Rebirth of the Wild Age

~: 247【Adjustment Strategy】


The final exam is coming again. After Song Weiyang gave the last class of the semester to the MBA class, he frightened and made up advanced mathematics every day.

Advanced mathematics is a compulsory course for sociology majors, because when doing social statistics, a lot of knowledge of advanced mathematics and probability theory will be involved. Song Weiyang didn't learn well in his previous life, and all kinds of skipping classes this semester, the only hope is that you don't miss a course.

Speaking of high numbers, Song Weiyang thinks of Doudou.

The little girl is very weird. "High Numbers (Part 1 was reworked twice but failed to pass. Instead, "High Numbers (Part 2 was given first. This is the dark history that Song Weiyang often used to make fun of her in her previous life.

By the way, on Children's Day this year, the "Health Food Management Measures" was formally implemented, and the country began to rectify the health care product market.

Companies like Sanzhu, Giant, and Sun God who are still making health care products are purely looking for death on their own. As long as you read more reports from the central media, you will know that you must converge and converge. If you don’t pay attention, you will be treated as a typical model. -Three plants, about to become typical!

After finishing another high-numerical problem, Song Weiyang's brain was swollen, and he picked up a "Chinese Business" magazine, which happened to have an article discussing health products.

"More than 3,000 health food manufacturers, more than 4,000 health foods, annual sales of more than 30 billion yuan...This is the data at the end of 1994."

"In 1995, the health food market plummeted. Exaggerated advertising and the impact of counterfeit and inferior products, public criticism and consumers' doubts caused health food manufacturers to fall into domestic and foreign difficulties... In January 1995, the State Bureau of Technical Supervision The Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Health conducted random checks on nutritional oral liquid products. Of the 212 nutritional and healthcare oral liquid products, nearly 20% did not meet the requirements for hygienic indicators, and nearly 90% clearly indicated that the nutrients or health ingredients were seriously inconsistent."

"CCTV broadcasted in the "Focus Interview" program, some companies in Changzhou's "One old turtle has two pots of soup, three farmers make canned"...there is also the essence of the turtle, the failure is also the essence of the turtle, China's health food market Coaxed from an old soft-shelled turtle, and defeated by the old soft-shelled turtle...According to statistics, more than 600 health food manufacturers closed down in 1995, and countless announced the suspension of production. The sales of health food decreased by more than 10 billion compared with the previous year. Yuan."

This article made Song Weiyang very pleased that the country has become more and more strict in the management of the health care product market, and consumers have been deceived by the health care product companies more and more refined.

Among them, "Focus Interview" contributed the most. The first issue of the report directly caused an avalanche of "turtle essence" products, and related companies died.

Lin Zhuoyun came over with a plate of homemade snacks and said with a smile: "Student Xiao Song, do you want me to answer your questions?"

"No, passing high numbers shouldn't be a big problem." Song Weiyang said.

"Try it." Lin Zhuoyun picked up a piece of pastry.

Song Weiyang bit his scalp and opened his mouth to bite. Unexpectedly, it tasted good. He nodded and praised: "Very good, there is progress, at least I can eat it!"

"What does it mean to be able to eat? Last time I didn't master the time to prepare the noodles!" Lin Zhuoyun said.

Song Weiyang suggested: "I think, what you learn in the future, you can give the employees a taste first, don't always use me to do experiments."

Lin Zhuoyun said: "No matter how the things I make taste, they say they are delicious, and they can't test it out."

"Then I will say it is delicious." Song Weiyang learned a skill in an instant.

"Dare you!" Lin Zhuoyun rolled up her sleeves and showed her small fist.

When Song Weiyang ate the second piece of cake, the phone ringing suddenly remembered.

Yang Xin called, with excitement in an anxious tone: "Chairman, go back to the company immediately!"

"What's the situation?" Song Weiyang asked.

Yang Xin repressed and said with excitement: "The big leader came to Xikang to inspect the agricultural situation and decided to come to our company temporarily. The province called you to come back to receive it. Time is very tight. The big leader will come to Rongping the day after tomorrow."

"Understood." Song Weiyang immediately hung up.

Explaining a few words to Lin Zhuoyun, Song Weiyang ran toward the school quickly, making a phone call while walking, and asked Shenghai Sales Branch to book the ticket for him.

The class tutor's phone could not get through, and Song Weiyang went directly to the dean's office: "Dr. Xie, I want to take a few days off."

"Naughty," Director Xie said, "The final exam is coming soon, do you want to make up the exam?"

"It's really urgent." Song Weiyang said.

"I know that you are a busy person, and it is up to you to miss classes, but you can't delay the final exam," Director Xie said. "The influence is not good."

Song Weiyang can only say very tactfully: "I want to rush back to the company and receive a leader from above."

"Which leader?" Director Xie asked.

"The name is inconvenient to disclose and is kept secret." Song Weiyang said.

Director Xie was silent for a moment, then nodded and said: "I understand, you go, don't delay major events."

Song Weiyang didn't have time to eat lunch, so he made an improvised meal on the plane. When he flew to Rongcheng Airport, the company had sent a car to wait for a long time, and he drove back to Rongping headquarters without stopping.

Going straight to the general manager's office, Song Weiyang asked, "How is it arranged?"

Yang Xin said: "Chairman, the purpose of this trip is to inspect the agriculture of our province, so we should also show Xifeng's promotion of agriculture. This is the presentation material I just prepared for people. Please understand, when the time comes You talk about the overall content, and I will elaborate on the details."

Song Weiyang asked: "Has the reception process been arranged?"

Yang Xin said: "Basically, the arrangements are made. The province will send someone to review tomorrow. As for which processes can be used, we can't make the decision. It is estimated that we will wait for notification when we get the time."

"Okay, I understand," Song Weiyang asked again, "When will purified water be available?"

"It will be next month at the earliest," Yang Xin said. "Wahaha purified water is selling very well now, and I heard that today's group is also introducing a purified water production line. It is estimated that they will be able to launch the product by the end of the year or next year."

Today Group is Robust.

Song Weiyang suddenly thought of the "Twenty-seventh Layer of Purification", and said with a headache: "Let me think about it again?"

"Is there any problem?" Yang Xin asked puzzled.

The "27-layer purification" of Robust's purified water is a classic case of marketing. It was listed in German university textbooks 2000 years ago. How could it be possible that people who have been exposed to professional marketing knowledge don't know? That thing will pop out next year!

Wahaha was the first to eat crabs and is bound to become the leader in the pure water market. Robust, on the other hand, relied on the differentiated strategy of "Twenty-Seven Layers of Purification" to quickly kill other competitors and become second only to Wahaha.

Song Weiyang suddenly realized his mistake. If he let Leehom Wang advertise, he would be following the old Wahaha path. When Robust comes out with the 27-layer purification next year, Xifeng purified water will inevitably fall into an embarrassing situation. There is Wahaha’s upright division in front, and Robust is behind it. It’s a way out for Xifeng purified water. Where?

The frontal battlefield can't beat Wahaha, which is one step ahead, Robust can't be dealt with in differentiated markets, and Xifeng purified water can't find its market positioning at all!

This is not a small problem, but a big problem related to the structure of China's purified water market in the next ten years.

How about blocking Robust's path?

Song Weiyang asked, "How many processes does our purified water have before it can be filled?"

"It seems to be five processes." Yang Xin said.

Song Weiyang was a little disappointed: "You only have five ways?"

Yang Xin took out a document from the drawer, nodded and said, "Yes, it is the five processes, including pre-stage filtration, ion exchange, precision filtration, reverse osmosis treatment and ozone treatment."

Song Weiyang grabbed the information and looked at it, and suddenly smiled: "How can it be said that there are only five processes? The primary filtration can be divided into quartz sand filtration and activated carbon filtration. I will count first... , Our external publicity says that Xifeng purified water has undergone 21 levels of purification!"

"Twenty-one purification?" Yang Xin suddenly understood, clapping his hands, "Wonderful, anyway, pure water is a new thing, and consumers don't understand the situation. Pure water should be pure, our twenty-one purification is definitely better than Wahaha The water is purer!"

This is not false propaganda, but... nonsense!

Water is not as pure as If you only drink pure water every day, it will cause the loss of human trace elements. Although it can be supplemented by other foods, it is not so healthy anyway.

Robust’s 27-layer purification is purely misleading to consumers, making people think that the purer the water, the healthier it is.

Of course, it is just misleading and will not cause any harm.

So, let Xifeng Company mislead now. Robust should continue to sell "Life Nuclear Energy", health care products are more profitable, Song Weiyang is cutting Hu out of goodwill.

"Stop the commercial shooting immediately," Song Weiyang said, "Let Wang Leehom change the endorsement of Very Coke, and redo the commercial for pure water!"

Yang Xin was shocked: "The commercials are almost finished, this will postpone the launch of purified water!"

"The packaging hasn't been determined yet?" Song Weiyang said.

"It has been confirmed, red with green, and with a photo of Wang Leehom." Yang Xin said.

Song Weiyang said: "It's okay if you haven't started production. Change the packaging of pure water to sky blue!"