from each other to make the Xiangjiang film industry change."

"I will pave the road for you here in the United States. I don't want my road to be paved. You are not ready yet."

"Have you remembered?"

While ashamed, Jiang Zhiqiang nodded his head firmly and said: "Chairman, I remember that after we go back, we must work hard to improve our internal skills. First, we will lay down Jiahe and Shao to lay a solid foundation."

Xia Yu suddenly became happy.

However, he didn't say much that if the Galaxy Film Company and Universal Cinemas wanted to dominate, Jiahe and Shaw Brothers had to be knocked down. Not only that, the Chinese film companies in Taiwan must also be knocked down.

Xia Yu thought for a while, and reminded Jiang Zhiqiang: "Don't go back empty-handed when you come to Hollywood. Hollywood has the latest theoretical knowledge and photographic equipment. Please buy it and take it back. If you can get a high salary, please go to some teachers to go back. Best, you can figure out how to do it yourself."

Jiang Zhiqiang nodded: "Okay, I will do these things."


At about three in the afternoon, Yan Wenhan and Jiang Zhiqiang left one after another.

Xia Yu made a phone call and ordered people to collect some information about the movies released in the United States in recent years. This was one night.

The next day, Xia Yu called at the right time to go to Xiangjiang, and the answer was Wu Siyuan, the general manager of Galaxy Film Company.

Xia Yu dictated the outline of an alien who had fallen on the earth and was taken in by a kind little boy to Wu and then ordered him to arrange a team of screenwriters to improve the script of the movie, and it must be based on Hollywood science fiction films. Think to construct an outline.

After talking to Wu Siyuan, Xia Yu went to Polaris Capital, and ordered Peter Lynch to arrange for someone to investigate the US film industry and the theater market.

After returning home again, he called George Berkeley again, and after asking about some of the French layout, he asked him to secretly send someone to communicate with François Mitterrand.

Three days later, Xia Yu flew back to Xiangjiang brightly. After staying at home for less than a day, he secretly arrived in the island nation of Tokyo by boat.

Just two days after Xia Yu arrived in Tokyo, François Mitterrand, the first secretary of the French opposition Socialist Party, came to the island nation of Tokyo on business and communicated with the island’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs on some matters between the two countries.

During the day to perform official duties, but in the evening, François Mitterrand came to a house not far from the mansion alone.

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