Rebirth of the Wild Age

~: 651【Frequent Scandals】

"Boss, something big happened!"

Song Weiyang had just spent seven days in Huadu and was waiting for Chen Tao to finish his work. The two went to Hong Kong City to play together, and Shen Fuxing called him himself.

"What big event?" Song Weiyang asked.

Shen Fuxing said excitedly: “Dell’s sales manager sent emails to former IBM PC customers. The content of the emails was exposed. Dell said that Lenovo was controlled by the Chinese government. American consumers spent everything they spent on IBM products. The U.S. dollar will directly support or subsidize the Chinese government to advise American customers not to buy Lenovo-branded computers."

"It's interesting." Song Weiyang smiled.

Shen Fuxing also laughed happily: "This email has spread in Silicon Valley, and it is estimated that it will be reported by the Chinese media soon. I just convened a meeting with the publicity and sales departments, which happened to take the opportunity to make a wave of hype. Patriotic card."

"Come on," Song Weiyang said, "this time you can choose to cooperate with Lenovo and suppress Dell together. By the way, it would be better if you can suppress HP. Brother Ni Qiang stayed away from the insult. We and Lenovo are both Chinese brands and we should unite. Get up to fight, you can't let foreigners bully."

Shen Fuxing immediately said: "Since the boss also supports it, I will let people contact Lenovo now."

"Brothers Ni Qiang and defending against his insults" are all nonsense. To put it bluntly, Dell has developed too fast in China in the past two years and has become the common enemy of Shenzhou and Lenovo. Even if China does not take the opportunity to engage in trouble this time, Lenovo will decisively start a public opinion war, and Lenovo is definitely the protagonist. China Technology is purely a fan of the crowd.

There is no need to wait until the next day, the "Dell Mail Gate" was uploaded on the Internet that night, and it really aroused the indignation of countless Chinese online games. And the cents dare not stand up, because the content of the email is real, and Dell has made it clear that he is hostile to the Chinese government.

The next day, major media across the country reported on the matter one after another. Lenovo President Liu said in public: "A serious company should not do things that violate ethics, but do serious things!"

Originally, this matter had nothing to do with China Science and Technology, but Shen Fuxing held a press conference swaggeringly, saying indignantly: "Dell is the fastest growing brand in the Chinese computer market in the past two years, earning hundreds of millions from China every year. However, it is such a company that has made a lot of money in China that expresses such a bad view when robbing customers! This is not only against morality, but also expressing the wrong political position and completely ignoring the Chinese people. As a Chinese citizen, I strongly protest against this. Dell must be responsible for this and must deal with the protagonist of the “Mail Gate” seriously! As a national brand, Shenzhou Technology firmly stands on Lenovo’s side. I dare to speak up. In a word, China is not only not inferior to Dell for computers at the same price, but China is also doing better than Dell! Chinese national brands are bound to rise!"

A wave of public relations and publicity expenses were scattered, dozens of media across the country reported on the content of this press conference, and China Technology inexplicably became the protagonist.

Lenovo has no idea whether to cooperate with Shenzhou, because if the situation is allowed to ferment, the limelight will be robbed by Shen Fuxing and Shenzhou Technology. As a last resort, Lenovo President Yang also held a press conference. While condemning Dell, he did not forget to thank Shen Fuxing for his help.

Immediately, the two companies jointly launched a public opinion offensive, and then each carried out promotional activities, frantically crowded out Dell computers, and slapped up HP.

Hewlett-Packard China hurriedly stepped up to clarify, saying that the "mail gate" is nothing to do with HP. Hewlett-Packard firmly supports China and loves the Chinese people.

Dell China also quickly held a press conference. While "sincerely" apologized, it dumped the whole pot to the sales manager who sent the email. He also emphasized that the "mail door" was the personal behavior of the sales manager, and had nothing to do with Dell, nor could it represent Dell's position.

Dell's public relations reports have also come, and various tweets have been published, all kinds of whitewashing for Dell, and every possible way to restore Dell's image.

China and Lenovo are reluctant, and many cooperative media have issued a question, believing that Dell’s apology is not sincere at all, and has not dealt with the sales manager involved so far.

Dell China can only report to the US headquarters. The US headquarters held a meeting for more than a month and finally stated that it had expelled the relevant personnel. As to whether they were expelled, or whether they were recruited to other departments after the expulsion, this is not known.

Anyway, due to the mad dog bite of China Technology, Dell was hurt by the "mail gate" incident. China's sales, which had grown wildly for three consecutive years, suddenly stagnated in these two months. Immediately, the media exposed that Dell's Chinese factory was suspected of violating the "Labor Law". Employees worked overtime far more than the legal 36 hours per month. The Dell factory was accused by the media as a "sweatshop." Under pressure from public opinion, the local supervisory authority could only issue a rectification notice to the Dell factory.

Most of these rhythms were brought by Shen Fuxing. Anyway, the cost of public relations is not high, as long as you provide clues and materials, the media is very happy to cooperate with him in order to sell the newspaper.

Song Weiyang is forced to say that he is a dragon, but Shen Fuxing is a living wolf. He used the wolf culture very skillfully, but he didn't leave a way for his opponents to survive, so he wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to crippling Dell. Although the final effect did not meet expectations, many Chinese still bought Dell computers, but it greatly restricted Dell's expansion speed in China.

Not only is Dell, a foreign brand caught in a scandal, but other foreign brands are also not doing well. This year's Chinese media is very strange, and they are reporting on foreign companies' illicit materials.

The cause of the incident was that during the Spring Festival, some consumers sued P&G for false promotion of cosmetics. Instead of apologizing and admitting mistakes, Procter & Gamble slandered consumers with impure motives and malicious hype. It also arrogantly refused to cooperate in interviews with the media.

Want to run after offending the media?

Soon, the media exposed that similar products of P&G had been found to have corrosive ingredients in Japan. The General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine intervened in the investigation and subsequently announced that the cosmetic contained banned substances chromium and neodymium. For a time, public opinion was in an uproar. The media that came out to expose the facts also became famous and its sales rose sharply.

Other media looked at it and found that this could be a mess, and it increased its reputation and sales, so it changed the method to interview and report the shady foreign brands.

Just before China Science and Technology used the "Dell Mail Gate" to engage in trouble, KFC was exposed by the media that the condiments contained carcinogens. This news is even more sensational than cosmetic black materials. KFC, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, actually engages in such crooked ways! Even People’s X newspaper spoke up: “It’s intriguing that KFC only contains Sudanese red in China. Does the naive Uncle Sam think that we are here as a safe island for Sudanese red?"

At the same time as the "Dell Mail Gate" was exposed, the media also revealed that Colgate toothpaste contained carcinogens, and Colgate was removed from the shelves in supermarkets everywhere. Online voting results show that only 9.84% of voters are willing to continue using Colgate toothpaste.

Well, in fact, Colgate was wronged. It is estimated that which media also wanted to join in the fun, and wanted to be a hero to expose the shady of foreign So it intentionally or unintentionally translated a U.S. document by mistake, and published it in the newspaper, and finally made a big fuss. Dragon, by the way, pit Colgate into ecstasy.

Colgate’s fake news was just pressed down, and there was another problem with Nestlé milk powder. This time it is true that the iodine content of Nestle's milk powder exceeds the standard, and the National Standards Committee has publicly stated that it requires a ban on production and sales.

Then it was Haagen-Dazs again, and the crowd reported a counterfeit production den. When law enforcement officers rushed to investigate, they found that this dirty, messy factory was actually an authentic Haagen-Dazs processing plant, and it supplied Haagen-Dazs specialty stores throughout the special zone-love her, tens of thousands Don't ask her to eat Haagen-Dazs, because it may cause diarrhea!

Then there was a strike at Toshiba's Chinese factories, Fujifilm evaded tariffs and sold refurbished machines as new products, and three major scandals broke out in Sony...

Foreign brands and enterprises are in a serious credibility crisis, but the Chinese media are carnival. Every day, reporters visit the factories of foreign enterprises secretly, buying foreign brands from time to time and sending them for testing.

These are all foreign devils themselves. Seeing that China's supervision is not effective, they try their best to get into trouble. Since there have been no incidents for many years, after being reported and prosecuted by consumers, they were still arrogant, and even the media reporters did not pay attention to them. The last scandals broke out in a short period of time.

Affected by this, some Chinese people began to reflect on whether foreign brands are really better than Chinese products? Even KFC contains Sudan Red, even Haagen-Dazs is produced in a black factory, and even Fuji cameras are second-hand refurbished. How can people believe in the quality of foreign brands?

China Mobile and China Computer have gained a wave of sales.

(Milk is a new book, "Time Upgrading Plan". It is estimated that this book will be sucked to death by me again. Well, I hope IG will not be sucked to death by me.)