Rebirth of the Wild Age

~: Fifty-nine【Fiction and MV】

  Paper cranes have been in China since ancient times. They belong to children.

   But it is different in Japan. It has been given many meanings, such as: praying!

   Every day there is a flood of benzene or an earthquake, and there is no water and electricity in the disaster area, but there are cars and cars of paper cranes. As a result, someone publicly stated: Please do not donate paper cranes. It not only takes up space and transportation resources, but it is also not easy to throw, eat, or sell for money. It's just the self-satisfaction of the donor, so it's better to donate the money for making paper cranes, please!

   I don’t know when, the paper cranes spread from Japan to Hong Kong and Taiwan, and they are also labeled as love. It is said that the paper crane has the magic power of the **** of love. When a Japanese girl is 13 years old, she will often fold a paper crane and give it to the boy she likes.

But the paper cranes are not popular in the mainland for the time being. Lin Zhuoyun doesn’t even know what paper cranes are. She asks: “Why do you sing in the lyrics and fold a thousand pairs of paper cranes to solve a thousand wishes? Did you come to make a wish?"

Song Weiyang laughed and said: "There is a legend in Japan. As long as you fold a paper crane a day and persist for a thousand days, you can bring happiness to people you like. Therefore, they call paper cranes a thousand paper cranes. "

   "Really?" Lin Zhuoyun asked.

   "What do you think?" Song Weiyang said.

   Lin Zhuoyun smiled and said: "It must be fake, but this legend is very beautiful. By the way, you can sing this song quickly, let me see if it sounds."

Song Weiyang knocked on the table to beat and sang: "If love is too deep, it is easy to see the scars; the love is too true, so it is hard to separate... Fold a thousand pairs of paper cranes and solve a thousand wishes. After waking up from the dream, the love will no longer Wandering. My heart, do not regret, folded and folded for you. My tears, endless, entangled in the burden of the night in the dream..."

   Lin Zhuoyun was pleasantly surprised after hearing this: "This song you wrote is so good, I never thought you were still a musical genius."

   "A saliva song, how can it be a musical genius." Song Weiyang waved his hand.

   Lin Zhuoyun said: "If a professional musician, writing this kind of song is naturally not a genius. But you are different. You don't even know the score, so you wrote the song like this."

   "Ashamed." Song Weiyang said in embarrassment.

   "A Thousand Paper Cranes", next year's top ten Chinese golden songs, people who have experienced that era can hum two sentences even if they can't sing. Because for a while, the whole street was playing, and all the TV stations were also playing, and my ears almost heard the cocoon.

   As for the original creator "Digital Love Song Prince" Mr. Tai Zhengxiao, let's continue to study mathematics. "Nine Hundred and Ninety-Nine Roses" and "One Thousand and One Nights" are also very nice.

   Lin Zhuoyun said: "Sing this song, can your new canned food sell well?"

"You have to make up a story," Song Weiyang said. "A young man and a woman met when they were buying canned food in the mall. The boy taught the girl to fold a thousand paper cranes, saying that as long as a thousand paper cranes are folded, God can satisfy her wish. When the two were about to get married, the boy suddenly suffered from leukemia, and the girl insisted on making origami cranes for the boy. On the day when a thousand were folded, the boy closed his eyes forever."

   "It's that simple?" Lin Zhuoyun shook her head and said, "It's too general, you should add details, just write a novel exclusively."

   Song Weiyang said: "The novel is too strenuous, of course the details have to be added, but it's fine to make a MV."

   "What is the MV?" Lin Zhuoyun asked.

   Song Weiyang explained: "We sang karaoke that day, and the music video was on TV."

   "Music video," Lin Zhuoyun asked, "MV is the abbreviation of MusicVideo?"

   "Right." Song Weiyang nodded.

   The ancestors of MV on the mainland were Tu Honggang and Zhang Guoli. Three years ago, Tu Honggang approached Zhang Guoli and said that he would shoot a MV for his new song. Zhang Guoli didn’t know what a MV was, so he just watched a few foreign MVs. Other singers did the same in their MVs—that is, the singer was facing the camera, sang for a while, walked around for a while, at most. The supporting role (beautiful handsome guy) walks around.

   The true MV for the mainland has to wait until 1996's "Farewell My Concubine".

   Lin Zhuoyun asked: "Can MV also tell stories?"

   "Of course you can tell a story, you can understand it as a miniature movie." Song Weiyang said.

   Lin Zhuoyun was suddenly excited: "Let me sing this song, and let me film the MV, how interesting it is."

   Song Weiyang asked: "Are you going to be a singer?"

   "Improper," Lin Zhuoyun shook her head repeatedly, "If I were a singer, my dad would definitely break my leg."

   "That's a fun ticket?" Song Weiyang said.

   "Well, it's just for fun, it's fun." Lin Zhuoyun smiled and narrowed her eyes.

   Song Weiyang stared at Lin Zhuoyun repeatedly, and suddenly said: "Or, you can be the image spokesperson for the canned'Thousand Paper Cranes'."

   Lin Zhuoyun asked: "What is an image spokesperson?"

   Song Weiyang explained: “It’s when you sell canned food, print your photo on it.”

   "No, no." Lin Zhuoyun waved her hand again and again.

   "You have made MVs. You will be famous by then, and there will be no more image spokespersons. It's fun, try it," Song Weiyang urged, "I will also give you an endorsement fee."

   "It's not a matter of money," Lin Zhuoyun said, "I will consider it again."

   Song Weiyang said: "I will go to the provincial capital tomorrow, and I will work with Xikang Audiovisual Publishing House to record the song, and then I will go to the director and actors to shoot the MV. You only have a few days to think about it."

   Lin Zhuoyun tilted her head and leaned on the table, her fingers kept running around her hair, and she tangled: "I want to try it too, because my dad will disagree."

   "There are too many things he disagrees with, do you listen to everything?" Song Weiyang resented the old man deeply.

   "That's right." Lin Zhuoyun giggled, like a little girl doing bad things with her parents behind her back.

   Although Song Weiyang was not familiar with this aunt in his previous life, he had heard many deeds from his wife and knew Lin Zhuoyun's character very well.

   She was born when her parents closed the cowshed. She suffered a lot in the countryside as a child, and she was doted and disciplined again when she returned to the city. Spoiling is only in life, well-dressed and well-eaten, but discipline is in all aspects, so it is not allowed to be like that. So a good girl who didn't know the world was born. She likes to play, talk about literature, talk about ideals, longing for love, but can't find herself.

   Until one day, Lin Zhuoyun met a young man, and the two quickly fell in love. The young man is a Chinese American who is working in a foreign company and will soon be transferred back to the US headquarters.

   Father strongly opposed this marriage, and even said harsh words to sever the relationship between father and daughter. The rebellion hidden in Lin Zhuoyun's bones finally broke out, and she eloped with the man. Due to the differences between Eastern and Western cultures and various contradictions after marriage, the man was irritable and immediately beat others. Lin Zhuoyun endured 11 years before choosing to divorce.

   At this moment, Lin Zhuoyun dared not dare to rebel, but small rebels appeared endlessly. For example, when her father asked her to work in a government agency, she had to resign. UU Reading also went to a remote city to become a teacher.

   Fighting with your father, it’s so much fun!

   After deciding to act as the image spokesperson for the new canned food, Lin Zhuoyun immediately entered the stage and took the initiative to help Song Weiyang compose the details of the MV story.

   "We must have a wedding dress!" Lin Zhuoyun's eyes were bright, "I have always dreamed of wearing a beautiful wedding dress. When shooting the MV, I used the shots of boys and girls picking up wedding dresses to show that they are about to get married."

   Song Weiyang nodded and said: "Very good idea."

   Lin Zhuoyun said: "There must be a library in the camera, where boys and girls read together, and bookish men are the most attractive."

   Song Weiyang smiled and said, "Whatever you say, it counts."

   "Well, there is also a playground, like the carousel in Hong Kong movies. I always wanted to ride the carousel." Lin Zhuoyun said.

   Song Weiyang said: "I'm afraid this is a bit difficult. The carousel on the mainland is not easy to find."

   After discussing for a long time, Chen Tao knocked on the door suddenly and came in: "Chairman, everything is ready, and we will leave on time at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning."

   "Well, it's hard work." Song Weiyang said.

   Chen Tao asked: "What are you talking about? I heard it all outside the door."

   Lin Zhuoyun said: "We are discussing the MV..."

   Lin Zhuoyun had no intentions, so she told the matter in a blink of an eye.

   Chen Tao was a little jealous when she heard it, and she became very competitive. She said: "Chairman, or I will write the story as a novel, the title of the book is "A Thousand Paper Cranes"."

   Don't ask, Chen Tao, a Qiong Yao fan, must have written that Qiong Yao style.

   But people still eat that set!

  Wait until Chen Tao finishes writing, and then find a pen to polish it up. When the time comes, the novel and the MV will be released together, which will surely stir up the canned "Thousand Paper Cranes".