Rebirth of the Wild Age

~: 324【Unemployed Army】

BYD’s battery plant near Changyang Valley has broken ground, and it does not even plan to take a break during the Chinese New Year, and strive to start production next spring.

In the past, the district leaders disliked the battery factory, but now they have taken a 180-degree turn.

The reason is that there are too many laid-off workers in the jurisdiction, and the reemployment of laid-off workers has become the first political task of the leaders. A battery factory, a cell phone casing factory, as long as they settle here, how can they solve the problem of reemployment of one to two thousand laid-off workers.

I heard that China Science and Technology plans to build a motherboard factory, and the district leaders are extremely enthusiastic and send someone to help with the procedures.

This is just a microcosm of the wave of layoffs in 1998. From 1996 to 2002, millions of state-owned enterprises went bankrupt and nearly 40 million state-owned enterprise employees were laid off. At the same time, 20 million workers were unemployed in collective units of townships and villages everywhere-this is just registration data, and it is uncommon for those who have not been registered.

The current prices of coal, steel, cement and other building materials resources have also plummeted, related companies have closed countlessly, and foreign companies that have been swindled to divest are also piles of them.

This has to start in 1992. Due to the rapid economic development and the large domestic infrastructure construction regulations, the prices of various basic etymologies have skyrocketed. Seeing profitability, foreign capitals are madly investing in China's steel and coal industries, and various large-scale domestic projects have also been launched.

It finally collapsed this year, with too much output and supply exceeding demand.

A large coal mine with an investment of several billion yuan, cut the ribbon in 1996, hasn't started construction until now, and it is really impossible to sell the coal if it is dug out.

Those foreign steel companies that have invested huge sums of money to enter China have suffered losses to varying degrees, and many of them have not even made money back in investment. Now the ones that can be withdrawn have begun to be withdrawn, and the ones that cannot be withdrawn can only be rotten there, hoping that someone will rush to take over.

Song Shumin is still on the sidelines. His cement plant is still in the plan. It will be launched only after the government releases the exact news. It won’t be long before the two sessions will be held to determine the policy. The specific departments will be discussed for a while. China Fund’s gold The era is coming.

The central government decided to expand infrastructure construction. In addition to driving industrial development and expanding domestic demand, it is also solving urgent needs, because coal mines, steel companies, and building materials companies everywhere are starving to death! Even completely open and support the real estate industry, including this factor, can consume a large amount of resources and materials.

Song Weiyang walked around the factory and returned to the general manager's office and asked, "How is the sales of PHS recently?"

Shen Fuxing said: "Selling went crazy during the New Year's Day event, and then it stabilized. By the way, there was another news from the telecommunications department that the third batch of cities' business opening plans were invalidated. Although there is no explicit stipulation, the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications has sent a message for the future. No new PHS business can be opened in Comb City within one year."

"It can be imagined that the leadership pressure of the telecommunications sector is also great." Song Weiyang said.

Shen Fuxing said: "I am discussing with the telecommunications department to bypass the city and select those medium-sized cities with relatively developed economies. And I want to open one by one, and open a city in two months on average. It attracted criticism again."

Song Weiyang asked: "Is anyone coming to play the autumn wind, for example, want to get a share of the pie?"

"There are a lot of people who are in the autumn wind, and there is no one who talks about equity participation," Shen Fuxing said with a smile, "After all, the policy is unclear. Maybe the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications will ban PHS someday."

"How is Rong Huaili doing?" Song Weiyang asked.

Rong Huaili is the head of the Purchasing Department of China Technology, transferred from Xifeng Company. For China Science and Technology, which can only do assembly now, the purchasing department belongs to the first department.

Shen Fuxing smiled and said, "This person is fairly regular, and he can really do things."

"Comparing rules" is equivalent to "not too greedy." If you want to find a person in charge of procurement in China who is not greedy at all, you will never find it, whether it is a private enterprise or a state-owned enterprise. The evaluation of "can do things" shows that Rong Huaili not only "rules" himself, but also allows specific procurement personnel to "behave."

The internal management of the company that produces drones is in chaos, and the procurement aspect is even more unspeakable☆ After that, it even let the technicians come to the back of the pot, and it became known all over the country, ruining its good reputation.

Song Weiyang didn't want his Shenzhou Technology to become like DJI.

Song Weiyang said: “Let Rong Huaili form an inspection team to inspect several high-end manufacturers in Japan. Academician Ni will help contact some technical talents and even invite cadres from the Beijing TV Equipment Factory. That cadre participated in the posting. When the film machine was introduced into the project, he knew the market better and asked Rong Huaili to listen to this person's opinions. Also, you should send a confidant to Rong Huaili as his deputy, and try to keep the purchase price as low as possible."

Shen Fuxing asked: "What treatment should I give to those who are invited by Academician Ni to help?"

"This is Xin'er, you can figure it out by yourself." Song Weiyang said.

Shen Fuxing smiled and said: "Then each person will give out 500 US dollars of shopping money, and some people will quietly give 300 US dollars more."

Song Weiyang said: "It's too much, 1,000 US dollars per person, and 500 US dollars as appropriate. These are all in the stomach. For a good relationship, it would be better to dig the cadres of the Beijing TV Equipment Factory to Shenzhou Technology. ↓It is said that this person is a technical secondary school graduate with a background in workshop management, and has been doing placement for more than ten years. If he can be dug over, he will be directly appointed as the deputy director of the motherboard factory, responsible for production management."

Although it’s no longer possible to go abroad these years, it still makes people yearn for. ⊥Calculate that China Science and Technology does not give a penny. Those people are also happy to travel abroad for free. One person sends 1,000 US dollars to more than 8,000 yuan) to shop. I am absolutely happy. When the goods go back, they will be better off.

Shen Fuxing said: "You can dig it up. The traditional electrical appliance business is not easy to do now. I heard that last year, one third of the domestically produced TV sets could not be sold. The life of the Cheng TV Equipment Factory is also sad. As long as we give a position as deputy director, that person will most likely be tempted."

The two were discussing plans to build a motherboard factory, and suddenly there was noisy outside.

Shen Fuxing called the secretary and asked, "What happened?"

The secretary didn't know, and said quickly, "I'll ask."

A few minutes later, the secretary ran back to report: "A woman in her 50s came to apply for a job, and a colleague from the Human Resources Department asked her to come back after the Spring Festival. We have no recruitment plan before the New Year. She has no choice but to leave. She speaks foreign languages ​​and understands. Computers, with a monthly salary of only 800 yuan, you can do any job you want."

Song Weiyang smiled and said, "This is Hunan. She is more than 50 years old and understands foreign languages ​​and computers, and she only has a salary of 800 yuan. Call her over!"

The secretary soon brought a woman, except for more eye lines, she really couldn't tell that she was over 50 years old. She is dressed more stylishly and decently, with elegant manners, and a faint fragrance of perfume on her body.

"Do you know a foreign language?" Song Weiyang asked suddenly in English.

The old woman immediately replied in English: "I used to be a teacher at Shanghai Foreign Affairs University. I taught Russian at the university. Russian was not popular and taught myself English. Later, I worked in a Japanese company for three years and knew some Japanese, but I could only do it. Daily communication ∫ English and Russian are both very good, and I can also work on a computer. As long as a salary of 800 yuan, I can be a general clerk. I guarantee that my typing speed will not be lost to young people."

"No, you know three foreign languages, and you also know how to work with computers, how come here to do 800 yuan work?" Song Weiyang asked.

The old woman said: "I resigned from Shanghai in 1986. First I worked in a Japanese company and then in a British company. The monthly salary was 6,000 yuan. The top executives of the British company are all British. I can't work hard. Fa was promoted, the monthly salary of 6,000 yuan is already considered to be the I am also quite satisfied. As a result, the British company suddenly closed down last month. I am older, more than 50 years old, and I am looking for a job everywhere. No one wants it."

Shen Fuxing said: "Since you used to have a monthly salary of 6,000 yuan, you don't have to rush to find a job. Why can't we wait for our recruitment in the next year?"

The old woman smiled bitterly: "All of my savings from working in a foreign company for more than ten years have been given to my son to study abroad. My son returned to China the year before and also entered a foreign company. At the beginning, his monthly salary was more than 4,000. Last year it has risen to 5,000. Days are getting better and better. So when I got married, I bought him a house in the city, with a loan of tens of thousands, and I wanted to repay the loan casually. As a result, my son’s foreign company also collapsed. My foreign company also collapsed, not to mention the mortgage owed to the bank, and some down payment to relatives to buy a house ∫ If you don’t quickly find a job and cannot repay the loan, the bank will take back the house!"

Song Weiyang asked: "Shenghai's foreign companies have closed down a lot?"

The old man said, "Fuck, especially after New Year's Day, one family after another falls."

Well, this was only the beginning of 1998, and not only the state-owned enterprises ushered in a wave of bankruptcy, but also countless foreign companies in Shenghai.

In addition, there are countless private enterprises in the suburbs of Shenghai, and they have been one of the main forces of China's exports since the 1980s. They are falling faster now, because they are heavily dependent on exports, and the Asian financial turmoil has brought them miserable.

State-owned companies, private companies, and foreign companies are vying to close down. The dilemma of China's economy in 1998 is far more difficult than imagined.

Song Weiyang said to Shen Fuxing, "Let's arrange a suitable job for this elder sister."

"Thank you boss, thank you boss," the old woman swears quickly, "I am in good health. I don't need to pay me a pension. I can do it for a long time. I can do it until I reach the age of 70. I promise not to retire at the age of 60!"

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