Rebirth of the Wild Age

~: 649【Wolf Culture】

After the Spring Festival, Song Weiyang returned to Shenghai with his wife and children, and then ran to Huadu to give lectures to the freshmen of the business school, and waited to accompany Chen Tao to go shopping in Hong Kong City.

Taurus Business School opens every year, and Song Weiyang has to go there for seven days. The content of the lectures is the old "Business Tao", but the business cases that are used to explain are often changed, and they often talk about recent events.

Nowadays, both Jinniu Business School and Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business are very famous, and there is a relatively interesting phenomenon of diversion of students.

Rich people engaged in financial securities and real estate often choose to study at Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business; wealthy people engaged in the Internet and manufacturing industry often choose to study at Jinniu Business School-from the perspective of big data, this is the case, but there are certainly exceptions.

For example, among the members of the Taishan Association, many are engaged in the Internet and manufacturing, and all of them have chosen Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business. Members of groups such as the Chang'an Club in Beijing also tend to favor Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business. The students of the Taurus Business School radiate outward through the Taurus Club and the Dr. Ma Classmates Association, and there are also many entrepreneurs who have cooperative relationships with Xifeng, China, Sohu, Sogou, and Tencent.

This has formed two different circles, each holding a group for warmth, and launching a series of commercial competitions either openly or secretly.

In addition, there is China Europe Business School!

China Europe Business School can definitely be called the "roots and the red" because it is an institution co-founded by the Chinese government and the European Union, and has a history of running a school far earlier than the Jinniu Business School and the Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business. Even when its predecessor was founded, even the European Union did not exist. At that time, there was only the European Community.

Just when the Taurus Business School started this year, the China Europe Business School also started classes, and jointly opened the CEO class with Harvard University and IESE Business School (Spain). The study time is only four weeks. The number of students in this CEO class is still very small, but the gold content is very high. The students include the CEOs of the following companies: Mengniu, TCL, Hongdou, Wantong, Member, Jianye, Aokang, etc.

During the class, Vantone CEO Feng Lun suddenly launched the "China Alumni Association", calling on entrepreneurs who have studied at China Europe Business School, Jinniu Business School, and Cheung Kong Graduate School of Have read them all in the college).

Song Weiyang could only smile wryly when he heard the news. The so-called "China Alumni Association" meant that Taishan Club wanted to harvest the revolutionary fruits of the three major business schools. If Song Weiyang and the Taurus Club do not join, then President Liu will instantly become the leader of the martial arts, and this limelight cannot be robbed.

Song Weiyang could only accept the invitation happily and became a member of the Huaxia Alumni Association. And Li Chaoren is probably very angry. He worked so hard to get the Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business. Now Mr. Liu’s Taishan Club ran to pick peaches, and Li Chaoren himself couldn’t show his face to join the China Alumni Association.

Taishan Club played very sloppyly and fully grasped the essence of "making something out of nothing": we don't run a business school, but China's business school can be used by me.



Jianlibao Building, Class A of Jinniu Business School 2005.

As soon as Song Weiyang walked into the classroom, he heard the students congratulate in unison: "Congratulations, Teacher Song for being the richest man in Asia!"

"Thank you, thank you!" Song Weiyang smiled and clasped his fists.

Last year, the media said that Song Weiyang was the richest man in Asia, but that was only an inference based on the "Forbes China Rich List" in the second half of the year and the "Forbes Global Billionaires List" in the first half of the year. This is certainly not credible, and there are huge errors.

Just two years ago, this year’s "Forbes Global Billionaires List" finally came out: "Song Weiyang, nationality (China), age (29 years), assets (22.8 billion US dollars), source (diversified investment). Ranked No. in the world Seventh place, Asia ranks 2nd, and global Chinese ranks 1st."

Although under the analysis of professionals, the Chinese people have long been psychologically prepared for this. But when this list was really announced, it still shocked people, because Song Weiyang's assets soared so fast!

In the first half of last year, he was only the richest man in mainland China, and in the second half of the year, he became the richest man in Asia. Now it is a few months later, and he actually ranks among the top ten richest people in the world!

No way, it is because Google's stock price has risen too fast.

Even though Taurus Capital has reduced its holdings, even if the six-month lock-up period has passed, and a large number of investment institutions have cashed out and caused Google's stock price to fall, Song Weiyang's personal net worth has risen by several billion US dollars.

Not to mention Song Weiyang, the major shareholder, Google founder Larry Page's share of shares allowed him to jump directly into the top 60 of the world's richest list. And the Google CEO Eric, who was invited by Sequoia Capital, simply relied on the option rewards of Google executives to instantly rank 210th on the list of the world's richest people.

By the way, Google has issued additional shares some time ago, and the holdings of Song Weiyang and Jinniu Capital (together) have been diluted to less than 25%.

This year's richest man in the world is still Bill Gates, with personal assets of 46.5 billion U.S. dollars. But this old man is keen on charity, and he donates to the charity fund under his name every year. These "benefits" are not taxable. The ghost knows how much money he really has.

In front of Song Weiyang, in addition to Bill Gates, the richest list is the second is Warren Buffett, the third is the Indian steel tycoon Mittal, the fourth is the Mexican telecom tycoon Carlos, and the fifth is the Saudi prince Aso. Germany, the sixth is IKEA owner Ingvar.

To be precise, Song Weiyang is not the richest man in Asia, but the Saudi prince is the richest man in Asia.

But no matter who he is the richest man in Asia, a native of China, to be ranked seventh on the Forbes list of the world's richest people is simply unimaginable! Before the announcement of the list, the rankings predicted by the media were nothing more than guessing that Song Weiyang could rank in the top 20 at once.

As for Li Chaoren's global ranking, he is 22nd, with personal assets of 13 billion U.S. dollars, and Song Weiyang surpassed 9.8 billion U.S. dollars.

At this moment, dozens of students in the class, whether they are bosses of big companies or ordinary bosses with tens of millions of dollars, all pay homage to the myth of the business world and pay enthusiastic attention to Song Weiyang.

Song Weiyang is still talking about his old ways, but now his identity has changed again. It is seventh in the world's richest list, even if it is farting, there are even some rich students taking notes seriously.

As a teacher, Song Weiyang was obviously unqualified. He couldn't even grasp the teaching time. After all the nonsense was completed, there were still more than ten minutes before get out of class. He smiled and said to the students: "I saw a lot of familiar faces today, why did Miss Chen come to Jinniu Business School?"

Lu Yu raised his head high and opened his mouth with a smile: "I and Dean Xiang are good friends. We have known each other for four or five years. He recommended me to study at Jinniu Business School."

"That's it." Song Weiyang nodded.

Lu Yu hit a snake and said with a stick: "Teacher Song, when will you come to my show?"

"Let’s talk more when you have time," Song Weiyang said noncommittal, changing the subject, "There is still some time today. I will randomly select a classmate to ask questions, but it is forbidden to ask questions about individuals and individual businesses. In other words, don’t ask me what business I invest in. Best, don’t ask your company how to develop. Student No. 18 asks, this number is more auspicious."

A strange face suddenly stood up: "Mr. Song, I am the boss of a sports equipment company. My company has a certain scale. If I want to build a corporate culture, what do you think of the wolfish culture that has been popular recently?"

"Wolf Totem" is finally here. The book was published in April last year and quickly spread across the country. It was praised by many well-known entrepreneurs, and then regarded as a standard by many small and medium-sized business owners.

Song Weiyang smiled and said, "Not so much."

Lu Yu's eyes lit up and he suddenly rushed to ask: "Does Teacher Song not recognize wolf culture? Have you ever read "Wolf Totem"?"

Song Weiyang said: "I have read it with admiration. My evaluation of this book is: logical confusion, common sense errors, nonsense, nothing good!"

Another student raised his hand and asked: "Teacher Song, but I think Haier boss Zhang Ruiming's evaluation of "Wolf Totem" is very reasonable. Boss Zhang said that after reading "Wolf Totem", he thinks that many wolves have tactics. Significance for reference. First, do not fight unprepared battles; second, send out at the best time, save yourself, paralyze the enemy, and put each other to death at critical moments; third, you must have a team spirit in the battle, and you will not hesitate to break your bones in order to win. Boss Zhang said that this kind of opponent in the business war is the most terrifying and also the most lethal. What does Teacher Song think about this?"

Song Weiyang smiled and asked, "Kangaroos also run on two legs, and people run on two legs. Are kangaroos human?"

"Huh?" The student didn't understand.

Song Weiyang said: "This is a standard concept of stealing, listing some of the characteristics of wolves, and summing up the so-called wolf culture. Ancient and modern Chinese and foreign, all outstanding military strategists will not fight unprepared battles. The spirit of hitting a hit and teamwork, are these military experts all transformed from wolves? They all learned from wolves?"

"But these characteristics of wolves do exist." The student said.

Song Weiyang said: "But there are other characteristics of wolves. For example, wolves are unfamiliar. You create a wolf-like culture in your company, and be careful that all your employees become white-eyed wolves. I have also read a report that the four heads are separated from each other. A group of hungry wolves broke into the human gathering place and was scared away by an elderly cat waving its does this happen? Because in nature, carnivores cannot be easily injured, so when this one When the domestic cat became angry, the four hungry wolves immediately turned around looking for other food, and were afraid to break into other people's homes. To put it bluntly, they were bullying and fearing hardship. At this time, there is nothing to break their bones for victory."

Lu Yu emphasized: "But for wolf culture, we can go to waste."

"There is nothing to waste, but the **** is crooked, and the brain is abnormal," Song Weiyang smiled. "If "Wolf Totem" is translated into German and published, do you believe it will be banned by Germany?"

Lu Yu asked: "Why?"

Song Weiyang said: "Because "Wolf Totem" promotes French Xism. If you want to build a wolf-like culture in your company, you have to prepare for bankruptcy. The author of this book compares grassland civilization to Being a wolf compares farming civilization to a sheep. But the reality is that sheep have been developing very well, and wolves have declined after a brief period of prosperity."

A few years after "Wolf Totem" was published in China, it was translated into German, but it was too late to print. Because no German publishing house dared to take the risk, in the words of German Sinologist Gu Bin: ""Wolf Totem" is Frenchism to us Germans. This book embarrassed China. It praised barbarism and cruelty."

Another student raised his hand: "Teacher Song, I am in the telecommunications industry. Huawei is also a wolf culture. Do you think Huawei will decline in the future?"

Song Weiyang smiled and said, "I and Ren are always good friends. When did President Ren admit that Huawei is a wolf-like culture?"

"The media say so." The student said.

Song Weiyang said: "Some media say that I'm not benevolent. Huawei spent billions to learn management from IBM, and learned about the wretched culture of wolf culture? You too underestimated IBM. Okay, it's time for get out of class, not with you. Nonsense."