Rebirth of the Wild Age

~: 430【Main contradiction】

Poor Doudou, not only did she have to do homework during the summer vacation, she was also thrown into a talent training class by her mother. She practiced calligraphy and painting every day, saying that she wanted to correct her impetuous shortcomings. Now she is lying on the coffee table graffiti with ghost symbols.

Song Weiyang walked to the balcony with his mobile phone and said, "If you are in charge, how are you going to deal with this matter?"

"If I only start from personal emotions, I will definitely check it out. Not only will I send a few to jail, but I also need to rectify the football club in an all-round way." Chen Tao replied.

Song Weiyang smiled and said, "What about reason?"

Chen Tao said: "First, it is the status quo of domestic football. It is completely muddy water. It is impossible for Xifeng team to get out of the mud without getting stained. It is very difficult for us to cleanse ourselves in the first class. Second, I feel this The mastermind of the matter is Sun Kang. Who is Sun Kang? An old employee of Xifeng Cannery. If he stays in Xifeng Company, he is now at least a regional leader. Xifeng Football Club was actually formed by Sun Kang. , Regardless of merit or hard work, he is the team's No. 1 hero. If Sun Kang is dealt with seriously, what does this make other veteran employees of Xifeng think? Sad rabbit dead fox!"

"So?" Song Weiyang asked.

Chen Tao thought for a while and said: "Expelled the coaches and players suspected of playing counterfeiting, and announced the list to the media so that they can't mix up in football. Let Sun Kang explain the situation himself, spit out the embezzled money, and then order him. Resign and return Xifeng’s stock. As for the money he earned from playing match-fixing, he will be left for his retirement. In this way, our anger is also out, and we have expressed our attitude to the media, and the negative impact can be controlled within an acceptable range. Inside."

"Confused!" Song Weiyang's tone was a bit heavy.

"Is there any problem with this treatment?" Chen Tao asked puzzledly.

Song Weiyang sighed and said, "You follow me in everything you do. I saw you read "Selected Works of Mao" last year. Have you forgotten the "On Contradiction" in it? We must distinguish between the main contradiction and the secondary contradiction in everything. If you start with it, all problems can be solved easily. If you only focus on the minor contradictions, you are all busy, and the problem is still there!"

Chen Tao said: "The main contradiction this time is that there is a problem within Xifeng Football Club, which can be completely resolved according to my approach. As for the situation of Chinese football, we cannot change it at all."

Song Weiyang explained: "The real main contradiction is that the people all over the country know that the Xifeng team slapped their boss in the face in public!"

"Yes, so I decided to deal with Sun Kang and related personnel." Chen Tao said.

"You still didn't grasp the point," Song Weiyang said. "The key to the problem lies in Sun Kang. He must know that I am going to watch the game, but he still let the players deliberately lose the game. What does this mean? It means that he is already on the team. The emperor of Tu, did not take me as the chairman of the board or you as the general manager of the club in his eyes! If Sun Kang is not completely killed, it is equivalent to a bad head. In the future, a certain of Xifeng Some people in charge would think that Sun Kang, in front of the people of the whole country, made the chairman of the board ashamed, and could still take the black money to take care of the old age comfortably. Then we don’t care, we can do whatever we want, but he will be persuaded to quit and resign. , The money I got is enough to enjoy a lifetime!"

Chen Tao suddenly realized that she was convinced, "I was wrong."

Song Weiyang said by saying: "Play-fixing and so on are trivial matters. There is no gray area in any industry? Even if the match-fixing makes the Chinese football stink, it's my shit. I'm not the chairman of the Football Association, let alone. What a savior! You said that Xifeng Football Club has problems, and Sun Kang is suspected of corruption and counterfeiting to make money. He also formed a gang to build a mountain. This is normal and cannot be avoided by any country or organization, as long as it is safe It can be tolerated within the line. After all, Sun Kang’s contribution is far greater than the destruction. However, he can make money today, completely disregarding the chairman’s face, which shows that this person has been unscrupulous. For his own benefit, he can directly take me tomorrow. It’s sold! If you don’t find out, his behavior may be imitated by other cadres of Xifeng Company! I can raise moths, as long as the moths can bring me more benefits, but I can’t tolerate them!”

Chen Tao estimated that the past two years have been going too smoothly. Changing to another time and space, she was able to get Sun Kang in prison for more than ten years.

Chen Tao asked: "How big should it be?"

"As much as you can," Song Weiyang said, "I also want face!"

"Understood." Chen Tao hung up the phone.


Sun Kang still didn't realize his danger, because he didn't feel that he had done anything wrong.

When the Xifeng team was just formed, it could only play in the semi-professional and semi-amateur second division. Xifeng Football Club could even borrow the office of Xifeng Company. It is precisely because of his Sun Kang that the club and the team have been enlarged step by step. Regardless of the large investment in the past few years, as long as Xifeng is willing to sell the club and the team, the company is willing to take over the bid of 60 million and earn back the investment of the previous years in minutes.

As for match-fixing and gambling, what's that sin? The whole country is doing this!

Playing match-fixing is for the benefit of the club, it can be said to be meritorious. Since you have merit, it makes sense to gamble for yourself.

He slapped the chairman in the face in public. This was an accident. Who knew that the chairman would take his friends to watch the game. Even if Sun Kang learned the news three days in advance, he couldn't change the plan, because the deal had been concluded a long time ago, and the money involved in the gambling market was too much, and he was afraid that he would be hacked to death across provinces.

But it must be remedied. Sun Kang could not contact Song Weiyang himself, so he ran to Song's house overnight. Song Shumin Yuan did not return in Rongcheng, so he sincerely apologized to Guo Xiaolan and Song Qizhi, and asked them to convey their apologies on their behalf.

Don't worry about Chen Tao. Sun Kang knows that Mr. Chen likes football and has devoted his efforts to the club. He is now the mainstay of the club. How could Chen Tao really kill him because of a small incident? After the big deal, the match-fixing will be made public, and part of it will be used as the team's income.

Analyzing from Sun Kang's psychological activities, this person is really floating, and he has no fear, and it completely fulfills Song Weiyang's evaluation of him. His mode of thinking is very simple: I have made a contribution to the party-state, I have sold my life for the party-state, and I have to guard one side for the party-state. The chairman of the committee will not do anything to me!

"Boom boom boom!"

"Come in!"

Sun Kang sat on the boss chair solemnly, and when he saw the incoming guests, he immediately smiled and said, "Lao Li, what brought you here?"

Lao Li was a friend of Sun Kang who had known Sun Kang before at the cannery. He sighed and said, "Lao Please explain, I will be in charge of the club from now on."

Old Li walked into the office, followed by two policemen impressively behind him.

Sun Kang was shocked immediately, and his voice trembled and said, "This...what is this, this, this?"

"Your confidant has already accounted for your embezzlement of the training base's engineering funds and purchases. The assistant coach named Peng Yang has also accounted for your match-fixing and gambling," Lao Li reminded, "don't think about it. Denial, frankly and leniently, maybe a few years less sentenced."

It was Chen Tao who didn't want to kill him before, so those coaches and players can deny it. Really made up my mind, what not to pick out? There is no need to bend into a trick, the fatigue interrogation day and night will do.

As for the evidence?

Haha, just have a confession this year. As long as the testimony of multiple people can match, the court can handle an iron case. This is the law.

Sun Kang was ashamed, and then he hysterically said: "You can't do this to me! How much did I contribute to the club? What is the money I eat? I want to see the chairman, I want to see the chairman..."

Lao Li shook his head and said, "Oh, you still don't understand? You made a mistake of lack of leadership. The emperor of the past two years regarded you as a stupid, right?"

Sun Kang had already stood up, and understood everything when he heard this, as if a puddle of mud fell back on his chair, and then he was framed by the police and left the office.

As a leader, you can turn a blind eye to the small actions of your opponents and even allow them to make some major mistakes. However, if your subordinates don't put the leader in their eyes and take their own interests as the center, then it is a 100% capital crime!

Including Sun Kang, the executives of Xifeng Football Club arrested 8 people, the main crime being corruption. The team arrested an assistant coach and six main players. The main charge was commercial bribery.

Immediately, the Rongping police went straight to the mountain city and arrested people across the province!