Rebirth of the Strongest Tycoon

v3 Chapter 978: 3 obstacles

"A Yu, you are the strongest and you have more options, then we won't be polite to you."


   Bao Yugang laughed loudly.


   Xia Yuhun smiled carelessly: "You're welcome, if other people listened to it and thought I was going to give you something like that, no matter how many choices, don't you want to buy it yourself?"


   Huo Yingdong laughed and said jokingly: "Old Bao, A Yu has said so, then we don't have a psychological burden, let go of the hook, anyway, A Yu's bank will help us with the money."


   "That's a good point!"




   Seeing the two of them laughing and starting to look at it, Xia Yu couldn't help crying or laughing.


   But he didn't take it to heart either. After all, the joke was a joke. With Bao Yugang and Huo Yingdong's calmness, they would not venture into such matters.


   Sure enough, in the end, even though Bao Yugang and Huo Yingdong's two selected targets together exceeded the value of four billion Hong Kong dollars, they were all within their abilities.


   Xia Yu took a look. The combination of their two choices is very reasonable, including old buildings in downtown areas and old companies with large properties and land, and land and companies in the suburbs.


  The investment in the development of commercial real estate and the development of residential real estate is between 46 to 50%.


   So in fact, the two will invest a total of more than four billion Hong Kong dollars on land in the suburbs.


   On Xia Yu's side, in order to suppress the housing prices in Xiangjiang, he also discussed roughly with Liu Shihao that the first batch of more than 5 billion Hong Kong dollars will be used to stock up on cheap land in the suburbs.


   In this way, the three of them would have to spend more than nine billion Hong Kong dollars just to buy land in the suburbs.


Generally speaking, in the real estate field, the land cost is basically about 30%, and the construction cost is also about 30%. The total marketing cost and gray cost are between 10% and 20%. The final profit is 20% to 30%.


   Of course, if the cost of stocked land is very low, and the land is developed for a long time, when the land price soars, the proportion of land cost will be much lower and the profit will be very large.


   However, the land purchased by Xia Yu is with an important mission. It is destined to be developed as soon as possible. It may be completed within three or four years, so 30% of the land cost is just right.


   So according to 30% of the land cost, the purchase of 9 billion Hong Kong dollars of land will eventually develop low-cost suburban real estate worth more than 30 billion Hong Kong dollars!


According to statistics, the size of Hong Kong's mortgage loans last year was 11.3 billion Hong Kong dollars, accounting for 53% of the sales of the Hong Kong housing development and sales market. The total sales of housing estates for the whole year last year was 21.3 billion taels. Ten million Hong Kong dollars!


   The market is such a big one. If an average of 10 billion Hong Kong dollars worth of cheap real estate is released every year in the next three years, the impact on the entire residential real estate market in Hong Kong can be imagined!


   The transaction volume of the residential market not to mention an annual growth rate of 30%, it would be good to be able to maintain the level of the same period last year.


   If the mystery is discovered by the majority of residents, it is very likely that they will wait with their money in their pockets and only buy houses developed by the company of Xia Yu.


   After all, to buy a house at a price that is 30% lower, the money saved can be equivalent to the entire income of a person in five, six or even ten years!


How about    wait a lot?


   "Lao Bao, Lao Huo, in addition to the land used to develop commercial real estate, the land for housing development in the suburbs should be started at the same time as possible. If the funds are not enough, my bank will carry it. You don't have to worry about this."


   Xia Yu smiled and said to Bao Yugang and Huo Yingdong.


   "Haha, you just have to say that. After I go back, I will expand the infrastructure company and start construction as soon as possible."


   Bao Yugang said with a relaxed smile.


   "In order to curb housing prices, it is necessary to start construction as soon as possible." Huo Yingdong said solemnly.


   Xia Yu nodded slightly and revealed an extremely important message to Bao Yugang and Huo Yingdong.


"In fact, since 1978, although the population of Xiangjiang has been increasing, the growth of the population of right-age buyers has reached its peak. The population of 25 to 49 years old is 1.42 million, and the growth rate is 9%. Point four."


   "But the year before last and last year, the growth rate of the population of right-age buyers was 7.6 percent and 5.8 percent respectively, almost a cliff-like drop."


"The people below me have specially researched, combined with the growth rate of Xiangjiang's population growth, housing development and sales growth, and the growth rate of the population of right-age buyers, if we do not intervene more, the housing market will reach the ceiling in about two thousand years, unless later A large number of migrants have poured into buying houses."


   "But nineteen years is enough to double housing prices."


   "So we have to grab time and fill up the housing market as soon as possible."


   "If 80% of all Xiangjiang's home-buying population can buy a house within ten years, then the housing market will have to enter the final stage ahead of schedule."


   Bao Yugang and Huo Yingdong believe in Xia Yu's data analysis.


  I saw Bao Yugang showing a firm look, and said with a big wave of pride: "Don't talk about ten years, now is 1981. We strive to destroy all the potential of the housing market before entering the 1990s."


   "We will do our best to maintain zero growth in housing prices within nine years and allow 80% of the people in Xiangjiang to live in new houses!"


   Huo Yingdong grinned: "This challenge is very difficult, but I like it!"


   "Just do it, fight it!"


   Looking at the two men with determined expressions, Xia Yu laughed and stretched out his hand and said, "Let us three become the three obstacles to the rising housing market in Xiangjiang!"


   Bao Yugang and Huo Yingdong looked at each other and put their hands on Xia Yu's.


   "This stumbling block, I'm sure!"


   "Behind our three stumbling blocks are millions of Hong Kong citizens. Victory can only be ours!"






   After returning, the three of them immediately started to act.


   It was only on May 23 that Xia Yu learned an extremely important piece of news when talking with Elena on the phone.


The British government has begun to discuss the privatization of the extremely important telecommunications industry, and some members have proposed that the "British Telecommunications Act" has been seriously lagging behind, affecting the progress of the British telecommunications industry and its international competitiveness. The latest "British Telecom" law".


   And Duke Carter Howard received reliable news that, in order to reduce the political resistance to privatization in the telecommunications sector, the British government intends to use one of the two telecommunications giants, Dadong Telegraph Company (Dadong Telegraph).


   The two telecommunications giants in the UK today are British Telecom and Dadong Communications.


   The former is a monopolistic giant in the UK. It has the only domestic communication network operation and service license in the UK, as well as telecommunications and postal services. It is properly a giant.


   The strength of Dadong Communication Company is even worse. It is headquartered in the Caribbean and has international operations. It is responsible for the communication business between the UK and foreign countries and has a large number of subsidiaries.


   For example, Dadong Communications Company Xiangjiang Co., Ltd., whose main business is the communications business from Xiangjiang to international.


   In the United Kingdom, the presence of Dadong Telegraph is quite low. If it had not been for the existence of an official department, Dadong Telegraph, it is estimated that 99% of people in the United Kingdom would not have known that there is such a state-owned enterprise.


   So as long as Dadong Telecom Company successfully privatizes, then the privatization of British Telecom Company is a logical matter.


The BT company’s affairs can be put aside. After all, telecommunications and postal services are integrated. The interests involved are too great. No results will be achieved in two or three years. According to the original history, it was only in 1984 that the British government There is still time to sell shares in British Telecom.


   The key is that the privatization of Dadong Communications must eat meat!


   Last time Xia Yu had already controlled Xiangjiang Telephone Company, but he only secretly acquired a part of the shares of Dadong Communication Company Xiangjiang Branch.


   Except for the 20% equity held by the Hong Kong government and a small portion of the equity held by the public, most of the equity is now in the hands of the Caribbean's Dadong Communications Company.


   Whether it can completely monopolize the communications industry of Xiangjiang and let oneself out of the territory of the communications industry, it depends on whether this time can seize the opportunity!


In order not to miss the opportunity, Xia Yu called her father Duke Carter Howard after talking to Elena to clarify his thoughts on Dadong Communications Company, hoping to get his full help, Duke Carter Howard He agreed without hesitation.


   Then Xia Yu called George Berkeley again, talked to him for dozens of minutes, clarified the importance and minimum requirements, and repeatedly told him to go all out.


   How the results are, it depends on whether the next month can break the siege!


  PS: I went to a party again last night. I was almost unconscious, so I didn’t update it. I’m really sorry, but I still have muscle aches all over my body. I checked it with Baidu. Drinking excessively and slightly acidosis... I’m scared.