Rebirth of the Wild Age

~: Five hundred and eighty-seven【The guid

The foreigners who participated in the first China Internet Conference were mainly experts, journalists and investors. Basically, they did not see the presidents or CEOs of well-known foreign websites.


   "Red Herring" reporter Pip Coburn also came. He listened to Song Weiyang's "Science Fiction" speech last time in Rongcheng and gave Song Weiyang an exclusive interview. He was very impressed with Song Weiyang. It is a pity that these reports have not attracted attention in the West. Most readers regard this as an idiot, and regard Song Weiyang as "another person who can make up stories in China's Internet industry."


   Although the Internet has gone through the winter, the "Internet Bible" of "Red Herring" is no longer in its glory, but it still has an influence in the Silicon Valley of the United States. This kind of influence is fading day by day. Six years later, the "Red Herring" magazine will be swept out by the landlord because of arrears in rent...


   The first speaker in the afternoon was Negroponte. This man talked a lot about p2p and thought that p2p would dominate the future Internet.


   Pipkobun has a recording device on his lap, but he keeps using his notes to write down key words. There is no doubt that Negroponte's speech will be one of the key points of the report of this conference.


   "Next, I invite Mr. Song Weiyang, Vice Chairman of the Internet Society of China, to come on stage to give a wonderful speech for everyone..."


  嗬, that interesting Chinese "dreamer" appeared again. This is Pipkoburn’s inner thoughts. He quickly put on the headphones, and the organizer arranged simultaneous interpretation.


   "Papa, papa!"


   Song Weiyang hadn't even boarded the podium. The moment he stood up, more than 1,000 people burst into applause.


   At this moment, not only the top figures of the Internet in China are all present, but even the heads of several departments have not left, smiling and clapping the hands of everyone.


Song Weiyang walked quickly to the main stage, tried the microphone and said: "First of all, thank you all leaders, experts, journalists, scholars, investors and Internet practitioners from home and abroad, thank you everyone for giving me this opportunity to speak. ."


   "Papa, papa!"


After a round of applause ended, Song Weiyang continued: "After listening to Mr. Negroponte’s speech just now, I am deeply inspired, and at the same time I very much agree with his view that p2p is about to be booming. What I want to talk about is the same as that of Negroponte. The sir is almost the same. The literal meaning of p2p is "peer-to-peer network", which focuses on communication between people and end-to-end. In fact, the Internet was born to realize peer-to-peer networks. But the rise of commercial websites, The mainstream form of networking has become unequal, forming a one-way communication model of'website users'. This is against the original intention of the Internet. I will call it the era for the time being. The future peer-to-peer network based on p2p technology, I want to call it the era!"


   "I presupposed this concept, but it hasn't attracted anyone's attention. Now the technology and timing are relatively mature."


"The Internet winter that everyone has just experienced is not the end of the Internet, nor the catastrophe of the Internet. It is just a naive, botched and confused Internet preview, just a preface to the history of Internet development. The Internet has not entered the decline of old age. He didn’t even enter his youth, and the Internet is still just a young teenager! The so-called Internet bubble is just a rebellion of adolescence."


  Negroponte’s previous speech mainly focused on the technical aspects. During the period, he elaborated a lot of professional terminology. Some people got inspiration from it, but more people heard it with a bewildered expression.


   Song Weiyang’s speech is relatively simple and easy to understand, and it is the definition of Gaowu Jianzhu, but whether his definition can be recognized by everyone depends on what is said in the follow-up.


Next, Song Weiyang said astonishing: "The changes of the times have just begun. What I want to say is that the second wave of the digital wave is far more disruptive than the first wave, and traditional industries will be subject to extensive and intense impacts. This This kind of impact is closely related to the media reporters here, because the times will eliminate a large number of traditional media. In the next ten years, local tabloids will have no room for survival, and the broadcasting industry will tend to die. Why do you say this? Because based on p2p technology, The times have changed the way of information dissemination. The Internet model of "people platform people" has caused everyone to be an audience, and everyone is a communicator. Now that mobile phones can access the Internet, computers will become more and more popular, and people will be in the first place. For a time, spread the news happening around you widely. This kind of spread may occur in chat rooms, may appear in bbs forums, or even directly send to friends using qq, and then be published by the portal. A piece of news has not had time to typeset Printing is already well known by the public. What traditional media has to do is to put online news on paper!"


   Many reporters were a little uncomfortable to hear, and even wanted to refute, but they couldn't interrupt Song Weiyang's speech, so they could only continue to listen patiently.


Song Weiyang continued: "There is also the traditional publishing industry, including traditional literature, including the recording industry, which is about to enter a period of decline. The most typical feature of the era is that everyone is a creator and communicator, and there are already online writers. , There will definitely be online singers in the future. Online literature and online music will continue to impact traditional literature and music, and ultimately will inevitably kill traditional literature and traditional music. Because the spread of p2p technology will inevitably lead to piracy With flooding, people can easily obtain relevant online resources for free. When traditional writers and song creators cannot be vigorous, their industry system will gradually collapse! As far as the book publishing market is concerned, I believe that only children’s literature and auxiliary materials can be used. If the acquisition is good, other types will die miserably. The same is true for traditional retail stores. When the b2c model matures, physical stores will die a lot!"


"It can be summarized by the following keywords: browsing, consumption, passive, acquisition, static, html. The keywords are: collaboration, creation, active, providing, dynamic, xml. I will give you the most typical example, Sogou’s The network encyclopedia project belongs to the category. With Sogou Encyclopedia as a platform, a large number of netizens collaborate to edit entries, everyone is a creator, and everyone can obtain information from it. This is the model of "people platform people". Also. Sohu’s Renren is the same. Renren is a platform. Every user is a content creator, and every user is a content consumer. Sogou’s blog is the same, and it’s getting more and more popular now. The news message comment function of the portal is also a basic experience."


"The Internet companies provide content, while the Internet companies provide services. The era is centered on commercial websites, and the era is centered on network users. Not only that, the application software of the era is relatively large in scale, and companies make it for customers to use; and The application software of the times is dominated by small-scale open source software. Every user can be the creator of the application software. Therefore, the opportunity for small Internet companies comes. As long as they make practical software, it is just a gadget. Son, it can still have a broad market. For example, the domestic network ants that specialize in downloads, if they are properly updated and maintained, they will surely make a lot of money, and investors here can give them money."


   "Let’s talk about online communities again. In the era, social networking sites are not the only ones that can be called online communities..."


   "Let’s talk about network government affairs again. In the era, network government affairs are not unilaterally top-down. It can feed back the sentiments of the people, and even promote anti-corruption work and the construction of the rule of law..."


   After about 20 minutes of talking, Song Weiyang said: "I will summarize the three characteristics: first, open data and services; second, rich user experience; third, low publishing cost."


"For enterprise personnel, it is a business platform; for market personnel, it is an interactive platform; for software developers, it is a software development platform; for reporters here, it is a new media platform. "


"Mr. Negroponte said that p2p is a technical concept, and what I am talking about is a thinking concept, an attitude, and a model. The Internet is regarded as a simple communication platform, and the Internet is regarded as a virtual society. In a In society, people cannot just receive information in one direction, but will actively create and disseminate information. Our Internet companies only need to provide platform services for information dissemination."


   "My friends, everyone has caught up with a good time. Now is the beginning of the era. Choose a product and provide a good platform service. You are the trendies of the new era of the Internet!"


   "Okay, thank you all, my speech is over."


   The audience was silent.


   It was not until Song Weiyang stepped off the main stage that people suddenly burst into applause.


   Song Weiyang did not discuss any technical issues, but a thought storm was set off in the brains of the audience, which is tantamount to a cognitive revolution on the Internet. Perhaps many people present had touched the threshold and discovered this phenomenon, but Song Weiyang directly pierced the window paper.


   The Internet winter that has just passed has left all practitioners in a state of confusion, not knowing where the way forward, and always having a sense of precarious crisis.


   But Song Weiyang's words directly pointed out the broad road and placed the infinitely vast Internet world in front of them.


   Even Negroponte only faintly feels the prospect of p2p, knowing that this is the future development trend. However, Song Weiyang directly and systematically broke through, and even pointed out the three major characteristics of the era, which allowed Emperor Negroponte to link up his various predictions and conjectures.


   Negroponte's seat was relatively forward, when Song Weiyang passed by him, the big man immediately stood up and applauded to welcome him. Under the influence of Negroponte, the Chinese Internet veterans in the following rows also stood up to show their respect, and then more than half of the more than 1,000 people stood up. U U Reading


   The applause lasted for more than five minutes. The host was interrupted several times, and finally stood on the stage and applauded with everyone.


   This is not because people have overreacted, but Song Weiyang deserves this treatment. The proposal of the concept undoubtedly allows Internet practitioners in the fog to suddenly see the right path and direction. Who can be the first to put forward the concept under the current circumstances, he is the guide of China's Internet industry, and he is also the guide of the world's Internet industry.


"Red Herring" journalist Pip Coburn wrote in a small notebook excitedly: "In the far east, an Internet hero was born. No, he is not just a hero, he is also the spirit of Internet practitioners. Mentor! I believe that the emerging Internet companies in the next ten years will not be able to avoid the thinking framework he has set today!"


   The official leaders heard the thunderous applause and couldn't help turning their heads to look behind. The crowd was suppressed by the crowd and the slaps that were constantly slapped, making these leaders feel surprised and inexplicable, and they couldn't help but look at each other and look at each other.


  Only Internet practitioners can deeply feel the power of these words, which is nothing more than dropping a thinking atom bomb in the industry!