Rebirth of the Supreme Celestial Being

v1 Chapter 362: Looking for magic

It can be imagined that if Du Qiying is not gentle, whether it is a family, or the elders of Xuan Tianzong, they will never let him go.

The cultivation of the immortal world also emphasizes the moral behavior first. If the virtues are not good, the higher the cultivation, the greater the threat to the human world.

It’s okay for Du Qiying to be tagged with a romantic affair, but if he is called “a big-hearted but irresponsible negative heart”, the instinct of the three-year-old after the extreme, it’s impossible to have His.

Although Jiang Shenzi is a master of the lord, Xuantianzong is not his only one. The other three peaks and the elders are staring at him. At the beginning, Jiang Shenzi used the means to The things that have been forced down have already attracted a lot of elders' dissatisfaction. If this is the case for Du Qiying, then the family will make things big, and fear that no one will fall.

Du Qiying bowed his head and thought about the stakes. He became smart at this time. He knew that the children in the rain and the stomach had made the matter settle.

Du Qiying felt very uncomfortable in his heart, but he was helpless.

Du Qiying took a deep breath and stared at Yu Xuanzhi with a knife in his eyes. The voice was extremely cold and said: "He can, but it is not my wife. She is just a gentleman who can easily go to bed without being qualified. Be my wife."

"You don't want to let more." Yu Xuanzhi showed a scornful color, saying: "As you can, the days are settled as soon as possible. If you show that you are not married, you are afraid that your brother is not famous."

Du Qiying grinned and said: "It depends on how you will send me to the mountains when you are raining."

Xuan Xuan’s smile said: “If you are not a wife, you are not a wife, but you are a family with a head and a face. Du’s brother is still not scornful.”

Du Qiying has already vomited blood in his heart, and his face is still strong and smiles. "This is nature. I don't have any power at all. I will tell everyone, you can rest assured."

Yu Xuan nodded with satisfaction and said: "In this case, I will not bother Du brother."

Before leaving, Xuan Xuan looked back at Du Qiying and said with a deep meaning: "Du Shixiong, how can I not improve much in the past two years since I left, I don’t know if it’s a senior’s practice. If you are slow, you still have a bottleneck. If there is anything you don't understand, I would like to welcome my brother to ask for advice. After all, I can attract people who are robbed when they are improving."

Du Qiying: "...n

Really **** face!

Which pot does not open which pot!

He really hated the reaction of Xuan Xuanzhi, who was a garbage.

Does Xuan Xuan even dare to ridicule his cultivation as low?

Damn, he himself is just using the magic weapon to improve his cultivation. What is good?

After Xuanzhi’s departure, Du Qiying was so angry that he could drop all the things that could fall in the house, and the table was turned to the ground by him.

The children outside heard the sound inside, could not help but scared the heart to jump, I can't wait to hurry and run away to hide.

Du Qiying vented enough, time has passed two hours.

Du Qiying’s gloomy face can be screwed out of the water. He sat on the ground and thought for a moment, standing up and swaying, and he took out the sword and flew toward the Thousand Hammer Peak.

On the Thousand Hammer Peak, Tongle is refining the magic weapon.

I only heard a loud noise from the "嘭", and the door of the children's refining chamber was opened from the outside.

The magic weapon in the hands of Tong Le was suddenly burned into a black charcoal appearance, which made him feel so sad that he was crying out.

However, just as Tongle wanted to get angry, he suddenly saw Du Qiying who came to him from the door.

In the heart of Tongle, there was a disgust in his heart, and his face stood up with surprise. He said, "How did the brothers think about coming to me? So hurried, but what is the matter?"

"Mom, you are less here to pretend to me." Du Qiying grabbed the neck of Tong Le and bit his teeth: "Children, are you very busy these days? I have been stunned by mysterious people." Give it a yin, are you still here?"

Tongle’s heart was shocked, pushing Du Qiying’s hand and resisting the temperament: “How did Xuan Xuan offend the brothers? In the past few days, the Master sent me a refining mission. I didn’t go to the brothers, the brothers cut. Don't get it wrong."

Just kidding, Du Qiying is obviously not normal now, even if he really intends to open a distance with Du Qiying, do not provoke a sigh, it is impossible to tell the truth!

However, this is the case, Tong Le also secretly prepared the instrument, just wait for Du Qiying to really kill him, and then make another plan.

Du Qiying squinted and stared at the children's music at a close distance. "At the beginning, you asked me to listen to the news of Yu Xuan by approaching Yu Yurou. Now think about it, you are really stupid!"

Tongle heart grievances, who the **** let you provoke her to go to bed?

"It’s all my fault." Tongle’s committee said with a curse, and reached out and hugged Du Qiying’s arm, saying: “How does Xuan Xuan’s offense, and let me think about it.”

When Du Qiying saw that he was soft, he released his hand and sullenly said: "Yu Yuru is pregnant, and Xuan Zhizhi wants me to be responsible for her."

Tongle was shocked and said: "What? How can she be pregnant? You are obviously together..."

When the children’s music received the words, it was even wrong and despised--Du Qiying actually had a long time with Yu Yu.

These two people can really live a pair of children.

Du Qiying also felt that there was no light on some faces. He didn't take a good look at Tongle and said: "What are you excited about? Who makes the woman so easy to get started."

Tongle set his mind and said: "Do you want to marry her as a wife?"

Du Qiying snorted and said: "How is it possible? I can give her the identity of an acolyte, already looking at the face of her kind in her stomach."

Tongle thought about it and smiled. "It’s a good thing to think about it. After all, you have to have your own child."

Du Qiying's face is slightly relaxed. It is a good thing to have children, but the mother of the child, it is best not to live too long.

Tongle saw the situation, said: "Du Shixiong, isn't it difficult for you to suffer from it?"

Du Qiying looked hard and looked hard. He said: "He dared to humiliate my cultivation! Before he broke the Jianfeng Peak, he suppressed me everywhere and crowded me. Now he is not breaking Jianfeng, but he is still the same as before, Mom! If it wasn’t because he was very faceless in Shen Jianfeng now, how dare he treat me like this? What kind of arrogant son of the shit, who knows the thunder he brought, what the **** is it!”

Tong Le looked at Du Qiying, who was almost mad, and said: "Brother, the last time you asked me to find the lightning weapon for you, I already have a look."

Du Qiying looked awkwardly and grabbed the arm of Tong Le and said: "Where?"

Tong Ledao: "I asked a younger brother to help find it. He said that he found a shop that can customize the implement. The refiner in it is extremely reliable, not only can be used as a magic weapon to lead mines and change the sky. I can still gather aura, but it is expensive."

Du Qiying took a deep breath and his heart pounded. "Why is the money, but the shop is reliable? I will introduce the refiner to me."

Tongle thought for a moment and said, "The brothers are in a hurry. The refiner is not easy to come out to see people on weekdays. It is always a bit temper.

Du Qiying couldn’t help but said, "What about his stay?"

Tongle said: "The refiner, after picking up the list, will start to arrange the refiner. The time of the refiner is calculated according to the difficulty of the task. After the refining is completed, the magic weapon will be directly handed over. For the employer, the employer gets the magic weapon and pays him half the price first. After confirming that the magic weapon is exactly the same as he imagined, he will deliver the other half of the price."

Du Qiying said: This is naturally good. As a result, the risk he bears is much smaller. Even if the instrument is somewhat different from his imagination, it will definitely not exceed his tolerance.

Du Qiying said: "How much does it cost to refine the magic weapon?"

Tongle took a gesture and said: "This price."

Du Qiying was shocked and said: "This is too big for a lion!"

Tongle is also slightly embarrassed, saying: "This... I can't help."

Du Qiying thought over his face and said, "That refiner, how do you know that he has this ability?"

Tong Le said: "There is no difference, this refiner is a refiner in the Tibetan Pavilion."

"Tibetan Pavilion?" Du Qiying frowned, said: "Tibetan Pavilion, you are more familiar than me, is it not that you do not know the true owner of this Tibetan Pavilion, is it white house white dust?"

This matter is still a big news that was blown out at the 100th International Conference in Tianji City.

The Tibetan Pavilion is actually a private property of the White House. It is not surprising how many people’s chins have been scared. At this point, the business of the Tibetan Pavilion is in full swing.

No, who makes the white house is a type of movable signboard.

Tongle nodded, and a flash of regret in the eyelids said: "It is indeed Bai Yichen."

If it is not Bai Yichen, he can still have some plans to hook up with the other side, but since it is a white family leader, Tong Le wants to choose to retreat.

Fluorescence and the sun and the moon, this is the existence of two worlds, there is no possibility of glory.

Du Qiying's face is not very good-looking, staring at the children's music: "Children's music, you should not know, the outside world is passing, and Xuanzhi and Bai Yichen have a very personal relationship, and there are some unclear relationships? You have found him. What is the meaning of the bedside man's shop?"

Tongle knew that he would have such a question, and he smiled and said: "Due brother, you will inevitably think too much. Let's not say whether the relationship between Xuanzhi and Bai Yichen is the relationship, even if it does not represent All the refiners in this Tibetan Pavilion will be a part of Yu Xuan."

"What is this?"

"The refiner who I am looking for is a private job." Tong Le made a mysterious smile, saying: "How can I compare the money to work for the owner? How can I compare the money? Lei Fabao, but it was not convenient to show up, sent me to trade, the refiner was also unwilling to show up, and sent his disciples to come to trade, so that no one knows who the other party is, not happy. Moreover, when it comes to private work, the refiner is more careful than us. How can it be discovered by others? So, let me say that this private transaction is still very safe.