Rebirth of the Wild Age

~: 432【Fortune Annual Meeting】

"Boss, there is a message from Xifeng headquarters that the temporary investigation team of the Football Association wants to contact you." Shen Si hung up the phone and said.

Song Weiyang said: "I didn't play a match-fixing, so they can still investigate me? Where's Chen Tao?"

He meditated: "Mr. Chen went to Malaysia to inspect the canned food factory, and he won't be able to return to China until at least next month."

"She runs fast." Song Weiyang said amused.

In the face of various scandals, there is only one way that the Football Association will deal with it for thousands of years: big things are small, and small things are nothing!

Chen Tao is the general manager of Xifeng Football Club, and the football coordination investigation team must look for her directly. But now that Chen Tao is not in China, the investigation team can only communicate with the vice president. The vice president naturally said with a smile: "I can't call the shots on this matter. I have to ask the leader for instructions."

Shen Si said: "The leader of the temporary investigation team, I hope to talk to you face to face. In addition, Loncin Football Club also hopes to negotiate and solve the problem."

"How to solve it?" Song Weiyang asked.

Shen Si said: "Loncin promised to give 5 million, let us withdraw the case. And the other party also promised that after the vice president of Loncin is released, they will deal with it seriously, as long as it is not handed over to the judicial authority."

"Loncin wants face, I don't want face? My face is worth 5 million?" Song Weiyang asked, "Since the phone can reach you, has someone put pressure on Xifeng?"

"There is indeed a leader saying hello..." Shen Si immediately said a name.

Song Weiyang smiled and said, "Replied to them that I was going to prepare a speech at the Annual Meeting of Fortune. I can't get out of it for the time being!"

"Understood." Meditation immediately took out the phone.

It's all done to this level. If the people caught in are released, wouldn't Song Weiyang become a joke that is well-known throughout the country?

Anyway, everything goes through judicial procedures and waits for the court to open the court. It must be judged on the basis of commercial bribery and commercial bribery. Song Weiyang will never let go if he doesn't go to jail for a few years one by one. When the court's decision was announced, the Football Association couldn't cover it even if it wanted to cover it, so it could only be forced to admit that there was a match-fixing in League A.

The contemplative call was made, and Xifeng Club immediately relayed it. When the other party heard the "Fortune Annual Meeting", they directly chose to admit it.


The annual meeting of Fortune is not only attended by business leaders, but also politicians from China and the United States. The name of a leader can scare the Football Association to death.

Over the years, the number of participants at the annual wealth conference has not exceeded 500. This year, it was very large in China, with more than 800 people directly attending it. The CEO of the world's top 500 companies directly came to one-tenth, and some CEOs who did not come will send representatives to participate.

From Pudong Airport to the International Conference Center, Chinese and foreign reporters are everywhere, and the whole Shenghai is in a special atmosphere.

Chinese state media previously reported that "Fortune" sought the opinions of Chinese and foreign entrepreneurs in May. After repeated discussions, it finally decided to set up the venue in Shenghai. In fact, it is all nonsense. The CEO of Time Warner finalized Shenghai last year, because the global economy is sluggish, and China is the largest emerging market.

In less than half a year, 350 of the world's top 500 companies have signed up, and CEOs of many multinational companies such as General Motors, Ford Motor and Mitsui Properties have applied for speeches at the conference. There are also a large number of Chinese entrepreneurs at home and abroad who also heard the news. They knew that they were not eligible to participate in the annual meeting, and they only wished to sit there and listen.

In addition, more than 6,000 foreign journalists have signed up, wanting to come and follow the dialogue between Fortune 500 companies and the Chinese economy.

As a result, this year's Fortune Annual Meeting is unprecedented!

Song Weiyang rode his Hummer to the International Conference Center. After he got off the car, he was allowed to enter, but Hong Weiguo could only drive back the same way—there were too many cars to stop.

As a matter of fact, traffic is controlled for a long distance. If Song Weiyang had a temporary pass, his Hummer would not be able to drive.

"Look, it's Xuechang Song!"

"Wow, it's Song Weiyang, I'm going to receive him!"


The Shenghai Youth Volunteer Association has a big purpose this time. More than 2,000 university student volunteers are collectively dispatched to take charge of various messy tasks during the Fortune Annual Conference. Those who can be selected for voluntary activities at the airport and conference venues are all the elites of the students of each school, and the review is very strict!

Needless to say, the Shenghai Youth Volunteer Association and its supervisory unit are trying to make a big appearance in the media at home and abroad, and the achievements they have produced can make many people get promoted.

Song Weiyang is the initiator of the Shenghai Youth Volunteer Association. He is well-known within the association and is the lofty idol of these students. There were a lot of people rushing to serve Song Weiyang on the spot, and they were about to quarrel. The relevant leaders reprimanded them for a few words before they personally selected the volunteers.

"Crack, click!"

The camera flash flickered, mainly because reporters from mainland China and Hong Kong were taking pictures. Few foreign reporters could recognize Song Weiyang.

Song Weiyang hadn't even walked into the main venue, and there was another flash of light behind him.

Although most of the foreign guests have checked into the International Conference Center in advance, some people are flying over now.

The content of the Fortune Annual Conference is very simple. There have always been only three: eating, having a meeting, having a meeting while having a meal!

There are generally three large-scale banquets, namely the opening banquet, the formal banquet and the closing banquet. Each banquet has important guest speeches.

In addition, there are breakfast meetings and lunch meetings. For breakfast, ministerial-level officials of the host host usually give keynote speeches, while for lunch, foreign dignitaries or guests make keynote speeches.

Anyway, the annual meeting of two or three days will be held. At least seven or eight people will give speeches or speeches. Sometimes it is normal to arrange ten or so.

Song Weiyang was first taken to a rest place, where he had everything from melon and fruit refreshments, as well as drinks and beverages. There have been many Chinese entrepreneurs here. As for foreign entrepreneurs, most of them are still staying in the presidential suites or communicating with each other in small conference halls.

"Xiao Song, you are here too," Wu Guodi said with a smile, "come here, let me introduce some friends to you."

Among the members of the Taurus Club, only Cai Zhiping, Zhang Xuanlong, Li Sufu, Guo Guangchang, and Song Qizhi were not invited, and even Duan Yongping of Backgammon could come to the audience.

An hour before the opening, Song Weiyang met more than 30 Chinese entrepreneurs, and they all exchanged business cards, looking forward to the opportunity to work together.

When the time came soon, everyone moved to the main venue, and various Western faces appeared one after another.

It was the big leader who made the opening speech, and after a speech, there was thunderous applause.

Song Weiyang is not qualified to sit at the main table. In addition to the Chinese leaders, there are also presidents of multinational companies such as Time Warner, GM, Ford, Dell, Procter & Gamble, Toyota, and Nokia.

But Song Weiyang was not far away. He was surrounded by people with backgrounds, all domestic and foreign politicians and wealthy businessmen.

At the end of the banquet, Chinese and foreign guests enjoyed the fireworks over the Huangpu River, and then went back to their own free activities. Everyone did not go to bed directly, but tentatively invited each other to meet in the lounge or small meeting room. If the communication is successful, the initial cooperation intention can be reached, and at least a personal friendship can be established.

The next morning, the big leaders left long ago, letting Chinese and foreign entrepreneurs play by themselves.

The CEO of Mitsui gave a keynote speech at the breakfast meeting, and everyone had breakfast while listening to the kid's nonsense.

The first plenary meeting was held in the morning. The theme was "How China influences the global strategy, Asian strategy, capital allocation and investment strategy of various sad Coca-Cola president Ivester has not yet been laid off. A speech on stage is probably the last glory of his career. Then, Procter & Gamble President Accor, and Haier President Zhang Ruiming, and others spoke. Song Weiyang listened to them pretending to be forceful, and his speech was still behind. Woolen cloth.

In fact, there are too many people attending the conference, and there is no way to conduct in-depth discussions. It is enough for a few representatives to give speeches.

Then there are two group seminars, the themes are "Global Entertainment Industry" and "Energy and Environment", which are still all kinds of nonsense.

The speaker at the luncheon is Comrade Lao Ji from the United States, and the portion is full.

At the plenary session in the afternoon, Chinese leaders introduced China's development plan and accepted questions from Chinese and foreign entrepreneurs. The next theme is "Building a New China: Entering the Tackling Stage". Chinese and foreign business representatives and researchers focused on this content to discuss China's coming into the next 50 years, and review the gains and losses of China's development.

At four o'clock in the afternoon there was another group seminar, the topic was "e-commerce".

Naturally, Ma Xiaoyun did not come to participate, but the e-commerce website of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation created by him has become a highlight of Chinese officials. Amazon's CEO also came and became the focus of the audience, talking about the revolutionary significance of e-commerce in reshaping the world's industry.

On the third day, after the breakfast, the plenary meeting was again ushered in. The theme was "Strategic Experience of Fortune 500 Companies", which still has nothing to do with Song Weiyang.

In the next fourth panel seminar, it was finally Song Weiyang's turn to speak first, with the theme of "enterprise spirit".

Perhaps it is precisely because Song Weiyang's "Entrepreneurship" has become a textbook for many universities in China, and the leaders believe that he has a high level of accomplishments in this area, so that he can give a speech on behalf of Chinese entrepreneurs.