Rebirth of the Super Banking System

v1 Chapter 1196: Decide

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! The ‘bid’ two weeks ago.

Of course Mi Hao has heard of it.

As professionally related.

He also took a closer look.

It can only be said that the zero step is a bit big, and thanks to the shareholder wind of Myanmar Asia Pharmaceutical Group, it is possible to blow a storm of such a range. Otherwise, there will be no drama at all. In theory, I can be regarded as a beneficiary.


Those developers who take the land will definitely develop it to make money. As for hoarding the land? That will face the government's recovery of the original price, and now the land price assessment has risen by 20%. Whoever does not develop is foolish.

Land sales are not allowed.

Only the buildings above can be sold.


At present, there are too many projects under construction in Myanmar, including roads, railways, airports, residential buildings, factories, and new cities. . . One by one, one by one, the entire Burma is full of construction sites.

Such crazy infrastructure.

He also saw it in China.

It can be said.

Today's Burmese 痶.

In a state of labor shortage.

Both workers and technicians are lacking. Many projects here have been taken by Huaxia's companies. As far as he knows, in this year alone, more than 250,000 Huaxia workers have come to work here.

these people.

Most of them came from the big construction companies with the Chinese prefixes.


Want to find a job here.

Mi Hao doesn't think it's difficult, and the workers are paid according to the wages sent overseas, which is a little higher than that in China. If there is a chance here, Mi Hao does not exclude working here for a few years.

Thought of this.

Mi Hao asked, "Brother Rong, what do you suggest?"

Rong Wei said: "Whether it is the Special Economic Zone in Myanmar or other states, there are a large number of projects under construction. Therefore, you have two options. First, join your China Construction Company as an expatriate."

"Second, join our national construction company. As far as I know, the construction company established by your Chinese businessman Tang Kai is recruiting a large number of construction workers, and its headquarters is in Xin'an City."

As a local.

Rong Wei also knows about the local business dynamics. Asking Mi Hao to join other companies in Myanmar may have problems with language barriers and difficulty in integrating.

But Tang Kai is different.

He is Chinese.

It owns the largest Chinese construction company here.

At the same time, he is also the most successful Chinese businessman.

At the beginning.

The construction of Xin'an City.

Because of its willingness to accept Asian dollar payments, Tang Kai's company won a huge order. Later, the expansion of the Myanmar Special Economic Zone and the new town planning for two new areas won many projects.

This time the ‘tourism development plan’.

is also like this.


As a friend.

The first thing Rong Wei thought of was Tang Kai's company.


I heard that it was Tang Kai's company.

Mi Hao was surprised.

"Of course it is true. They have a lot of projects, and they have recruited a large number of workers in China. After you enter, there is no language barrier, and you can easily accept it psychologically. I heard that the treatment is very good."

Mi Hao kept nodding.

Thought for a while.

He still couldn't decide right away.

"Thank you, I have to think about this. As you know, I also have a daughter. If I work here, there may be some inconvenience." Mi Hao's heart moved, but she couldn't worry about her daughter.

"What's the problem? Didn't your daughter bring her at home before? You can still let her bring her. If you are unwilling to let your daughter come, you can also let her come over. We also have policies in this regard."

Rong Wei knew something about Mi Hao.

Mi Hao's mother is still alive.

For fear of increasing travel expenses, I stayed at home and waited for news. I had been helping Mi Hao with the children before, and the land in the village was gone. Now that the granddaughter is ready, she will definitely take her at home.

"I am mainly worried about education." Mi Hao was a little embarrassed.

Rong Wei smiled and said, "For local companies who have long-term appointments with overseas employees, the SAR can solve the problem of enrollment."

"Can you?" Mi Hao was surprised again.

"Of course, I still know a little bit about the laws of the SAR, but this requires you to sign a contract of no less than five years, so you have to consider it carefully, and you have to decide whether you have gains or losses." Rong Wei said.


Chatted for a while.

Mi Hao decided to go to that company to see what happened.

Follow the address given by Rong Wei.

He found the construction company.

Good guy, the office location is directly on the core main road of Xin'an City. Although it is not the center of the city, it is also a very good location. It has a 12-story building.


He saw many people coming in and out.

Some still hold resumes.

Holding her daughter.

Mi Hao finally walked in.

"Hello, what can I do?"

What surprised him was.

There is a front desk at the door.

Mi Hao briefly introduced his situation, and the other party immediately took him to a room inside, and a dedicated person answered him, regarding such a ‘wasting manpower’ behavior. . . he likes.

Ten minutes.

He already has an understanding of the treatment of this company under Tang Kai.

Very good, all the benefits are considered to be middle and upper, if you sign a long-term contract, you can also buy the medical insurance and social insurance The problem with your daughter is also, if it is a long-term contract, you can apply for enrollment here .

According to the explanation.

There are many Chinese here.

Therefore, there are special divisions.

Both Burmese and Chinese are compulsory courses here. Those who know Chinese must learn Burmese, and those who know Burmese must learn Chinese. As for the English that he has a headache, there is no requirement to learn English from elementary school to middle school.

English universities are opened as professional courses.

Hear this.

Mi Hao was a little worried.

If I did not learn English when I was young.

I can't keep up when I return to my country to attend school, let alone the college entrance examination.


Mi Hao gritted his teeth.

It's done.

He didn't believe that if he didn't learn English, his daughter would not be able to become a talent, and the university education here should be pretty good, with the performance and zero courage of those companies in Myanmar and Asia.

On the level of education.

He doesn't think it is much worse than other places.

Haval cow, right?

Cambridge is great.

MIT domineering.

But why both the world-changing filter solution and the transcription stock solution that will save countless people in the future, all appear in this small place, and other places can only be watched until now.

Thought of this.

Mi Hao was instantly balanced: "Well, can I register first? I have to take my daughter back home first, discuss it with my family, and I will confirm it in about a week."

"Okay, our recruitment of personnel is estimated to last about a month, you decide as soon as possible, and we can arrange it." Knowing that Mi Hao's daughter has just been cured, the person receiving him understands.

"Okay thank you."

"You're welcome."

after that.

Mi Hao got up and left.

After making a decision, Mi Hao took a taxi back to the rescue center, went through the formalities, took the little luggage, and got on the car to return to China. He had to go back and convince his mother first.