Rebirth of the Strongest Tycoon

v3 Chapter 910: Wells Fargo Bank is ready to deploy in T

Chapter 910 Wells Fargo Bank Gets It, Layout Taiwan Province

"BOSS, I have completed the task you explained. These are all the materials from Wells Fargo."

"All the shares have been acquired at a cost of 1.383 billion US dollars."

In the office of the chairman of Polaris Capital, Peter Lynch solemnly pushed the stack of documents in front of Xia Yu and said.

"Good job!"

Xia Yu smiled and praised, then picked up the materials and looked at it carefully, feeling deeply in his heart.

In the past life, the fourth largest bank in the United States, Wells Fargo, which was once the largest bank in the world before the scandal, was acquired by him.

The cost is only less than 1.4 billion US dollars!

Although the future growth of him will require continuous mergers and acquisitions like a greedy snake, and it will also cost a lot of money, but no matter how money is paid, it will definitely not need hundreds of billions of dollars in future market value.

After feeling a little, Xia Yu concentrated and immersed himself in the information.

There are many equity transaction contracts, from many shareholders, the largest one is with a California consortium, and the purchase price of a single share is the highest.

A total of 43% of the equity cost 630 million U.S. dollars.

As for the equity of other minority shareholders, the purchase price is relatively low.

More or less, Xia Yu doesn't care, it's nothing more than a gap of hundreds of millions of dollars. For him, who is now rich in funds, it is like that. As long as he buys Wells Fargo, he will make a lot of money!

As for equity, Peter Lynch made offshore processing during the acquisition. At present, Wells Fargo is a 51% subsidiary of Polaris Capital, and the remaining 49% of the equity is all Distributed to other offshore shell companies.

Fifty-one percent is enough to swear sovereignty to the outside world.

After laying down the materials, Xia Yu asked Peter Lynch: "Peter, has the takeover of Wells Fargo Bank completed now? What is the current situation of the bank?"

Peter Lynch said: "BOSS, now I have taken over Wells Fargo Bank, but because the company changed ownership and the bank president is about to leave, there are some concerns within Wells Fargo Bank."

"So now it is necessary to find a suitable president for Wells Fargo Bank as soon as possible. I suggest promoting capable executives from within the bank."

Xia Yu nodded slightly and asked, "You know better about Wells Fargo's personnel. Do you have a suitable candidate?"

Peter Lynch was very safe and prepared for this, so he immediately said: "There are still several senior executives in Wells Fargo who are direct members of the California consortium, but many of them are internally trained talents and professional managers. ."

"One of them is very suitable, and that is the current vice president and chief financial officer Yalman Simmons. He has been working for Wells Fargo Bank since graduating from university. He has been at the bottom for 31 years. To this position now."

"I have brought his information."

After speaking, Peter Lynch opened the briefcase again, took out a thinner document from it and presented it to Xia Yu.

Xia Yu took a closer look after taking it.

Ten minutes later, Xia Yu read Alman Simmons's information and affirmed Peter Lynch's recommendation in his heart.

This Arman Simmons is indeed an elite talent, and he is also one of the pillars of Wells Fargo. His thirty-one years of work experience has made him the person who knows Wells Fargo the best, and his personality is also strong. It's a good fit to take over as president of Wells Fargo Bank.

"Where is he now?"

Xia Yu put down the information and asked Peter Lynch.

The latter immediately replied: "It is now at the San Francisco headquarters. Because of the company's change of ownership, none of the executives of Wells Fargo have gone on business."

Xia Yu nodded and said, "If this is the case, don't waste time. Go and make arrangements. I will go with you this afternoon to complete the personnel transfer."


After speaking, Peter Lynch exited the office.

At 2:30 in the afternoon, Wells Fargo held a staff meeting. Xia Yu sat in the middle of the rostrum, Peter Lynch was the host, and all the executives at the headquarters attended the meeting.

At the meeting, Peter Lynch first thanked the current president Mitch Sardin for his dedication, and then announced the decision of the parent company and the Wells Fargo Board of Directors to remove Mitch Sardin from the post of president, and vice president Yarman Simmons took over as president. A post.

As Xia Yu expected, after Alman Simmons took office, he received warm applause.

It wasn't until 4:20 in the afternoon that the staff meeting officially ended. Xia Yu clearly felt that the atmosphere of the bank was less solemn and more relaxed.

After the workers' meeting, Alman Simmons came to the chairman's office and met Xia Yu and Peter Lynch.

After making a few simple jokes and letting Alman Simmons relax his mind, Xia Yu started talking about business.

"Alman, although you have just taken office, you have worked at Wells Fargo Bank for 31 years after all. I hope you can take over all the work of Mitch Sardin as soon as possible and ensure the normal operation of the company."

Alman Simmons nodded immediately and resolutely assured: "BOSS, I will strive to complete the handover within one week, and will not cause problems for the company."

Xia Yu nodded slightly, and then said: "There are still some things you have to do as soon as possible after the handover. The first one is personnel. You should know that some of the executives are sent by the California consortium, and some are acquisitions. When the accounting firm has found out the worms of the company that have not yet been announced, these people must be resolutely cleared out, and the list will be given to you by Peter Lynch, and you will check for errors or omissions."

"For these people's positions, you have to find suitable candidates to succeed. It is best to be promoted internally by the bank. If you really can't find a suitable one, report to Peter Lynch in advance, and he will contact the headhunting company to hunt for employment."

Aalman Simmons felt the tremendous pressure, but he also felt the resolute attitude of the boss Xia Yu. He made it clear that he wanted to completely wash away the color of the California consortium and involved the relationship between the consortiums. He did not understand or Convenient to express his position, the only thing he can do is to execute the orders of the new boss perfectly.

So he nodded solemnly and said, "Boss, I will make all preparations, please rest assured!"

Xia Yu went on to say: "The above are the personnel arrangements. Next, I will talk about Fang's development direction for Wells Fargo."

"Wells Fargo's original development investment philosophy and model are very good and do not need to be changed, but in terms of volume, it is still small. It is currently only a western regional bank."

"Polaris Capital needs a large bank covering the entire United States, so the main theme of the next few years is expansion."

"The parent company will inject one billion US dollars into Wells Fargo Bank for mergers and acquisitions. You need to find suitable small and medium-sized banks as targets for mergers and acquisitions.

"At present, with the nationwide inflation, the elites of all walks of life have been affected. The banking industry has been greatly affected. Now many banks have a hard time. There will definitely be a large number of bank failures in the next few years, even if they do not. Banks will also struggle to operate."

"This is the most suitable opportunity to expand against the trend."

"As long as you can fully control it, you can continue the merger, even if it is the merger of large banks, the funds do not need you to consider!"

This kind of domineering words made Aalman Simmons pleasantly surprised, and said quickly: "BOSS, I will make a secret expansion plan as soon as possible."


"In addition, there are many companies under Polaris Capital. These companies will be customers of Wells Fargo. You should communicate with President Peter Lynch. You can discuss and decide on the specifics."

"Peter, I need you to work harder then."

"The billion-dollar funds will be injected into Polaris Capital in a few days. Then you will transfer it to Wells Fargo."

"Ok, this is my duty."

Peter Lynch responded and smiled at Alman Simmons.

Arranged for Wells Fargo Bank, almost finished get off work, Xia Yu went home directly.

The next day, Xia Yu saw a piece of news.

The Taiwan authorities announced the construction of Taiwan’s first science and technology park in Hsinchu County, with a planned area of ​​up to 21 square kilometers. The slogan was loudly shouted, declaring that it would build the "Silicon Valley of Taiwan."

As soon as the Hsinchu Science Park was established, the Taiwanese authorities announced a series of preferential policies to encourage Taiwanese and overseas capital to start businesses in the park.

After pondering for a long time, Xia Yu came to Polaris Capital again to find Peter Lynch, who was busy, and ordered him to select suitable personnel to go to the Hsinchu Science Park in Taiwan Province to establish the Taiwan branch of Polaris Capital.

The main task of the branch is to invest in high-quality and potential enterprises in Taiwan Province and the future Hsinchu Science Park, and then complete capital penetration into Taiwan Province.

Xia Yu knows that although Taiwan Province is small, there are still many good things in this future leader of the Four Little Dragons. There are nine Fortune 500 companies in future generations, which are definitely worth investing or controlling.

However, Xia Yu also knows that since the Hsinchu Science Park has just been established, there can be no high-quality companies. Polaris Capital should be the first large multinational company to settle in, and it will definitely be highly valued by the Taiwan authorities.

In order to prevent the branch from finding a direction, Xia Yu also gave Peter Lynch some advice and asked him to arrange for someone to invest in a company called Hon Hai.

This company Xia Yu had known for a long time that it had been established in 1974, and it was the parent company of the famous Foxconn in later generations. However, because of the complicated situation in Taiwan, Xia Yu did not find an opportunity to invest, nor did he contact Boss Guo.

But now it's different It is absolutely appropriate for Polaris Capital to go.

Even if the Taiwan authorities know about Xia Yu's relationship with Polaris Capital, they dare not take any action. After all, Polaris Capital is also a large American company.

If there is really something that doesn’t look long and finds trouble with Polaris Capital on the basis of Xia Yu, without Xia Yu coming forward at all, Peter Lynch will naturally ask the US government to come forward and put pressure, and the effect is definitely the best.

Although there is the meaning of pulling American tiger skins, there is no way. Who makes Taiwan Province special? In this period of time, except for pulling American tiger skins, other methods are not safe.

At that time, no matter how uncomfortable the Taiwan Provincial authorities or some people inside, they will have to pinch their noses and squeeze their smiles to serve Polaris Capital.

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