Rebirth of the Wild Age

~: 422[Key years in the beverage industry]

If an idiom is used to describe the situation of Coca-Cola this year, it will be: The leaking of the house happens to be rainy night!

The turmoil on China's side hasn't eased, and there is another accident on the European side. ≯Bo≌Luo≌Little≯say

In early June, some students in Belgium and France were poisoned after drinking Coca-Cola. A week later, the Belgian government issued a ban, prohibiting the country from selling all Coca-Cola beverages, including Sprite, Fanta and other products. Although the French government has not issued a ban, it has also ordered Coca-Cola to be temporarily removed from the shelves.

This is the biggest crisis Coca-Cola has encountered in 113 years. Not only has its stock price plummeted, it may also lose the entire European market.

In future MBA textbooks, Coca-Cola's handling of this incident is regarded as a classic case of corporate crisis public relations. However, the protagonist Ivester at the time did not think so. As we said before, the CEO was very unpopular. It was his fault to do something wrong, and he should do it right, and it was far from enough. good.

In mid-June, Coca-Cola CEO Ivester went to Brussels in person and immediately held a press conference. He repeatedly emphasized that the Coca-Cola poisoning incident was purely an accident. The formula of Coca-Cola was completely correct. Coca-Cola will continue to produce first-class beverages for consumers.

The reporters each received a bottle of Coca-Cola, but no one dared to drink it and threw it into the trash can.

The next day, major Belgian newspapers published Ivester’s autographed apology letter. The letter carefully explained the cause of the accident, made various guarantees, and promised to give each family in Belgium a bottle of Coke as an apology.

Immediately afterwards, Coca-Cola recalled all of the same batch of cola in Belgium, quickly announced the results of the investigation and testing, explained the scope of the accident, and refunded the compensation to consumers to bear the medical expenses of the poisoned customers. Coca-Cola has also set up dedicated telephone lines and dedicated web pages to answer and solve various questions raised by consumers.

Such a huge crisis was solved in this way.

One word, money!

In four words, money can move the mind!

Coca-Cola bought almost all the newspapers in Belgium, while giving away shopping vouchers door-to-door. The children don't care about so many, so they buy Coke with shopping coupons, so the scenes of the children drinking Coke happily become promotional materials.

The ban issued by the Belgian government directly turned into waste paper. Numerous manufacturers “illegal” sold Coca-Cola products. The entire country turned a blind eye to this. In the end, the Belgian government simply lifted the ban.

Although the crisis was successfully resolved, Coca-Cola's stock price fell by 6% within 10 days. The total amount of Coke recalled was 1.4 billion bottles, the direct economic loss was more than 60 million U.S. dollars, and the public relations expenses were an astronomical figure.

CEO Ivest must be backed up. Although he successfully resolved the incident, shareholders and senior executives became increasingly disappointed in it, and he would be ousted soon.

The shareholders of Coca-Cola lost confidence in the high-level management of the entire headquarters, so they bypassed the board of directors and convened a shareholders meeting directly, and decided to transfer a local prince (regional CEO) back to lead the company. After receiving the news, the princes from all over the world started crazy actions, actively contacting shareholders while developing regional business.

The CEO of the Far East directly ordered China to speed up comprehensive reforms. Not only did they quickly sell the Chinese version of the advertisement, they also "plagiarized" Xifeng's 101 channel plan in an all-round way.

Of course, Xifeng will not wait to die. It will pay to publish a variety of advocacy articles, make a fuss about the Coca-Cola poisoning incident, and then guide the patriotism of beverage consumers and frantically question the safety of Coca-Cola.

The CEO of Coca-Cola China announced at the first time that the European poisoning incident has nothing to do with the Chinese market. At the same time, the newspapers were used to exaggerate Coca-Cola’s crisis management, and the black ones were white, and the public opinion was guided to Coca-Cola’s focus on consumer interests. So many people believed it and took Coca-Cola to the sky.

Xifeng and Coca-Cola fight various public opinion wars, and you can see related articles every three to five. The product sales of the two companies are steadily increasing, but Pepsi's market share has been suppressed.

Again, the boss and the second child were fighting, and the third child was killed!

Pepsi looked dumbfounded, completely at a loss, stupidly watching Xifeng and Coca-Cola grab the market.

Time soon came to July, the beverage market re-emerged, and Xifeng's "Ice Shuang" advertisement began to bombard it.

"Bing Shuang" is a soft drink launched by Xifeng, similar to "Sprite" and "Hedy". This trademark has long been registered by a certain factory, and Xifeng directly acquired that small factory. Before that, it had been silently selling goods, just waiting for an advertising campaign in the summer.

The advertising slogan was written by Song Weiyang himself: the heart is cool, the heart is flying!

The advertising spokesperson is Wanwan singer Xu Huaiyu. She is one of the most popular Wanwan female singers in the past two years, second only to Zhang Huimei in terms of record sales. The most important thing is that Xu Huaiyu looks more pure and fits the "icy" image more than Zhang Huimei.

What's even more rare is that Xu Huaiyu is particularly well arranged.

Rolling Stone Records has been in decline in recent years. It regards Xu Huaiyu as a cash cow. The activities are fully arranged. It is estimated that this girl can only sleep peacefully for four to five hours a day. Xifeng only used 1.6 million endorsement fees, plus 150,000 yuan appearance fee for each event, and signed a devil contract with Rolling Stone Records.

Xifeng organizes 40 sales events within one and a half months. Xu Huaiyu must participate in each event, sing at least 8 songs in a single event, participate in some interactive sessions, and select 100 lucky fans to sign each event.

This girl spends the night on the plane every Some cities can only take the train. Moreover, while she was doing activities for Xifeng, the agency also arranged other activities nearby. She almost finished singing in the morning, eating a box lunch and continuing in the afternoon. There were occasional business performances in the evening, and then she hurried to the airport or train station.

In 40 cities in a row, Xu Huaiyu sang "I'm a Girl", holding a bottle of "Ice Cool" and saying, "I feel so cool, my heart is flying," and in conjunction with TV and newspaper advertisements, "Ice Cool" soda is extremely powerful. The posture of "Sprite" is to grab the market head-on.

As a result, Sprite was still firmly in the dominance position, and Hedy was dying to death by Bing Shuang.

By the way, I would like to introduce a spoiler to everyone. Wahaha recently launched a Coke product called "Paradise Coke". It's not that I went to heaven after drinking Coke, but took the name of Linzhou. No way, the name Very Coke was snatched by Xifeng.

Since the advent of Paradise Coke, it has been dying, and it is one of Wahaha's many new failed products. But just this summer, a propaganda campaign was suddenly launched, and at very low prices, in conjunction with Wahaha's inherent channels, it quickly grabbed the small county and township markets.

In this series of chaos, Coca-Cola is inexplicably rejuvenated, and Xifeng's products are strategically located, and Wahaha is clinging to small county towns and township markets. As a result, Jianlibao’s market share plummeted, and the president of PepsiCo China lost his hair. The two brands are losing customers at an alarming rate.

1999, a special year belonging to China's beverage industry, was an unprecedented watershed.

Small brands have swarmed all over the country this year, and their market share has gradually concentrated on a few big brands, so there is room for small brands to survive in the emerging juice market.

(In the last chapter, a reader asked where the Xuri Sheng Bing Tea went, and Xifeng had already killed it. It was explained in the book.)