Rebirth of the Wild Age

~: 401【Lin Family New Year】

On the 28th of the twelfth lunar month, Song Weiyang returned to Xikang Province.

First, I went to Lin Zhuoyun's house in Rongcheng. The old man and the old lady were very tough.

Last year, the old man of the Lin family officially retired. At the beginning, he was very uncomfortable and he was inexplicably sick and hospitalized. I'm fine now. I go to the park to play gateball every day, and I invite you to go fishing in the suburbs every other day. Don't live your old life too coolly.

Doudou returned home and saw a poodle when he entered the door. He jumped up and hugged him and said, "Wow, Xiaobai, it's been a long time since I saw you, do you remember me?"

"Wow!" The poodle barked twice.

Doudou put down the dog and ordered: "Hurry up and say happy new year!"

The poodle went to the ground and ran away, leaving only a dog **** for Doudou to see.

"Don't run!" Doudou was furious.

Mother Lin greeted him warmly: "Little Song is here, sit down and watch TV."

Lin Zhuoyun asked: "Mom, where is my dad?"

"Playing in the park, I go every day, and he can't take care of my daughter coming home during the New Year." Mother Lin complained.

"Football?" Lin Zhuoyun asked.

"Is he still playing football? I gave him a back shot. It's a goal kick!" Lin Mu smiled.

Croquet, also called croquet, originated in France and became popular in the United Kingdom. Later it spread to Japan and was introduced to China in the 1980s.

Young people may not have heard of this sport, but it was very popular in the 1990s. Some counties and cities have thousands of gate courts, and even various provincial gateball games are held.

Well, basically the elderly are playing.

As it approached noon, Father Lin took his cue back home slowly, smiled and said to Song Weiyang, "When did Xiao Song arrive?"

"The plane in the morning is almost 11 o'clock in Chengdu," Song Weiyang stood up to help the old man take the cue, "Uncle, happy Chinese New Year!"

"Haha, you are happy too." Father Lin seems to be more cheerful than before retirement.

Lin Zhuoyun was cooking with her mother in the kitchen, and when she heard the voice, she came to the living room to greet her.

Doudou was training the dog, and after half an hour of hard work, finally let the poodle recover his memory. She hugged the dog and ordered: "Xiao Bai, hurry up and tell grandpa a happy new year!"

The poodle immediately stood up, with his front legs close together, making a gesture: "Wow!"

"So good!"

Doudou smiled and threw over the prize, which was the sausage she stole from the kitchen.

Father Lin drew his granddaughter to the front and looked happily: "I'm growing taller again, how about studying? Can the junior high school curriculum still keep up?"

Doudou proudly said: "Junior high school is as simple as elementary school."

"That's good," said Father Lin. "You've been smart since you were a kid, but you're too playful. You have to work harder."

"I see." Doudou said with a smile, taking her grandfather's warning as a breeze.

Doudou is really smart. He doesn't take notes in class, and he understands everything after listening carefully. The main reason is that the junior high school curriculum is too simple and the content is too small, so she can handle it with her brain.

It's a pity that Doudou has poor study habits, does not take notes in get out of class, and often does not do homework after class. When she went to high school, she caught all kinds of blindness, and her academic performance continued to decline, because the content of high school courses was much more than that of junior high school.

Father Lin continued to ask, "Are there any classmates in the school bullying you?"

Doudou smiled and said, "I made fun of others."

Father Lin was a little speechless, and taught: "You are a big girl, don't be so naughty, unite and love your classmates."

"I know," Doudou said, "I have a few very good friends, and we learn from each other and make progress."

Song Weiyang thought: It’s almost the same to mischief each other, I don’t know you yet?

Suddenly the phone rang, and it was from Jiangcheng: "Chairman, I found it, but there are two Wu Lei who graduated in 1992."

Song Weiyang went to the balcony to listen to the phone: "It's very fast, it's only a day and a half."

The phone said: "The school is on holiday. As the manager of Xifeng branch, I visited the head of the Academic Affairs Office of Wuhan University. By the way, I gave him a gift, saying that our company has recruited a graduate of Wuhan University, but the files are somewhat Not in detail, I would like to ask him to check it out."

"How much did it cost to give gifts?" Song Weiyang asked.

"Not much," the man said.

"How much is it? I'll remit it to you. This is my personal affair and cannot be accounted for by the company." Song Weiyang said.

The man said: "The chairman's business can't be delayed. I gave a gift of 5,000 yuan."

"That's OK," Song Weiyang said, "you fax the information to the Rongcheng branch, and send your remittance address by the way."

"No, I still have 5000 yuan." The man smiled.

"I will give it to you if I say it," Song Weiyang said, "I wish you a happy new year!"

The man said excitedly: "I also wish the chairman a happy new year and all the best!"

Mother Lin's shout came from the kitchen: "Old Lin, come over and serve food, don't sit in the living room!"

Father Lin slowly got up, and said with dissatisfaction: "For those who celebrate the Chinese New Year, they also mentioned dead words, can you say something auspicious?"

"There are still two days before the New Year." Lin Mu corrected.

"Yes, yes, you are all right in UU reading!" Father Lin didn't want to care about women.

Song Weiyang hurriedly took Doudou to set the table and chopsticks, and soon everyone sat down around the table.

Lin Zhuoyun pointed to the large plate in the middle and said, "Dad, this is the squirrel mandarin fish I made by myself. You can taste it soon."

"Heh, you still learned how to cook, and I haven't seen you cook before." Father Lin's tone was sour, and he gave Song Weiyang a jealous look.

Song Weiyang said sternly: "Uncle, don't look at me, I am a victim."

Lin Zhuoyun glared: "Shut up!"

Doudou raised her hand and said, "I am also a victim. My auntie often puts a lot of salt in her cooking."

"Hahahaha!" The two old men of the Lin family suddenly laughed.

Just after dinner at Lin's house at noon, people from the Rongcheng branch called and asked for the specific address, and soon sent someone to send the fax information to the door.

"What's the matter with the company?" Lin Zhuoyun asked.

Song Weiyang said casually: "Well, I want to see a document."

There were two Wu Lei who graduated from Wuhan University that year, but looking at the photos, they are not like Xiao Wu in a coffee shop. Unless this guy has undergone a plastic surgery, even if the ID photo is far from the real person, he won't even be missing the current shadow.

Song Weiyang was afraid of omissions, and asked Jiang Cheng to check the student files around 1992.

Until the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, Jiang Cheng sent the information of seven people again.

From 1990 to 1995, all the graduates of Wuhan University named Lei Wu were here, including correspondence students with archive records.

The truth of the matter is clear, Wu Lei in Time Cafe is just a correspondence graduate of Wuhan University. This thing is very watery, especially in the early 1990s, many key universities are engaged in correspondence education, and even exams are done, and you can get a diploma as long as you pay.

At least from the point of view of academic qualifications, that Xiao Wu's fraudulent existence, wait for Lin Wanzi to be careful.