Rebirth of the Strongest Tycoon

v3 Chapter 937: The hidden worries of Xiangjiang

Xia Yu had considered this before, and was mentally prepared for MacLehose to ask such questions.

Therefore, he said helplessly: "Mr. Governor, when planning for the establishment of the school, he did not think thoroughly. Later, he discovered that the shortage of various talents in Xiangjiang was too large, so he opened more majors and increased the number of students. Adjusted."

MacLehose frowned slightly, but he couldn't blame it. After all, Xia Yu did this to benefit Xiangjiang, improve the educational environment and level of Xiangjiang, and fit his ruling philosophy.

It's rare that Xia Yu is so caring about education, no matter how much he can't attack Xia Yu's enthusiasm.

Since Xia Yu had cut first and then played, he could only pinch his nose to recognize it, and he had already decided to agree to Xia Yu's request.

Just in order not to let Xia Yu continue to cut and play like this, MacLehose felt that he still had to be a little bit squeaky and show his attitude so as not to be messed up next time by what Xia Yu suddenly threw out.

After this thought flashed in his mind, MacLehose frowned slightly and asked: "Mr. Xia, can I know what the new colleges and majors of Jiuding University are?"

"Are they all on this?"

With that said, MacLehose weighed in his hands and wrote a document about the situation of Jiuding University.


Xia Yu talked, looked around, found the information on the second page of the university, pointed to the line and said: "The School of Electronic Science and Engineering, the School of Chemical Engineering, the School of Biomedical Engineering, the School of Vehicle Engineering, these four colleges and their subordinates Basically all of the majors are newly added."

MacLehose stared at these colleges and majors for a while, frowned, but was really puzzled.

He looked at Xia Yu and asked: "Mr. Xia, the school of Electronic Science and Engineering can still be in contact with Xiangjiang, and the majors of the School of Biomedical Engineering can also match the market, but the School of Chemical Engineering and the School of Vehicle Engineering are the majors offered by these two schools. After graduating, it’s hard for the trained students to find a job in Xiangjiang, right?"

Take a look at the School of Chemical Engineering. Four majors have been opened: Normal Chemistry, Materials Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Technology, and Applied Chemistry.

Except for teachers who can go to chemistry teachers after graduating from normal chemistry, the other three majors are too difficult to find jobs in Xiangjiang.

As far as MacLehose knows, there are not many chemical-related companies in Hong Kong, and only some of them are basically just selling cosmetics or doing commerce and do not need too many professional talents.

As for the School of Vehicle Engineering, it is even more so. The majors offered include thermal energy and dynamics, vehicle engineering, mechatronics engineering, industrial design and other majors, each of which is related to automobile manufacturing.

The question is, does HeungKong have a well-known automobile manufacturer?

Oh, no, it seems that there is one, the original Jardine Motor Company, which was also acquired by Xia Yu, and the only car manufacturing plant under it is in Indonesia instead of Xiangjiang.

So after four years of graduation from these majors, employment will be a problem!

If it is not properly resolved, even if students can be recruited, four years later, students who cannot find a job after graduation will definitely have a negative impact on society!

Maybe at that time he no longer held the post of Governor of Xiangjiang, but he couldn't get rid of his responsibility. He didn't want to leave the post and be scolded.

Facing MacLehose’s questioning, Xia Yu smiled slightly and said: "Mr. Governor, I forgot to tell you this. After these students graduate, I will give them a choice, whether to join my company or choose their own jobs. , So there will be no problem in employment, as long as they can graduate successfully!"

MacLehose was silent for a moment, gradually clearing up some confused thoughts.

He stared slightly, and hurriedly asked Xia Yu: "Mr. Xia, do you mean you want to start an automobile manufacturing company and a chemical company in Xiangjiang?"

Xia Yu smiled and nodded and said, "Yes, I have this plan, and I'm already considering action, but Xiangjiang's talent system is too poor, and I have to find a way by myself."

Hearing Xia Yu's words, the last question in MacLehose's heart dissipated, and his original thoughts were gone.

"Mr. Xia, Xiangjiang does have a problem with its engineering talent system. Since Jiuding University is willing to take on the responsibility of cultivating talents, I fully agree that the expansion of Jiuding University is fine. I will hold a meeting to arrange this later."

"If this is okay, I want to hear your thoughts on the automotive industry and the chemical industry. What new companies do you want to start?"

Xia Yu immediately smiled and said, "Of course it's okay, Mr. Governor, the latter happens to be the second purpose of my visit today."

MacLehose raised his brows, his heart became more curious, and his spirit became more concentrated. He looked at Xia Yu with scorching eyes and said, "Mr. Xia, please speak!"

Xia Yu took a sip of the tea cup to moisturize his throat, sorted out his thoughts a little, and started talking in no hurry.

"Mr. Governor, after returning to Xiangjiang, I carefully considered the current situation and future development direction of Xiangjiang."

"At present, the main economic entities of Xiangjiang are light industry, commerce, finance, real estate, and tourism. From 1970 to the present, the proportion of the secondary industry represented by light industry in the total output value of Xiangjiang has been declining. This year still accounted for 36.5%, but by last year, the proportion had dropped to 32.1%, and there is a further downward trend!"

"It seems that the tertiary industry accounts for an increasing proportion and is becoming more and more prosperous, but in fact there are great concerns."

Hearing this, MacLehose frowned. He didn't believe Xia Yu would talk nonsense, but the analysis of the industry is not just talking, but there must be strong evidence.

Xia Yu had considered this a long time ago and looked at Huo Jianning.

The latter immediately took out the economic research report made by Jiuding Think Tank and handed it to MacLehose, and finally said: "Mr. Governor, let me tell you about it next."

"Mr. Governor, you can open the report and read it while listening. If you have any questions, you can interrupt me at any time."

"The survey report analyzes the changes in the decade from 1970 to 1980. You can look directly at the most detailed 1980. Last year, Hong Kong's export trade was still based on the export of Hong Kong's local industrial products, and the total export ratio of Hong Kong products reached 78.4%. ."

"And most importantly, according to our time-consuming and long-term survey, Hong Kong's local textiles, garments, watches, plastics, toys and other industries account for 83.8% of total domestic exports."

"The number of workers in these industries accounted for 72.5% of the total number of workers in Hong Kong!"

"The financial industry is very closely related to these light manufacturing industries. Once these industries weaken, the financial industry will also have major problems."

"These useless labor thresholds and labor-intensive industries that rely heavily on labor have been gradually shifting to the mainland. The cost of workers in the mainland is only one-fifth of those of Hong Kong people. No businessman is not tempted!"

"If entrepreneurs go bankrupt and workers are unemployed, it will be a problem for the citizens to eat, and there is no money to buy houses, the real estate industry will also fall into a trough.


"Furthermore, in the financial industry, the financial market in Hong Kong is actually very unstable. This has a lot to do with the immaturity of the system. There have been two major stock market crashes in the past ten years, which have caused tremendous damage to Xiangjiang's economy and many companies have gone bankrupt. ."

"One of the key factors is the coexistence of the four major exchanges. Although the Hong Kong government passed a bill to merge the four exchanges last year, as far as I know, progress has been slow."

"According to our analysis, according to the current progress, the merger can be completed before 1987 even if it goes smoothly."

"There are still more than six years. It is too slow for Xiangjiang. The time for development is fleeting. Star City is eyeing Xiangjiang, not to mention Taiwan Province. Xiangjiang can't afford to wait!"


After listening to Huo Jianning's narration, combined with the various diagrams and graphs in his hands, MacLehose's face gradually became ugly.

In fact, the Hong Kong Government's Industrial and Commercial Administration will give him a report on the economic development of Hong Kong every year, but the situation is not as serious as Huo Jianning said.

However, if you ask yourself, MacLehose feels that the research report in his hand is more detailed than that of the Trade and Industry Department. It uses various charts for comparison and is more intuitive.

And every important data has its source, either by quoting reports from the banking industry or obtained through detailed investigations.

So in MacLehose's mind, he already believed in the authenticity of the economic research report in his hand.

It is just because he believes that his face is even more ugly. Under his governance, Xiangjiang still has so many problems. Isn't it a true manifestation of his ineffective governance?

After a long time, Huo Jianning finished speaking and ended with a concluding sentence.

"Mr. Governor, the manufacturing industry is the foundation of Xiangjiang's economy. To solve the hidden worries of Xiangjiang, the best way is to upgrade and transform Xiangjiang's manufacturing industry to expand into industries with high threshold and high output value such as electronics, automobiles, chemicals, medicine and equipment. Upgrade to promote the diversified development of products and markets."

MacLehose nodded stupidly. He picked up the teacup but found that the cup was empty. Jianning Huo immediately poured the tea for him. MacLehose took a sip. The bitter taste was released on the taste buds, and MacLehose's mind became sober.

He thought for a long time, looked at Xia Yu, and asked, "Mr. Xia, since you have done this survey, you should also make the next plan?"

Xia Yu said with a smile: "Mr. Governor really saw it!"

Xia Yu's voice just Huo Jianning took out two more documents from the briefcase and presented them to MacLehose after they were separated.

Xia Yu’s voice appeared at the right time: “Mr. Governor, this is the industrial transformation plan of Xiangjiang made by Jiuding Think Tank in conjunction with the global environment on your left, and this is my envisioned plan for the industry to be developed in Xiangjiang on your right. The documents are relatively related, so you might as well take some time to read them."

"It's only 3:25, and there should be enough time."

MacLehose nodded slightly, rubbed his temples, took a deep breath, and opened the report on the left.

From the economic research report just now, it can be seen that Xia Yu’s Jiuding Think Tank is powerful, and he now wants to know what Jiuding Think Tank thinks about the future of Xiangjiang!

PS: This broken job requires less money and more responsibility. With WeChat, work has severely eroded the time of life, resulting in no time for codewords in the previous two days. I apologize for the break in the previous two days!

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