Rebirth of the Wild Age

~: 138【Xianghuitang】

Welcome!? The name "Xianghuitang" comes from Fudan's old principals Ma Xiangbo and Li Dhui. Because of the same name and surname, we had to use subtitles instead, and Mr. Li could only respond with a wry smile when he was alive in the sky.

This is a two-story building with blue tiles and white walls. It was overhauled ten years ago, but it basically retains its appearance half a century ago.

Before liberation, there were countless masters who gave lectures in Xianghuitang.

After the liberation, Xianghuitang also gathered celebrities. The Soviet president, the secretary of the French Communist Party, the president of the United States, the president of France, the president of South Korea... have all appeared on the podium, and the world premiere of "Red Sorghum" was also here.

But more often, Xianghuitang belongs to Fudan students, with debate competitions, poetry recitations, drama performances, club activities...Basically, there are new things every week.

Just last weekend, Song Weiyang listened to a lecture at Xianghui Hall. The protagonist was Lin Nan, the vice president of the American Sociological Association and the academician of the Gulf Institute. Professor Lin’s lecture topic is "Social Capital". The core point of view is: the higher the popular social status, the more opportunities to acquire social resources. At the same time, the greater the heterogeneity of a person’s social network, the more likely it is to acquire social resources through weak relationships. The higher the value, the richer people's social resources, and the more ideal the results of instrumental actions.

Song Weiyang very much agrees with this theoretical point of view, but he has reservations about the sub-propositions discussed by Professor Lin. He even directly refuted it in the free questioning session.

At more than four o’clock that afternoon, Song Weiyang stood up in front of hundreds of teachers and students and said, “Professor Lin, your theory is correct, but it may be ridiculously wrong to implement it. Your social capital theory is based on On the basis of individual rational choice, so as to maximize the benefits of social resources. However, in our daily life, it is difficult to be completely rational, or even give up benefits due to perceptual factors. Especially in a human society like China, people do not pursue benefits Maximize and minimize loss, but choose harmony as the most valuable thing. There is even an old saying that “suffering is blessing.” Your capital theory does not consider human face and cultural factors, just like basic physics does not consider air friction. Doing things strictly according to your theory will cause big problems."

As soon as this statement came out, the head of the Fudan Department of Sociology turned black at the time.

Lin Nan is the vice president of the American Sociological Association and a world-renowned sociologist. Fudan University finally invited China to give lectures. An undergraduate student in the sociology department dared to raise objections so sharply, just like an athlete who just learned boxing questioned Tyson's boxing problem.

Lin Nan was stunned, and then smiled: "This is a new subject. My social capital theory, like the mechanics formula of physics, really needs to ignore air friction. When solving specific problems, you need to reduce friction. Try to take it into consideration, maybe my next topic is "The Use of Social Capital and the Deviation of Cultural Factors." This student, do you have any questions?"

"No, thank you!" Song Weiyang bowed and sat down.

After the lecture, the Dean of the Department of Sociology at Fudan University personally handed a note to Song Weiyang and said, “This is Professor Lin’s personal address in the United States. If you have any sociological questions in the future, you can write to Professor Lin directly. Ask him for advice. Boy, you are very good, but be modest when writing letters. Do you understand?"

"Understand, I must correct it." Song Weiyang smiled and collected the address. His goal has been achieved, just to attract Lin Nan's attention.

The dean also said: “Professor Lin thinks you have a promising future in sociology. If you can be admitted to the graduate school of Duke University in the United States, he is willing to be your mentor. This is a good opportunity. Professor Lin has not recruited much. He's a graduate student, and all his staff are PhDs."

"I must take hold of it." Song Weiyang said with a smile. In fact, he had never considered studying abroad. He just wanted to write a letter for advice when he encountered a problem.

The dean asked: "What's your name?"

"Freshman, Song Weiyang." Song Weiyang said.

"Keep working hard!" The dean of the department patted Song Weiyang on the shoulder, remembering the student.

The dean of the department has already enjoyed special government allowances two years ago, and will be transferred to the central government in the future. Unfortunately, the focus of his work is "population and family planning"-will Song Weiyang have a second child in the future to ask him for help?


This weekend, Song Weiyang walked into Xianghui Hall again.

Regardless of the fact that there is not much attention to science fiction literature, the Science Fiction Association directly filled the auditorium as soon as it held an event. Many students are here to join in the fun. Anyway, as long as Xianghuitang engages in activities, and if you are interested or not, come and have a look. In the era of lack of entertainment, gatherings are the biggest entertainment.

"Everyone please be quiet!"

Guo Tao, the president of the Science Fiction Society, stood on the podium beamingly and said in a passionate tone: "I want to announce very solemnly that just a few days ago, Song Weiyang and Nie Jun from our association won the Galaxy Award. What is the Galaxy Award? It is the highest award in Chinese science fiction literature! Since the Galaxy Award was established in 1986, there has always been only the first and second prizes. However, this year, a special award was set up for the work "Resident Evil" of our school’s classmates. ! What does this show? It means that "Resident Evil" can no longer be evaluated by ordinary first prizes, it must be a special prize! A unique special prize! Now, let us congratulate Song Weiyang and Nie Jun with warm applause classmate!"

"Papa Papa!"

There was thunderous applause from the audience, and everyone felt that it was awesome, and a special prize was specially set up for Fudan students.

Song Weiyang has the urge to roll his eyes. Although he doesn't understand the Galaxy Award, he knows that the president is bragging.

In fact, even if there is no "Resident Evil", the Galaxy Awards will set up a special prize this year, and it will continue to be cancelled until Liu Hengkong is born.

This year's Galaxy Award special prize should belong to Wang Jinkang's "Sky Fire". A short story about a ten-year period when a certain scientific youth was forced to death and his wife was driven mad. It is basically a sci-fi variant of scar literature. The core point of view is "Science Freedom, Human Nature".

It's really boring, really.

If Song Weiyang was asked to evaluate "Sky Fire", he would not admit that it was science fiction.

With the release of the third serialization of "Resident Evil", the complex human nature revealed in it (Nie Jun’s credit, this guy is playing freely) has already crushed the old tune of "Sky Fire" mentally.

Reluctant Song Weiyang and Nie Jun were pulled by Guo Taoqiang to invite them to the stage. Li Yaolin, Zhou Zhengyu and Ding Ming took the opportunity to roar and shouted: "Old Song is awesome! Old Nie is awesome!"

"Nice, awesome, haha!" The other students yelled with laughter.

According to the research of linguists, "niubi" once originated in the Northeast. It was created during the late Qing Dynasty when it broke through the Guandong. Some areas in the north also have the term "niu". Probably in the late 1980s, the word "niubi" spread to the south, but it has not yet become the mantra of countless people. These buddies of may have created a new trend in Fudan today. vocabulary.

"Nie Jun, Song Weiyang, two great writers, tell your classmates!" Guo Tao smiled. He has seen the development and growth of the Science Fiction Society.

Nie Jun didn't seem to like to be pushy, so he kicked the ball directly: "I ghostwriter, the story is all made up by Song Weiyang."

Song Weiyang said: "I only provided creativity. Nie Jun is the best. The content of the third issue of the series has risen to the height of discussing human nature."

The atmosphere was a little awkward, and Guo Tao hurriedly rounded it off: "Haha, it seems that the two great writers are very low-key. Then let me ask questions, Song Weiyang, how do you think of zombies as sci-fi creatures?"

Song Weiyang casually said nonsense: "Inspired by Lin Zhengying's "Mr. Zombie"."

Nie Jun said: "Lao Song had a lot of goods in his stomach. He was eating in the cafeteria at the time, and he casually said the idea of ​​"Resident Evil"."

"I've seen the poems on the spot, but I haven't met the storytellers on the spot," Guo Tao was a little crazy, and suddenly asked the students in a loud voice, "Do you want to listen to Song Weiyang composing science fiction stories on the spot?"


It's all boisterous, and it's not a big deal to watch the excitement.

"President Guo, pit me?" Song Weiyang smiled.

"No pitfall," Guo Tao said. "Just make up a short story, it's fun and best."

Song Weiyang said: "Say it in advance. I will only tell this story for 20 minutes. Then none of you will blame me."

"Go ahead." Guo Tao smiled.

"Then I will tell a story about the Trisolaran invading the earth." Song Weiyang smiled brightly. He could completely imagine that the countless students sitting in Xianghui Hall at this moment were interested in "Threesolaris" and couldn't know. Reaction to subsequent episodes.

It feels so cool to dig a hole without filling it!