Rebirth of the Wild Age

~: 378 [First visit to Tencent]

Song Weiyang personally borrowed 50 million US dollars, due to the late entry time, and after deducting various expenses, he made only 60 million US dollars in total, which is more than 400 million US dollars when converted into Hong Kong dollars.

Among them, 300 million Hong Kong dollars, Song Weiyang directly used to buy office buildings.

Of course, this little money can't buy the whole building. He only bought two of the floors. The name of the building is "Kwun Tong Genesis Phase I". I chose this place because Standard Chartered Bank also bought 15 floors for office use and changed its name to "Standard Chartered Center." The two floors that Song Weiyang bought will have high absolute rents in the next few years. Who will let the logistics headquarters of Standard Chartered Bank be next to them?

With more than 100 million spare money left, Song Weiyang borrowed tens of millions to Chen Tao and other senior executives of Xifeng to buy the original shares of Xifeng.

By the way, the shit-yellow van should also be replaced. Song Weiyang spent 350,000 US dollars to order a Hummer H1. The Hummer itself is actually not that expensive, but Song Weiyang’s order requirement is that the original factory is modified, all replaced by bullet-proof glass, and some comfort equipment is also installed-the Hummer H1 is very upside-down, only slightly better than the military version, and it is really used for off-roading. Can give you shit.

Coupled with freight and tariffs, the landing price of this Hummer is close to RMB 8 million.

Therefore, there were so many smuggled cars in the 1990s. Before 1994, the comprehensive tariff on car imports was 180-220%. In the hands of car owners, the price has quadrupled. In 1998, the auto tariff had dropped to 110-150%, but the price still had to more than double.

After Song Weiyang reached an initial financing intention with Mr. Ren, he immediately asked people from Taurus Capital to come over. Brothers have to settle accounts. Of course, investment must be evaluated and reviewed. Anyway, try to find a price that is acceptable to both parties.

After leaving Huawei's headquarters, Song Weiyang immediately took Hong Weiguo to an import and export trading company in Shenzhen, Hummer, and put it here after entering the country.

The trading company has a large parking lot full of imported cars. As for how many are imported and a few are smuggled, it is not clear. Let's do everything.

Song Weiyang took out various car purchase procedures and immediately alerted the small leaders of the trading company to personally lead them to the parking lot to pick up the car.

Since the Hummer parked there, many people watched every day. Mainly in China in the 1990s, the Hummer was relatively rare, and local tyrants and big models liked to drive Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Crown, and Duke.

"This car is really **** big, and its domineering!" A local boss who also came to pick up the car exclaimed.

Another local boss said: "How come it's a pickup truck?"

The friend nearby said with a smile: "If the traffic police team is strictly investigating, just drag the car to the'stamp', and paint the bottom of the car. How many tons should it carry?"

"For a luxury car of this level, the traffic police dare to check the fart!" someone else answered.

Others were envious and asked the staff of the trading company: "What kind of car is this?"

The staff member said: "Humvee, the U.S. military in the Gulf War used this vehicle to cross the battlefield."

"U.S. military vehicles, awesome!"

"Just listen to the name and domineering, Hummer Hummer, very sturdy, more powerful than BMW."

"How much does your company sell for one?"

The staff member said: "This car was ordered by the owner of the original factory, and it was modified by the restoration factory, but it was only imported under the name of our company. When the car leaves the deep city, there will be a tariff, purchase price, modification fee, and freight. Coupled with tariffs, it may take about 8 million to settle."

"Fuck, I bought it through formal channels, which boss is so rich?"

"Tsk tusk tusk, 8 million is enough to buy several tiger heads."

"By the way, does your company do the Hummer assembly car business? I want to buy one too."

The so-called assembled trucks are imported parts and shipped to China to assemble them, and the tariff can be reduced by more than two-thirds.

The staff member said: "The original factory is very tightly controlled, and Hummer parts are not available on the market."

"What about the black car? Get a Hummer black car in." Another Tu boss said.

The staff smiled and said, "We are a formal trading company and we do not sell smuggled goods."

The local bosses laughed, as if they had heard a big joke.

The manager of the automobile import department took Song Weiyang to the parking lot and said diligently: "Boss Song, that is your car."

The moment Hong Weiguo saw the Hummer, his eyes were already glowing, and he wanted to sit in the car every day.

This is a four-door pickup Hummer, wide, large and long, with great visual impact. Compared with the surrounding Mercedes-Benz and BMW, they instantly became younger brothers, looking extremely shabby.

Hong Weiguo took the key and drove the door directly. The local bosses paid their attention and quickly guessed that he was the driver and that the real owner was Song Weiyang.

"I know, this is Xifeng's boss Song, I have seen it in the magazine!"

"Dr. Ma! I have heard your class. Hello, Dr. Ma, I am your student."

"What Doctor Ma? That's Boss Song!"

"Boss Song is Dr. Ma!"


Song Weiyang sweated wildly, got into the car and said, "Well, hello everyone, I still have important things to do today, so I can't communicate with you anymore."

"Boss Song, get to know, this is my business card."

"Dr. Ma, I am from the first phase of Ma's Whampoa. I will have the opportunity to invite you to dinner in the future."

By the time Song Weiyang left the trading company, more than a dozen business cards had been stuffed into his pocket. He picked up the phone and called Brother Xiao Ma: "I'm in the deep city, come out to eat together!"

Xiao Ma said: "The company hasn't got off work yet, I will call you when I get off work."

Song Weiyang said: "Does your company have to wait to get off work?"

Xiao Ma said: "I haven't resigned from Runxun."

Song Weiyang was speechless for a moment: "You started a company by yourself, but you still work in another company?"

Xiao Ma said: "Yes, entrepreneurship is entrepreneurship, and work is work."

"You are awesome." Song Weiyang has nothing to say.

Xiao Ma really hasn't resigned from the original company, so that Tencent's registered legal person still writes the name of Xiao Ma and his mother. His mother is the nominal boss of Tencent, but she has never been to the company once. Instead, his dad often drove a Mercedes and ran to Tencent as a guest financial officer.

Tencent was not originally called Tencent, but it was originally named but it was already registered. Then change the name to Jiexun, and it is still registered, and then change the name to Feixun, but it is also registered.

No way, Xiao Ma could only add his own name, and simply named Tencent to count the ball.

Xiao Ma said: "You know Huaqiangbei? There is a SEG Science and Technology Park over there. My company is in an old building in the Science and Technology Park. I can see the Tencent brand. Before I get off work, I will go to Tencent. You will wait for me at Tencent."

"Okay, I'll go over now." Song Weiyang hung up the phone.

Hong Weiguo drove straight to Huaqiangbei. The extremely windy Hummer, like a mechanical monster, attracted the eyes of countless people along the way.

After parking the car at the SEG Science and Technology Park, Hong Weiguo said: "This car is good for everything, but it consumes too much fuel, and most people simply can't afford it."

Song Weiyang smiled and said, "Don't worry about fuel consumption, repairing the car will be enough for you to have a headache in the future."

There are no 4S stores in the mainland at this time, and Hummer's spare parts are even scarce, and they may not be found in several provinces. Some of them can be replaced with other brands of accessories. If they can't be replaced, they can only go to Hong Kong City to purchase them, or simply send them directly from overseas.

Song Weiyang wandered around leisurely, choosing one of the oldest and most dilapidated office buildings to enter.

Going straight to the fourth floor, I saw the sign of Tencent.

Good guy, the decoration style of this company is awesome, and it blinds Song Weiyang's key to the eye.

A pair of super gaudy large ceramic vases are placed at the door, and the ceiling is hung with a rotating crystal lantern like in a dance hall. Several of the desks were of the same style, all fancy, old goods bought from the second-hand market.

Sure enough, I am a big Tencent, the style is the same as before, and I will move home if it is cheap and easy to use.


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