Rebirth of the Super Banking System

v1 Chapter 1193: Sent thoroughly

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Top Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! August 24.



nine thirty.

Headquarters of China Telecom Group.

present day.

A group of people came to the office of Chairman Feng Xin.

The leader of the team is a business manager from Xiaoxiao Technology. If the two parties had not cooperated a lot before, it would be almost impossible to see Feng Xin the next day after an appointment.

The cooperation between the two parties has been very good.

prior to.

Telecom has advertised quite a few on the Comet Video Network.

Also opened a recharge interface with Xiaoxiao.


Tang Qing's "Era" mobile phone also has in-depth cooperation with China Telecom. It sells the only smart phone currently on the market under contract. To be honest, looking at the sales volume, China Telecom wants to make a mobile phone.

In addition.

Every month.

Several data centers of Tang Qing's companies have to pay tens of millions of data centers to Telecom, and it is showing a trend of rising every month. This year, it is expected that the data center for telecom will exceed 300 million.

Such a ‘friend’.

Of course, telecommunications must be treated with caution.

"Manager Bian, I don't know what the new business cooperation you are talking about?" Feng Xin looked at the little business manager Bian Ran hopefully. Before, Bian Ran said that there was business cooperation, but he didn't know what it was.


Let Bian Ran come in person.

It's certainly not simple.

Bian Ran smiled.

Then he took out a notebook computer from behind. The computer was turned on. After turning it on, the screen turned on. Without saying too much, Bian Ran pushed the computer in front of Feng Xin.

"Chairman Feng, this is the business management software we designed for this company."

"Business management?"

Feng Xin was stunned.

Look down.

There is also the LOGO of the Telecom Group on it.

Not to mention anything else, just talk about the interface design in front of him, which made him very fond of it. The glittering background, the dynamic water ball floating, the frame is translucent, and it looks relatively high-end.

In the middle of the screen is a login box.

"Feng Dong, this is our newly launched communication business software, which integrates all telecommunication services. Compared with the previous web version, our software has higher security and convenience..."



Bian Ran talked about the functions of the software.

Feng Xin nodded constantly.

He is the chairman.

But I am also familiar with the office process of front-line staff. If this software can be introduced into the entire business network of the telecom group, it will indeed effectively increase the office speed of front-line salespersons.

And more convenient.

What interests him most.

It still comes with various statistics and real-time updates. In the past, these required a large number of people to report and statistics, but if this system is introduced, a lot of time can be saved.

It used to need to prepare data for many days.

Export directly with one click.

It's really convenient.

Ten minutes later.

Bian Ran's introduction is over.

Feng Xin said bluntly: "Manager Bian, your stuff is very good, but this stuff involves our telecommunications operation network, and many of them are related to national information security, which is not something that our company can decide."

to be honest.

He likes this software very much.



It's not that he has the final say.

For such large-scale software applications, if the group uses it or not, it has to conduct internal discussions and demonstrations. After the discussion is completed, it must be reported to the SASAC. The SASAC has no right to make a decision.

At last.

It will definitely be reported to the State Council.

The State Council cannot make a decision at once.

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other cyber security departments will definitely be called for consultations. This is a process that cannot be saved at all. In the end, whether it will work or not, Feng Xin actually doesn't even have 5% of the decision-making power.

Bian Ran nodded.

"We know this, so we will use the open source code authorization method for you to use it. We don't charge any fees. The subsequent maintenance and development are all up to you."

"However, as a partner, you can also ask us for help. Our chairman said that this business is free, that is, we can always provide technical support for your company, but only once a year."

In order to avoid these companies going too far.

Tang Qing made this rule.

Anyway, it is mainly the soldiers who do the swordsmanship, and the speed can make those excellent programmers question their lives. If the junior two do it, even if it is complicated to the heavenly needs, the plan will be produced in a second.


A promise that ordinary companies dare not give at all.

Tang Qing dared to give it.

"What? Free?" Feng Xin asked in surprise.


"Give me the source code?"

"Yes it is."

"You guys... why on earth?"

Feng Xin was a bit speechless.

You really delivered it thoroughly!

"It's actually very simple to say why. We hope to help domestic companies reduce operating costs. Your company's influence in the country is obvious to all. This is actually a publicity for our corporate image."

A high-sounding reason.

The company has figured it out a long time ago.

Hear the words.

Feng Xin was a little happy to be praised.

If it is free.

Also open source.

Things will have a big turn for the better.

"At that time, we will sign a license contract. This software will be used by your company for free forever. You have the right to develop secondary development. However, products developed through secondary development must not be used for You know, This was developed by us and it is also a painstaking effort. We hope it will serve more customers. However, we don’t want anyone to profit from it. I hope you can understand.”

"Understanding, understanding." Feng Xin nodded.

It's free.

You still use it to sell for money, which is indeed a bit unnatural.

"Are you only sending us for free? Or..." Feng Xin asked again.

Bian Ran gently shook his head.

Feng Xinjin said that it was true.

"Not only your company, but several major domestic telecom operators, I will visit one after another. Similarly, we will also provide similar but never the same software according to different businesses."

Immediately afterwards.

Bian Ran said again.

"Not only in the field of communications, but in the fields of banking, energy, postal services, transportation, hotels, restaurants, property, etc., we also have similar management software launched this time, and all are free."

"What? You have designed this type of software for so many industries."

Feng Xin was really surprised.

"Yes, as I said just now, we are a company that serves enterprises. It is our goal to help customers reduce operating costs. Moreover, not only domestically, but internationally, we will treat them equally."

"You are also sending free software in foreign countries?"


"Why don't you collect money?"

"If this is the case, someone will sue us for discrimination."

"Uh, too."

Thought for a while.

Feng Xin asked the most critical question: "If we use it, and you open source the world to the world, how can the security of this software be guaranteed?"

Bian Ran smiled and said: "You forgot, the Information Security Center of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, in the past two years, our country has never had a large-scale network paralysis, and foreign viruses and hackers have almost been smashed by us."

.. m.