Rebirth of the Wild Age

~: 447【Acquisition of Yinlu】

Song Weiyang felt Chen Tao's little emotions that night.

On the second day of the new century, Lin Zhuoyun went to work at the magazine as usual, but Song Weiyang flew directly back to Rongping, intending to give Chen Tao a small surprise.

Women must be coaxed, not coaxed.

early morning.

Chen Tao hurried to her office, and as soon as she opened the door, she caught a glimpse of a figure inside. She was shocked and thought she was a thief.

After seeing the bastard's appearance, Chen Tao was pleasantly surprised for two seconds, and then asked with a cold face, "Why are you back?"

"Specially come back to see you." Song Weiyang said with a smile on his face.

"I remember, I didn't give you the office key before?" Chen Tao said.

Song Weiyang threw a key from Song Weiyang's palm and caught it. He said without a face, "You put a bunch of keys in your house and office. It looks tired. I will help you lighten up some of them. weight."

Chen Tao said in an unpleasant manner: "It is the first time I heard someone talk about stealing so confidently."

Song Weiyang threw the key on the table, got up and walked out the door: "Since you don't welcome me back, then I can only go back to Shenghai."

"Who is rare?" Chen Tao curled her lips.

Song Weiyang passed by her, and the moment he passed by, suddenly hugged Chen Tao and whispered softly: "Baby, I miss you."

Chen Tao's airs could no longer hold up. This was the first time Song Weiyang made a special trip to come back to see her. An ordinary love word wiped away all the irritability in her heart. The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment, and vice versa. Chen Tao gets too little (except money) in this emotional game, and feels satisfied if he has gained a little bit.

"Just know to coax me." Chen Tao uttered a word, and suddenly the corners of her mouth curled up.

Song Weiyang said: "Don't work these two days. Let's go to the mountain top tea farm in Daqingshan for vacation. I heard that the air there is very fresh."

"You think I'm just like you, I don't care about anything, I'm busy!" Chen Tao still has some resentment in her words, but it's not completely playful.

Tao Chen's position in Xifeng is io, the chief information officer, and his responsibilities are very, very important.

Xifeng should be currently the only company in China that has io. Although other companies have similar positions, it is definitely not as sophisticated and professional as Xifeng, because it was born with the intelligent office of the enterprise network.

At the beginning, Chen Tao was only responsible for informatization training and management, including informatization work in the financial and production departments. As Xifeng's office network matures and extends to procurement, inventory, sales, customer management and other links, it is now even more important to take charge of and coordinate the information communication of various business units.

Last year was the busiest year for Chen Tao. Because of Xifeng's aggressive expansion and mergers, she has to use the network information system to assist in the expansion of the decision-making system and execution system, complete the integration of the group's business structure, and incorporate the new company and new factory into the Xifeng system.

The work progressed from the shallower to the deeper, and his abilities gradually grew. Chen Tao almost worked while learning. He made many jokes and solved many problems beautifully.

Even if his ability is insufficient, Chen Tao cannot go to further study because there are no courses in this area in China. Even in Europe, America, Japan and South Korea, those multinational companies are still in the exploratory stage. Each company has a different understanding of this, and even special trips abroad can only learn from them.

Up to now, Chen Tao's work is still not perfect, she can barely say qualified, but she is maturing with Xifeng's intelligent information system.

With this ability alone, even if Chen Tao immediately resigned from Xifeng and returned all the shares to Song Weiyang, she would still be able to live without worry in her life. I don't know how many big companies are rushing to ask for her.

Song Weiyang hugged Chen Tao and walked to the boss chair. He sat on the chair by himself, let Chen Tao sit on his lap, and asked, "What have you been up to lately?"

"I was not busy some time ago, but the next two months may be busy and dizzy," Chen Tao said, lying in Song Weiyang's arms, squinting like a kitten, "The company is in the process of acquiring Tongmao, and Having entered a critical stage, Yang Xin has personally taken people to Xiamen."

Tongmao Food Canned Food Company is the future Yinlu Group.

This is an enterprise funded by six farmers. Canned food was very popular in the 1980s, so the development momentum was rapid.

By the early 1990s, China's canned food industry was sluggish, but Tongmao Cannery was very lucky. When the factory was about to close down, suddenly an overseas Chinese returned to the village to visit relatives and was willing to invest US$200,000 to help tide over the difficulties. When the local government heard about overseas Chinese investment, it immediately became very concerned. Even Xiamen Grain and Oil Import and Export Company came to participate in the shares and immediately obtained the qualification to export canned food.

Even so, the development of Tongmao Cannery was still difficult, until the launch of the "Yinlu Longan Eight Treasure Porridge", it had a beautiful turnaround.

It’s a pity that the good times didn’t last long. Several new products launched by Tongmao all hit the streets. The eight-treasure porridge was robbed of the market by many brands including Wahaha. The Asian financial turmoil frustrated Tongmao’s canned food exports. In 1998, there was a shortage of capital chain. Status. In 1999, Tongmao's new product "Yinlu Peanut Milk" was well received, which slightly eased financial pressure, but still did not have enough money for publicity and promotion, and even lacked funds for expanding production.

Historically, Tongmao Company will introduce Taiwanese capital in 2000 and officially change its name to Yinlu Group.

Since Xifeng was on the market in the early morning, the money was too much to burn. After the acquisition of Jianlibao was fruitless, it immediately targeted Tongmao and took a fancy to the company's eight-treasure porridge and peanut milk. Xifeng just revealed the intention of the acquisition. Tongmao's boss has not responded yet, and the local government and Xiamen Grain and Oil Import and Export Corporation (Tongmao shareholders) expressed their warm welcome.

At this moment, the two parties have entered a critical stage of negotiations, Xifeng eo Yang Xin personally went to sit in town, because this is the largest acquisition since the establishment of Xifeng.

At the negotiating table, Yang Xin smiled confidently: "Xifeng invested 40 million yuan to buy out the shares of Mr. Huang (an overseas shareholder) and the Grain and Oil Import and Export Company. Mr. Huang and the Grain and Oil Company have agreed, what else can Boss Chen insist on? of?"

"You are trying to force me to submit." Chen Qingyuan sighed. He is now poor and short-term, the company has no money, and the other two major shareholders have agreed to the acquisition. It doesn't make much sense for him to oppose or approve.

"It's not persecution," Yang Xin said, "I came with sincerity. Tongmao's current situation is terrible, and with Xifeng's support, it will definitely be able to develop more smoothly."

Chen Qingyuan said: "I promised Xifeng's investment, but you can't eat Tongmao directly. I need to maintain sufficient independence for the company."

Yang Xin shook his head and said: "Tongmao can retain its independence and may not be incorporated as a division of Xifeng, but it must be a wholly-owned subsidiary of Xifeng."

"Then how do we arrange for the entrepreneurial veterans?" Chen Qingyuan asked.

Yang Xin said: "First, Tongmao Company changed its name to Yinlu Company, because what we value most is the "Yinlu" brand. To put it simply, we value Yinlu's eight-treasure porridge and peanut milk."

"Yes." Chen Qingyuan nodded immediately.

Yang Xin said: "Second, all the other products of Yinlu are cut off except for the eight-treasure porridge and peanut milk. The carbonated beverage factory is all used to produce Xifeng’s cola and soft drinks, and must be incorporated into Xifeng’s carbonated drinks. Beverage Division. In the same way, the cannery will also be merged into Xifeng’s canning business department. The overseas channels and markets of canned food will be received by Xifeng, and the same is true for several other products."

"You are trying to smash my business!" Chen Qingyuan said depressed.

Yang Channel: "This is called restructuring of production to avoid internal competition."

Chen Qingyuan said: "I will consider this, what else?"

Yang Xin continued: "Third, the previous sales channels of Tongmao Company are all owned by Xifeng Company and gradually transformed into Xifeng's channel sales model."

"Say it all at once." Chen Qingyuan said with an ugly expression.

Yang Xin smiled and said: "Fourth, Tongmao Company must carry out Xifeng transformation from procurement, production, transportation, sales, management and other links, and incorporate it into Xifeng’s unified information management system. Fifth, Xifeng will directly inject capital 1 100 million yuan to help Yinlu Company expand its production capacity and publicity after the name change, and support the eight-treasure porridge and peanut milk products. Sixth, in view of Yinlu’s accumulation of dairy products and porridge products, Xifeng Company will not launch similar products. In the future, dairy products, dairy products, and porridge products are all developed and sold by Yinlu, but they can only develop in these areas. This is also to avoid internal competition."

Chen Qingyuan looked at his younger brother, and then at the other four entrepreneurial shareholders, and said, "What should we do with entrepreneurial veterans?"

Yang Xin said: "The reformed Yinlu Company will still be controlled and managed by Boss but we will send some related personnel, such as the chief financial officer. The shares of your six founders will all be replaced by Xifeng Xifeng will issue 100 million new shares, 40 million shares will be distributed to the six of you, and the other 60 million shares will be raised in the stock market."

"How much is 40 million shares?" Chen Qingyuan asked.

Yang Channel: "Based on Xifeng's current stock price, 40 million shares are more than 200 million Hong Kong dollars."

As soon as this statement came out, several other founding shareholders all expressed joy, and this condition was more favorable than they thought.

Chen Qingyuan nodded and said, "It's reasonable."

Yang Xin smiled and said: "Actually, how much the stock is worth is not the point. The point is that the six guys have taken the shares of Xifeng. From now on, everyone will be your own. If you and the management of Yinlu Company have excellent performance, you can be happy. You can work at Feng Headquarters, or even take my seat as an eo. Similarly, Yinlu will also adopt Xifeng’s system. You can’t force Tate Shantou. You have human rights, but the ultimate power still belongs to the headquarters. In order to express your sincerity, the acquisition is completed. After that, boss Xiao Chen can come to the headquarters immediately, and I will give you a very reasonable position."

Boss Xiao Chen is Chen Qingyuan's younger brother and one of the founders of Yinlu.

"We need to discuss it again." Although Chen Qingyuan's face remained as usual, he has obviously tended to accept this plan.

Yang Xin smiled and said, "I look forward to good news."

Three days later, the two parties reached an intention to cooperate and began to discuss the details.

Song Weiyang is still very satisfied with the news. Even if Xifeng does not acquire Yinlu, Yinlu will be invested by Taiwanese capital, and finally 60 shares will be acquired by Nestlé-although Nestlé's largest shareholder will become China Investment Corporation (shareholding Less than major shareholders).

Please remember the domain name of the book's first publication: Fengyun Novel Reading Network Mobile Edition Reading URL: