Rebirth of the Supreme Celestial Being

v1 Chapter 363: Joint calculation

Du Qiying’s anger was halfway down. He thought for a moment with his eyes open and said with a bite: “How long does it take for the refiner to refine me?”

Tong Le said: "The last time I asked, it was said to be up to one month."

Up to a month, I can still afford it.

Du Qiying’s eyes turned. He thought of the price of the huge refiner, but he couldn’t help it. However, when he thought of Xuan’s today, he’s going to the door, and his scornful attitude and contempt is like being face to face. Fans slap in the face, the whole person seems to be able to do it at all, and the body is full of gas.

"Well, you will go down today, tell the person, I want him to refine a magic weapon that can lead to lightning for at least a month, the sooner the better!" Du Qiying made up his mind and made a final decision.

He secretly said: What is spent on money, his money is never lacking, the most important thing is that he has to make his reputation sound while improving his cultivation, in any case, at least not worse than Yu Xuan.

Tongle nodded and said: "I will go down to find him."

Du Qiying’s heart is so comfortable.

Tongle went down the mountain and came to the Tibetan Pavilion.

When I saw Tongle, the shopkeeper here greeted him and smiled. "Children, are you here? My family has been waiting for a long time."

Tongle’s mood stirred for a moment, but he knew that the other party was waiting for his purpose, and he regretted sinking his mind and said: “There is work.”

The treasurer brought the children's music upstairs and stood at the door: "East, the baby instrumentian is here."

An elegant voice was not light and heavy, saying: "Please come in."

The door opened without the wind, and the screen blocked the scene inside.

Tong Le decided to set the god, walked in, and the double-opened door closed behind him.

Bypassing the screen, Tongle saw Bai Yichen sitting on the soft couch.

Bai Yichen still has a blue silk loosely tied behind his head. He has an unhealthy white face and a faint color on his lips.

Bai Yichen saw the children's music, smiled slightly, said: "Children, but what news?"

Tong Le took a deep breath and said: "Du Qiying has been fainting, wants to attract Lei Fabao, and asked me to bring a deposit."

Bai Yichen said: "It's done well."

Tongle’s cheeks are slightly red.

When Bai Yichen saw it, he smiled and said: "I have a magic weapon that you can see in the Tibetan Pavilion. I will take it away directly. I have already said it to the treasurer."

Tong Le was determined to look at Bai Yichen, and stunned his head and said: "White Shaodong, can I ask you a question?"

Bai Yichen said: "What problem?"

Tong Le asked: H Why do you have to work hard to please Yu Xuanzhi? "

Bai Yichen and Du Qiying did not have any intersection, let alone the festival, but the white dragon who saw the end of the year did not see the tail, but he was listening to Du Qiying when he was looking for a magic weapon. He suddenly wanted to see him personally and promised. If this is done, let him choose the magic weapon in the Tibetan Pavilion...

It can be imagined that such a big hand, Bai Yichen is for whom.

It’s just that Tongle doesn’t understand, and what magic power is there in the end, so that Bai Yichen, who has always been in the world, can do so. Is it because Yu Xuanzhi looks good?

But this is too shallow.

Bai Yichen looked at the children's music and smiled. He put a tea pot in his hand on the table and said: "Although I like the word, I don't like it very much, but what you said is also eighty-nine. You have been in this life. The biggest mistake I have ever done is to do it with Yu Xuan. However, the biggest blessing you have done is to slam the cliff and promptly put down the shipwreck of Du Qiying. I will tell Yu Xuanzhi and let him put you in the horse. ""

Tongle seems to understand the meaning of Bai Yichen, but it seems that he did not understand, but he did not have any thoughts to put it on.

Children's music does not stop, for fear that the longer he sees Bai Yichen, the more he can't let him down, so that he can't get anything in the end.

Tongle left the house of Bai Yichen, went downstairs, picked and picked in the Tibetan Pavilion, and picked a forging pen that was second only to the Indus Wood forging pen, and picked it into the arms. The treasurer did not accept it. His money, he also sent him out with a smile.

When Tongle walked a few steps away, he looked at the Tibetan Pavilion, which was not in the top, and suddenly gave birth to a cold and horrible horror.

In this world, there will be more than one person behind him, and the number of others will probably be much higher than him.

Originally, the children's music was a ghost, and followed Du Qiying's innocence and innocence, and inexplicably hated Xuan Zhizhi. However, what really made him wake up was that Du Qiying actually opened his eyes to him.

God knows that the magic weapon of the world must be above the spiritual treasure.

The entire continent of Wuzhou is not necessarily able to find one.

Du Qiying is kind and kind, and he is unwilling to accept the fact that others are stronger than him. He is always immersed in his own fantasy world. He is also good at his children's music. He sees that Xuanzhi is better than him in the refining device. Strong, I feel that there is fire in my heart, but he is not a person who has no self-knowledge. When he discovered that Xuan Xuanzhi had already strengthened him too much, Tongle had given up compared with Yu Xuan.

The rise of Xuan Xuanzhi is unstoppable.

Tong Le accidentally hit the Tibetan Pavilion to ask for the magic weapon, and Bai Yichen took the initiative to find a door to "do a business", he is no longer a Du Qiying person.

The sword is on Du Qiying, and it is impossible to know this.

Tongle naturally has the method of refining the sword. However, he is scrupulous about the power of Xuanzhi. In the end, he still dare not easily stop the sword.

It seems that his cautiousness is right now.

Tong Le thought for a moment, and now everything he can do has been completed, and the rest has nothing to do with him.

"White Master." Yan Xuan pushed the door open and walked over to Bai Yichen.

Bai Yichen clung to the cup and smiled at him. He said, "I haven't seen you for a long time."

Qi Xuanzhi sat down opposite him and said: "Some days ago, I just saw it."

Bai Yichen said: "There is a saying, one day is not seen, such as every three autumns."

Some people are speechless and look at Bai Yichen: "You always like to say something that is easy to misunderstand."

Bai Yichen slightly stunned his head and said: "Every time I tell you the truth, you always think that I am joking, which is really enough for me to be heartbroken."

Yu Xuanzhi said indifferently: "In the first two days, I also heard that the cold and the snow of the celestial ancestors and the rumors of the emperor's ancestors have some good rumors of the two surnames - it is difficult, the white lord wants to follow Du Qiying's footsteps?" Bai Yichen’s fingers paused.

"You really don't suffer at all." Bai Yichen has some helplessness.

"You clearly do not care about me, why should you deliberately provoke me?" Yan Xuanzhi asked, "Is it interesting?"

"Interesting, otherwise why do I have to tease you." Bai Yichen did not have the shame of being dismantled, but said calmly: "If it is not because you have a face that people want to play, how can I see it again? Have you ever taught?"

蔺玄之: "..."

He wants to swear a little.

I have known in the last life that Bai Yichen is not a good thing, and I have been taught in this life.

This person, where is it comparable to the cuteness of one of his home?

Bai Yichen received the topic. He knew that some things could not be overdone and he had to grasp the degree.

"Du Qiying really came to the door." Bai Yichen's lips flashed a sneer: "And he is really generous, and the deposit is given."

"Looking for the door, but it's a good thing." Yan Xuanzhi looked at the number that Bai Yichen put out, saying: "The money is for you, I don't want a point."

Bai Yichen picked up his eyebrows and said: "Then I am disrespectful. The right is the after-sales fee and the sealing fee. After about half a month, the magic weapon can be refining. At that time, it is Du Qiying's death."

The mysterious path of Xuan Xuan: "If you refine the magic weapon, you will not bother you. I will come in person."

Bai Yichen stared at Xuan Xuan for a while and smiled: "You are not a good class."

The mysterious way: "I never said that I am a good person."

Du Qiying owed him, he had to get it back by himself. Originally, Xuan Zhizhi thought about creating a chance behind him. He didn’t expect Du Qiying’s stupid goods to be sent to the door.

Leading the magic weapon, this thing is really a fun thing to be silent.

Bai Yichen pinched the cup and said: "Since you have a good heart, then I will wait and watch the show."

Within three days, Yu Yurou was sent to Xuan Tianzong by his family.

When Xuan Xuan’s coming out to meet, when I saw Mrs. Ruhai and Mrs. Qi, the faces of the three men all had a full face mask.

Such as the sea face is not very good-looking, his daughter in addition to this shameful thing, as a father, the most face is no light can not lift his head.

However, although Yu Yufan always sits on nothing, he never brings any trouble to the sea.

For example, seeing Xuanzhi in the sea, he sighed and said: "My daughter, I was really spoiled by me, let me say, I will not marry her to Du Qiying, but she is poor in the world, she fell to In this way, this is already the best result for her."

Xuan Xuan’s eyes were very beautiful, and he looked at him with a bit of self-satisfaction. He did not repent of the meaning of Yu Yurou, took back his sight and said faintly: “I have given her a better way, but she does not want her. If there is any accident in the future, the four uncles should not blame me for being good.

蔺雨柔 can not stop to come over, ridiculously said: "There is more concern for the Lord, I am Yu Yu from marrying Du Qiying, I will never have anything to do with you, whether it is life or death, will not ask you again. Half a word!"

Mrs. Qi also gave a very cold look to Yu Xuan, and she was soft in her arms. She said: "You marry Du Shaofeng as a wife and have a child. The future will never be worse than the family. Like those white-eyed wolves..."

"Okay, you shut up!" As the sea angered, Mrs. Lou closed her mouth.

You Xuanzhi did not take it for granted. He said to the same person: "I have other things, and you will send them up the mountain for me."

Takizawa nodded, and said to the human beings such as the sea: "Uncle, nephew, you come with me, enter the inner door, you need a customs clearance token."

Yu Xuanzhi quickly went to the sword, leaving only a few people with Zhai Ze toward the mountain.

On the mountain road, Mrs. Qian complained: "This mountain road is so rough and difficult to walk, the hills are still so high, how did Du Shaofeng actually send people who didn't even pick us up? Did he put us in the eye!"