Rebirth of the Strongest Tycoon

v3 Chapter 970: I want zero business prosperity

Xia Yu smiled and said: "I really know, because I made this proposal."


Astonishment flashed in Bao Yugang's eyes, his brows wrinkled slightly, thinking that Xia Yu always had deep meaning in doing things, so he immediately asked: "A Yu, I remember that you have already started to transfer factories to Pengcheng, why would you want to? Building an industrial park in Xiangjiang?"


   "Everyone is running to Pengcheng, you are doing the opposite!"


   Xia Yu said indifferently: "Old Bao, the basic labor-intensive industries that move to the mainland are textiles, garments, toys and other labor-intensive industries, with low technical thresholds and heavy dependence on labor costs. I don't do this."


Bao Yugang accepted Xia Yu’s reason, but he still felt that something was wrong. After thinking about it, he asked, “Leave aside the labor cost. There is also the investment and use cost of plant hardware, even if the land price in Yuen Long is low. , It is also higher than Pengcheng. Even if the Hong Kong government builds an industrial park, it may not be able to attract enough enterprises."


   Xia Yu smiled and said, "Old Bao, I don't know exactly what MacLehose thinks. After all, I am not the roundworm in his stomach."


   "But if the industrial park is built, I alone can build a lot of large factories. As long as I have a market and enough business, manufacturers of supporting industrial chains will naturally follow."


   "The effect of industrial clusters is true everywhere."


   Bao Yugang stretched his brows and nodded slowly and said, "Yes, although your factory has not been established, I believe you can do it."


   "Then which industries are you going to do? Have you planned?"


   Xia Yu replied: "Automobiles, machinery manufacturing, electronics, petrochemicals, etc."


   "Companies in the automobile, machinery manufacturing and electronics industries have existed for a long time, and the petrochemical industry will be built later."


   Bao Yugang nodded in understanding. He knew that Xia Yu did have companies in these industries, which he had previously acquired from the Jardine Consortium, such as Jardine Machinery Group, Jardine Automotive Group, etc., as well as his own Tiangong Electronics Group.


   There is only one thing he hasn’t figured out yet, and that is why the Hong Kong government’s plan has omitted the real estate industry, which is now booming.


  He abandoned the boat and went ashore, and now he has been playing a big role in the real estate industry. If there is a real risk, he will have to plan early.


   "Ayu, the real estate industry is booming now, why is it not mentioned in the plan? Could it be that the real estate industry will change in the future?"


   Xia Yu shook his head and said: "The real estate industry is definitely bright in the future, but whether it is for Hong Kong or for ourselves, the real estate industry is best half bright."


   "Half the light?"


   Bao Yugang frowned and said, thinking of the properties of real estate, which can be divided into commercial real estate and residential real estate.


   He wondered: "Is there a risk in commercial real estate and residential real estate?"


   Xia Yu nodded and said, "Yes, Lao Bao, you should know the difference between commercial real estate and residential real estate, right?"


   Bao Yugang said without hesitation: "Of course I know."


   "Commercial real estate is an asset-oriented operation, and investment and development costs are high. It is about stable long-term income."


   "Residential real estate investment costs are lower, marketing is focused, short-term gains are harvested, and high turnover rates are important."


   Xia Yu said in an interface: "That's it."


   "Moreover, from a marketing perspective, the core of commercial real estate is investment, facing investors; the core of residential real estate is housing, facing consumers."


   "Commercial real estate is always hot again. Investors buy or rent shops for business, which is good for social and economic development. It is an important part of economic circulation and accelerates the flow of money."


"On the other hand, residential real estate is different. Consumers' money is limited. If the price of housing is too high, consumers will need to overdraft future money to buy houses. Income will basically flow into banks and real estate developers, and very little will be spent on consumption. ."


   "So residential real estate is prospering, but all businesses are declining."


   "And Xiangjiang is the window to the mainland and the intersection of the Pacific and Indian Oceans. Its geographical location is destined to become a prosperous trading place where all industries meet."


   "As long as Xiangjiang's business is prosperous, the commercial real estate market will naturally rise."


   "But Lao Bao, do you think that for Xiangjiang, for the mainland, the price of residential real estate in Xiangjiang has gone up, okay or not?"


   Bao Yugang shook his head and said decisively: "It's definitely not good. Housing prices are inversely proportional to the potential of Xiangjiang. The overdraft of housing prices is the potential of Xiangjiang, and the common people suffer."


   "Whether it is to us or to the general public, the prosperity of all industries is the best."


"Business is like planting leeks. You can harvest and sell them over and over again and you will have the money to fertilize them and start new fields to grow more leeks. Everyone can eat them, but if they dig the roots together, the leeks are gone. The land is dead as well."


   Xia Yu said with a smile: "Old Bao, you are a vivid metaphor."


   After laughing, Xia Yu narrowed his smile and said with a serious face: "So whether it is for ourselves or for the whole of Xiangjiang, the residential real estate of Xiangjiang really cannot let it fly around."


"But we also know that the real estate industry is too low-tech, so everyone goes to develop real estate if they have some money. How many wealthy families are rushing to the real estate industry. The real estate industry is jointly fired up by everyone. If we want to stop it, it will be particularly difficult. Big."


"But if you let it go, ten, twenty, thirty years, one day this bubble will burst, and there will be only a piece of chicken feathers left at that time, and the people at the bottom will be complaining, and our foundation will be corroded. The evil consequences and infamy will eventually be us. And our future generations."


   "I talked to MacLehose, although the Hong Kong government has now begun to rely on land sales, but it is not very serious, and commercial real estate can be sold as well."


   "So MacLehose is also supported. For him, a British man with a British mission, he can do this. I still admire him."


   Bao Yugang pondered for a long time and asked, "So you plan to focus on the development of the commercial real estate market for your Jiuding Real Estate Group, and confront everyone in the residential real estate market?"


   Xia Yu didn't hide it, nodded and said: "Yes, although there is a suspicion of being a bitch, but in Xiangjiang, I really want to be a socially responsible entrepreneur, not a capitalist who drinks human blood."


   "I don't care when I am abroad, but Xiangjiang is my hometown after all, and I am also from Huaxia. I always have to treat them differently. Gentlemen do something and don't do something."


   Bao Yugang laughed, and exclaimed: "Well said, gentlemen can do something but don't do something!"


   "I'll take this with you!"


   "Well, you are the leader in the real estate industry. After merging several companies, I barely squeezed into the top ten in the real estate industry. If we two act in groups, the probability of success is even greater!"


"As for Lao Huo's words, wait for him to come back and tell him, it's up to him, but according to what I know about him, he is a person despising money, and what he has in his heart is national justice. Don’t do it, it’s just another way to make money anyway."


   Xia Yu smiled and said, "You have an **** with me, I am confident!"


   Bao Yugang shook his head and smiled: "I just play a supporting role. Don't put a high hat on me. You didn't tell me before. If you are thinking about doing it yourself, you must be confident to do it. I still don't know you?"


   "But Ayu, when it comes to this, I have an opinion on you. Is my **** like someone with no bottom line? Why don't you call me about this?"


   Seeing Bao Yugang's stern face and unhappy look, Xia Yu was a little embarrassed, but he couldn't admit it.


   He retorted cheekyly: "Old Bao, why didn't I think of you? Didn't I hide you now? I just told you when you asked?"


   "The main reason for not telling you for the time being is that the Hong Kong government has not officially approved it. If it fails, I will tell you again. Isn't that slapped me in the face?"


   Bao Yugang looked up and down Xia Yu suspiciously.


   Xia Yu looked as usual, with a calm and composed look, let Bao Yugang look at it.


   Bao Yu just turned his gaze back and smiled: "That's OK, let's just assume that what you said is true ~ This matter will be revealed."


   Then he took a sip of his tea and said, "From tomorrow I will adjust the real estate strategy and focus on developing commercial real estate projects."


   "The profit of commercial real estate is actually not low. The annual income can far exceed the bank interest. In fact, it makes a steady profit. As long as the business environment of Hong Kong gets better and better, the rate of return will be higher and higher."


   "The key is to look at patience."


   Xia Yu said with a smile: "Old Bao does not mean that we give up the residential real estate business. We even have to do more. The greater the influence on the market, the more we can suppress housing prices."


   "If we abandon residential real estate directly, then there is no way to intervene."


   "If there are a lot of housing constructions, and everyone has a house, I see who they develop the house to sell to!"


   "Look at how they fry!"


  PS: I'm really sorry yesterday, the plan can't keep up with the changes. I hate drinking, but I can't push the wine bureau. I drank too much last night...