Rebirth of the Strongest Tycoon

v3 Chapter 947: Become an industry standard setter

At this time, the laser disc technology has really not developed to the CD stage, and it is in the initial stage of LD laser video disc.

Even the laser disc technology has nothing to do with computers.

In terms of technical principles, there are two aspects to laser discs: writing information and reading information.

Writing information is to use a laser to focus on the optical disc medium to form a beam of about 1 micron in diameter, and burn small pits on the optical disc. Each small pit and each flat area is a bit of information to indicate the data "1" and "0".

The reading of information is based on the difference in light reflection between the pits and the unablated area. The laser is used to read the information, and the modulated laser beam is projected onto the disc medium. There are no pits, and most of the incident light returns. , Due to the depth of the pit, the reflected light is offset with the incident light and does not return.

In this way, the "0" and "1" information recorded on the optical disc medium are read out according to the difference in the reflection ability of the light beam.

Then in 1972, the Dutch Philips company launched the laser video disc machine, and introduced the laser video disc system-LD, that is.

The LD-laser video disc records analog signals, and the analog recording uses frequency modulation modulation. The disk space is very large. The storage method uses double-sided storage technology and double-sided playback technology.

It’s just that the diameter of the LD-laser disc has reached 30 centimeters, and the laser disc player is very bulky. Although Philips established the LD format in 1978 in order to reduce costs and lower the market circulation threshold, it was still because of its bulkiness. And the high price cannot be widely promoted to families.

Then at this time, the home tape machine appeared again, giving the LD laser video disc machine a major blow.

Knowing what to do, Philips sold most of the copyright of the LD laser video disc format to the island pioneer company.

After the island pioneer company bought the format copyright, it launched the first LD player VP-1000 in July last year, and combined with its own strength in the field of car audio, it is developing LD players for cars.

The report also wrote that after selling the copyright of the LD format, Philips is conducting research on new laser optical disc technology, mainly to solve the shortcomings of analog signals and develop a new generation of optical disc storage systems.

Although technology research and development is a very secret matter, it is inevitable to register patents in order to seize the level of technology. Therefore, even if you do not know the detailed technical principles after patent registration, you can still guess the general category of the technology.

Therefore, Lu Chao can judge that the world is now not only the leader in the industry of Phillips, but also companies such as the island country Sony, the island country Matsushita Electric Co., and West Germany Siemens are all conducting relevant research.


After closing the report, Xia Yu combined the memory in his mind and began to ponder, wondering how he should act.

Although Xia Yu is not proficient in optical disc technology, he has heard of it. After all, whether it is the VCD player of the later generations or the optical disc of the Internet age, it is subject to the yellow book standard and the red book standard of the optical disc.

But these two standards are for later generations. After reading the report, Xia Yu can be sure that these two standards have not been established at all, and there is still a long time before they are established.

As the saying goes, first-class companies make standards, second-rate companies make brands, and third-rate companies make products!

Tiangong Electronics Co., Ltd. wants to be a giant in the field of optical discs and storage in the next few decades, and must not miss this opportunity to become an industry standard setter.

I still remember that in the past life, it seems that Philips and Sony jointly formulated the Red Book Standard and the Yellow Book Standard. This also enabled the two companies to stand at the top of the pyramid to **** blood in the torrent of the information revolution.

Xia Yu looked at his watch and found that it was only ten o'clock, and there was more than an hour before get off work.

He stood up and said to Huo Jianning: "Jianning, accompany me to see Lu Chao in the Tiangong Technology Laboratory. I have something to talk to him."

Huo Jianning knew that it was a report, and he readily promised, and then accompanied Xia Yu to go.

Soon, Xia Yu came to the Tiangong Technology Laboratory again and found Lu Chao, who was concentrating on fiddling with a precision instrument.

"Dr. Lu, the chairman is here, I want to talk to you about something!"

Huo Jianning walked to Lu Chao and raised his voice, awakening Lu Chao.

The latter raised his head, pushed the glasses that were a little slippery because of grease, and said to Xia Yu with scorching eyes: "Chairman!"

Sure enough, as Huo Jianning said before, Lu Chao's beard is very long, and his hair is a little messy, and there seems to be a yellow solid around the corner of his eyes.

It's just that although his appearance is sloppy, the eyes under his glasses are extremely bright, showing his different looks, which impressed Xia Yu very deeply.

"Dr. Lu, stop for a moment. Let's go to the office and sit and chat. I read the report you made and I want to discuss some ideas with you."

Xia Yu said softly.

Hearing it was a discussion, Lu Chao's eyes became brighter. The brains of Chairman Xia Yu a few days ago gave him a great impact. Now there is a chance to exchange ideas, and he has some expectations in his heart.

"Okay, Chairman, I will turn off the instrument first."

After speaking, he immediately turned around, turning off the instrument quickly.

Half a minute later, he came to the office with Xia Yu and Huo Jianning.

As soon as he sat down, he couldn't wait to ask: "Chairman, is there anything wrong with my report?"

Xia Yu put the report on the desktop, smiled and shook his head and said: "The report is okay. The content is very detailed. It can be seen that you are doing it very seriously. I want to talk to you about the future of laser discs and what we can do. !"

Lu Chao refreshed, immediately opened the notebook he was holding when he came to the office, sat up straight, looked at Xia Yu with scorching eyes, and said, "Chairman, you say!"

Xia Yu thought for a while, found an entry point and started talking.

"The LD laser video disc system uses analog signals and reads optical information. Although a 1 micron laser beam is used for recording, the area on the disc has been fixed. Even if it can be recorded on both sides, the information that can be stored is limited. , The amount of information storage is directly proportional to the size of the disc."

"But the shortcomings are also obvious. They are very impressed with interference and noise, and because they are ablated by laser beams, they can easily hide dirt and even cause signal errors due to scratches and contamination."

"Of course, it is also obvious that it is too large. This is one of the reasons why the LD laser disc cannot be promoted on a large scale. The combination of the laser disc machine is too bulky."

"For these, I have some ideas."

"The most fundamental reason for these problems is actually because of the analog signal, which leads to inaccurate data reading, and is easily affected and leads to reading errors."

"So can you develop a photoelectric conversion technology, such as pulse counting? Transcode the analog signal for digital processing, and then compress and record the transcoded digital signal on the optical disc, which can directly solve the shortcomings of interference and noise sensitivity. "

"Not only that, we can code each part of the information and determine the address. Just like a library, we can put the books of science, humanities, military, health, etc. into different bookshelves. When looking for information, You can find the information you need in the shortest time."

"An error detection and error correction scheme can also be added to reduce the bit error rate."

"In this case, we can store dozens or even hundreds of times as much data in the same size disc, then the size and weight of the disc can be reduced, and the volume of home-style CD players and video players will be much smaller. , The market will reopen."

"The laser disc has become smaller, and it should be enough to develop a portable player that plays the laser disc.


Lu Chao was excited by the flushing of the ground and said loudly: "Chairman, your idea should be right. This is the right way. If we really develop products, we will make a huge contribution to the world."

"Not only the Walkman market, but the larger computer market will also have a huge impact."

Xia Yudan said with a smile: "Dr. Lu, if I am not mistaken, Philips and Sony are already studying related technologies and have made some progress. If we are to catch up, do you think it will be difficult? "

Lu Chao's excitement instantly cooled down, and he frowned and thought quickly.

For a long time, he stretched his brows and said: "Chairman, according to the data I collected, Philips and Sony have not yet developed photoelectric conversion technology for the patents they applied for. Maybe they have developed another technology."

"Edison once said that genius is ninety-nine percent of sweat and one percent of inspiration, but that one percent of inspiration is the most important."

"Since Philips and Sony have not researched the technology for several years, it will certainly not be a problem of scientific research strength. It should be that they have not found the right direction and are still experimenting one by one."

"But my instinct tells me that your idea is right, correct or not, you will know after experimenting. Our laboratory has the world's top experimental facilities. The only restriction is the elites in the electronics field, but I can contact My classmates and friends may be able to find some people to come and develop together."

"As long as they are willing to help me, I have a certain degree of confidence!"

Xia Yu said immediately: "Dr. Lu, the company has never been soft on talents. As long as you can recruit people, they will definitely be satisfied in terms of treatment, and they can calm down and do scientific research."

Lu Chao nodded and said, "I'm going to call now!"

After speaking, he got up, ready to leave the office.

Xia Yu was a little bit dumbfounded, and immediately said: "Dr. Lu, you sit down first, don't worry, I still have something to say."

Lu Chao sat down again and looked straight at Xia Yu.

Xia Yu continued: "I suggest that you pay close attention to the trends of Philips and Sony when developing technologies. We must strive to become a leader and standard setter in this field, which determines the company's future."

"Besides, you recruit people as much as possible. CD-ROM technology represents the future, but tapes and walkmans cannot be left behind. Walkmans are the cash cow of technology research and development, do you understand?"

Lu Chao took a deep breath, nodded heavily and said: "Chairman, I understand what you said, the development of the Walkman has not stopped, and I will realize your vision as soon as possible."

At this time, Huo Jianning also said: "Chairman, I will also strengthen supervision and speed up on the premise of maintaining quality and quantity."

Xia Yu nodded in satisfaction: "Hmm!"

After chatting with Lu Chao for a I found that Lu Chao was obviously a little absent-minded. He should have been thinking about technology in his head, so Xia Yu simply sent him away.

After Lu Chao left, Xia Yu took a sip of tea, leaned on the sofa, and said to Huo Jianning, "Jianning, there is one thing you need to do."

Huo Jianning leaned forward slightly and said softly: "Chairman, please give me your instructions!"

Xia Yu opened the report, pointed to a location and said to Huo Jianning: "You go and collect information about the island pioneer company. Although the LD format laser disc system has drawbacks, it is not useless. It has a lot of advantages in the industrial and automotive fields. If appropriate, I am going to acquire it."

Huo Jianning took the report and focused on the words Island Pioneer Company. He nodded solemnly and said, "Okay, I will arrange for someone to collect information right away."


"It's almost off work, let's go!"

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