Rebirth of the Wild Age

~: Five Hundred and Fifty Five [One billion

Now that the matter has been messed up, there are bound to be minor issues.


   First of all, the boss of Wahaha, to apply for a delay in bid opening time, it takes at least half a month to investigate Jianlibao's situation.


   Immediately afterwards, companies such as Master Kong, Yangshengtang, Uni-President, Lulu, Coconut Tree, etc. applied to participate in this tender, and even Coca-Cola and Pepsi wanted to get a share.


   After repeated discussions, the leaders of Sanshui not only agreed to Wahaha’s request to delay bid opening, but also accepted bidding applications from companies such as Yangshengtang, Uni-President, Lulu, and Coconut. However, foreign, Hong Kong-funded and Taiwan-funded enterprises were excluded, and non-food and beverage companies were also excluded, on the grounds that they would avoid causing public criticism again.


   As a result, there are as many as 10 bidders, and the beverage industry is all staring at Jianlibao.


   In fact, if the bidding party asked for a one-time payment of the purchase price, I am afraid that more people would come to the muddy water. For example, Huiyuan Group also wants to bid, but they have expanded too fast in the past two years, and the capital chain has been strained, and they simply cannot come up with hundreds of millions of dollars in cash at once.


   And Robust, who was robbed of the pure water market by Xifeng, had just experienced an internal earthquake. Five of the core management resigned at the same time. To put it bluntly, it is infighting, marketing and management are in chaos, and there is no energy to rush to grab meat.


   Lulu and other things are also escort, move around and get together, and it will be the sky with 400 million funds.


   Really promising bids are Xifeng, Coconut Tree, Wahaha and Yangshengtang (Nongfu Spring), which were dubbed by the media as the four kings of domestic beverages.


   After a full delay of more than 20 days, the bid opening meeting was finally held at Jianli Baoshan Villa, gathering more than 50 media reporters from all over the country.


   "Oh, boss Zong, long time no see!" Song Weiyang smiled and shook hands.


  Zong boss smiled and said: "Boss Song, lucky to meet!"


   The two sides met outside the gate of the bid opening meeting and immediately held a friendly and enthusiastic handshake. The reporters raised their cameras to take pictures.


   Just after saying a few words, the boss Zong suddenly pointed to the distance and said, "Boss Wang of the coconut tree is also here."


   I saw a thin man in a suit, walking with his head high, and it was Wang Guangxin, chairman of the Coconut Tree Group.


   "Hello Boss Wang!"


   "Hello boss!"


   The two seem to have known each other a long time ago, at least they seem to have a good relationship, and they talked and laughed when they met.


  Zong boss introduced: "Boss Wang, this is Boss Song from Xifeng."


   "I know, I know, I don't know it," Wang Guangxin took the initiative to shake hands with Song Weiyang and said, "Boss Song, you can have a good time with Yang Coke, I admire Wang."


   Song Weiyang said sincerely: "I also admire Wang Dong very much. Your coconut milk advertisement is very good."


   "Hahahaha!" Wang Guangxin and the boss laughed at the same time, their faces were full of unspoken expressions of men.


   The three immediately joined together, and two bidding companies have already come inside.


   Wang Guangxin went straight to Zhong Shanshan in the Yangshengtang, and said enthusiastically: "Old Zhong, you came very early today."


   "The early bird has worms." Zhong Shanshan glanced at Song Weiyang and the boss of Zong. He neither said hello nor spoke ill of each other, except that he hadn't seen the two appear.


   Song Weiyang and Boss Zong reacted similarly, directly treating Zhong Shanshan as air without any communication with each other.


   The main reason is that Nongfu Spring has done too much. It has offended the entire pure water industry. Until now, the false advertising lawsuit has not been completed, but it has been temporarily shelved under the mediation of the relevant departments.


   Song Weiyang also behaved a little better. Boss Zong didn't even bother to do it. He snorted and walked around to the corner seat. At least six or seven meters away from Zhong Shanshan, the two had formed a beam ten years ago.


   Zhong Shanshan was originally an agricultural reporter for a newspaper. One day, his newspaper reported on the Qiongdao Gold Rush on three pages at the same time.


   Zhong Shanshan was immediately tempted, and went to Qiongdao without pay to leave. Others made quick money by speculating land and property in Qiongdao. He actually went to Qiongdao to grow mushrooms, but he lost his money because of the weather. Later, he made tens of thousands of dollars by reselling curtains on Qiongdao. As a result, the habit he had developed as an agricultural reporter couldn't be changed. He took the money to raise prawns in Wanquan River and lost everything.


   Soon, Zhong Shanshan became the Qiongdao general agent of Wahaha Oral Liquid.


   Wahaha was eager to explore the emerging Qiongdao market, so the shipping price was very low, and it was particularly expensive in Guangdong Province. So Zhong Shanshan used his brains. As the general agent of Qiongdao, he took the goods at low prices and quietly shipped them to the Guangdong province to sell them at high prices. This action not only failed to help Wahaha develop Qiongdao, but also messed up the market in Guangdong Province, which was the most profitable place for Wahaha at that time.


   Coupled with the fact that Nongfu Spring has lifted the table two years ago, the sales of pure water in the country have plummeted, and the two people can be said to have not sold their old grievances and settled new enemies.


   Aside from commercial competition, Song Weiyang actually admires Zhong Shanshan, because this man is really good at marketing. Nongfu Spring, Happy Growth, Nongfu Orchard, Screaming...These are all names Zhong Shanshan personally chose. When naming the new product, he already had a very complete market positioning and publicity strategy.


   Maybe in a few years, when Zhong Shanshan fights mineral water, Song Weiyang will stand up and help.


   Although Zhong Shanshan is talking nonsense to discredit pure water, there is some truth in attacking mineral water. First of all, adding minerals to the water is not a fart, and that trace element can be supplemented by whatever you eat. Secondly, the ingredients added in the mineral water are all in accordance with the national additive standard, which is precisely a food additive. Therefore, the mineral water It should be called a drink, rather than being classified as drinking water!


   Why would Song Weiyang help out? It is not for the health of consumers, because although mineral water is useless, it is not harmful to the human body.


   The real reason is commercial interest.


   In a few years, there will be more and more manufacturers adding minerals to the water, hype marketing under the banner of health. As a result, in the water and beverage market, the sales of purified water still ranked first, while the sales of mineral water directly jumped to the second, and the market share was madly snatched.




  More and more people came to the venue, and it was almost time for the bid opening meeting, and reporters were still looking for Zhang Hai everywhere.


   Finally, Zhang Hai showed up, refused to interview and took a seat.


   The bidding actually started more than 20 days ago. The bidders can bid in advance or submit the bidding documents at the bid opening site. In principle, the later the bid, the safer it is to avoid accidental disclosure of your bid price.


   Soon, the host announced the start of the bid opening, and announced the list of bid openers, bidders, recorders, notaries, and supervisors. The whole process seemed very formal, more formal than 90% of the current bidding meetings!


"Next, I will read out the various procedures and disciplines of the bid opening meeting: first, smoking is strictly prohibited in the venue; second, anyone who has nothing to do with the bid opening is not allowed to enter the bid opening venue, friends from the press, please wait in the lounge; third, those who participate in the meeting All personnel should turn off their pagers and mobile phones, and should not make loud noises; fourth, if the bidder or bidder’s representative has any questions, they should raise their hands to speak, and are not allowed to walk around without permission..."


   The next step is to check the various information of the bidders, and the bidding party will sign and receive the bid documents, and a notary will supervise the entire process to ensure that each bid is sealed.


   The local leaders began to give speeches and spoke for more than half an hour, from reform and opening up to joining the WTO, from economic construction to people’s livelihood issues.


   Then the host introduced various documents, and then announced that the bidding time had ended and no more bids from any unit would be accepted.


   Because it takes time to confirm the information and sign for the documents, the bidding documents were all submitted about 20 minutes ago. And, at this time, all the bidders should be invited to go over and finally confirm whether their bidding documents are in a sealed state.


   From beginning to end, there is almost no possibility of cheating.


   Moreover, there is no review committee for this tender, unlike the project bidding book that has to be scored (you can criticize and cheat randomly). On one standard, whoever bids the highest will win the bid, which is simple, rude and very fair.


   "No. 1, the bid price is 410 million yuan."


   "No. 2, bidding price is 395 million yuan."


   "No. 3, the bid price is 450 million yuan."




   "No. 8, the bid price is 510 million yuan."


   "No. 9, bidding price is 388 million yuan."


   "No. 10, the bid price... 520 million yuan."


   Although there is no review committee, there is still a reviewer who has confirmed the bid.


   Every time the bids are dismantled and sung, there are supervisors from third-party agencies staring at them, and then there are notaries who are impartial. After singing a bid, several people are required to sign and confirm, and a copy is left as a backup file.


With a brushing sound, the seal was removed. After confirmation by all parties, the bidder announced: "The bid winner on the 10th is Xifeng Food and Beverage Co., Ltd.!"


The boss of   Zong couldn't help but glanced at Song Weiyang. Xifeng's offer was just 10 million higher than him.


   Is this cheating? Or was it purely accidental?


The boss of   zong didn't bother to check it. If it was cheating, then the bidding party was determined to sell Jianlibao to Xifeng, otherwise it would not be possible to operate under the eyes of everyone. Can you tell me if you can dismantle it? Even if it is dismantled, it is tantamount to tormenting Song Weiyang in public. Boss Zong wouldn't do such a vain thing.


   Of course, it may just be accidental, after all, the bids of several bidders are relatively close.


   Jianlibao is worth far more than 1 billion yuan, but the acquisition requirement is a one-time payment, and it must be received within one month. This condition is very uncomfortable. As a result, the bidding price rarely exceeds 500 million, because it is impossible to get so much cash when it is higher. Even if Wahaha came out with the 500 million yuan, he would have to do his best to get it all.


   "Boss Song, congratulations!" Boss Zong took the initiative to shake hands and congratulate.


   Song Weiyang smiled and said, "Thank you, thank you!"


   Zhang Hai walked away quite coolly and was blocked by reporters as soon as he went out: "Mr. Zhang, have you won the bid?"


   Zhang Hai smiled and said: "In my eyes, Jianlibao is only worth 388 million. Since there are people who are willing to pay high prices, then I will not fight with them."


In the afternoon, Song Weiyang came to Jianlibao headquarters and announced in front of many employees and distributors: “First, Xifeng will not change Jianlibao’s sales system, but will strengthen cooperation with Xifeng Logistics; second, Jianlibao will Under the shareholding system reform, employees with more than three years of service will receive the corresponding equity; third, Jianlibao will introduce an employee competition mechanism, and those who cannot adapt can resign on their own without affecting the acquisition of shares; fourth, the headquarters of Jianlibao will always be established In Sanshui, there will be no relocation for non-special reasons; fifth, Mr. Li Jingwei will serve as the vice president and special advisor of Jianlibao..."


   These contents take into account the interests of all parties, including Li Jingwei's face, management's equity, employees' benefits, dealers' financial path, and leaders' future considerations.


   The purchase price of nearly 500 million yuan has made local finances suddenly prosperous.


   And 25% of the management equity will be replaced by Xifeng private placement shares. These Xifeng shares cannot be resold within 12 months. Xifeng's share price will not only not fall because of the additional issuance, but it will also be bullish because of the acquisition of Jianlibao. In the short term, Xifeng is equivalent to acquiring these management equity without paying a penny. In the long run, Hong Kong stocks will continue to fall. When Xifeng falls to a certain price, the company will invest in large-scale repurchases. Repurchase can not only increase the stock price, but also at a very small price. The prerequisite for controlling more shares of the company is that Xifeng has enough cash.


   As for those employees, Song Weiyang gave out 5% of Jianlibao's equity, worth about 35 million yuan, which can increase the enthusiasm of employees and ease the subsequent resistance. Including those who come in by nepotism also have shares, and they get more shares, but they will all be converted into cash. If you take the money, you must get out, and you must not stay in Jianlibao for free.


   In addition, there is an additional commitment that Xifeng will donate 3 million yuan to improve the conditions of the "Jianlibao Middle School". Xifeng will donate 5 million yuan for urban greening projects to improve the living conditions of local people.


   In fact, only a promise not to relocate the headquarters can make local leaders fully cooperate. If anyone buys Jianlibao, they will move their headquarters to the Jianlibao Building in Huadu. After all, the conditions there are better in all aspects, and it is a ready-made building with its own property rights.


   After the property rights are clarified, and after Song Weiyang spends money to drive away the idlers of the company, the Sanshui government will definitely become one of the best local governments in China, and enterprises and localities will enter an unprecedented honeymoon period. From then on, Sanshui will serve Jianlibao instead of running around and holding back. Because as long as Song Weiyang is not satisfied, he may move the headquarters at any time.


   Don't look at Song Weiyang's various money, after buying Jianlibao, all subsidiaries of the group will dismantle and sell, and even Jianlibao has a building material company under its umbrella, and also runs entertainment salesmen such as hotels. Regardless of whether these subsidiaries make money, Song Weiyang will abandon them all and let Jianlibao concentrate on making beverages in the future.


   It is simply the redundant business of dismantling Jianlibao. After offsetting the negative equity, at least 10 million to 30 million yuan can be returned.


   If the Jianlibao Building is sold, at least 1.2 billion yuan can be recovered, and even more can be sold. The construction cost of this building three years ago was more than 900 million yuan. But in the short term it may be difficult to find a suitable buyer, and Song Weiyang does not want to sell it. It will be difficult to build such a building in Huadu in the future.


   Regardless of Jianlibao’s brand value, Song Weiyang has picked up at least 1 billion in vain this time!


   The real crisis of Jianlibao, in addition to the bad relationship with the local leaders, is that the entire team has become rigid and slow. Profits have been declining for several consecutive years, coupled with the increasingly bloated number of employees, it is essentially at a loss ~ ~ but the foundation is too strong to afford to lose, and even the financial situation is still considered healthy.


   Song Weiyang’s various money-savings came in exchange for drastic reforms. The local leaders allowed him to abolish employees and no longer required the proportion of local employees. At least one-third will be abolished at one time, and the management will also cut most of it. While retaining the green can of Jianlibao, a new red can of Jianlibao will be launched.


   Although Jianlibao is often classified as a carbonated beverage, it is still a functional beverage in nature.


   At this time, Jianlibao is the first in the functional beverage market in China, Red Bull is the second, and Lishen is the third (Japanese benzene brand, just introduced). The taste of Red Can Jianlibao will be fine-tuned, and the material of the packaging can will be closer to Red Bull, at least it looks more high-end.


   The most important thing is the promotion strategy!


   Red Bull entered China in 1995. Although its sales volume has increased steadily, it has not been able to pinpoint its market position. It was not until the SARS period that Red Bull claimed that it could strengthen its physical fitness, and its sales surged suddenly.


   The real rise of Red Bull is something later. Continuously sponsoring "high-end and elegant" sports events such as tennis and golf, and sponsoring fashion activities such as tourism, racing, extreme sports, etc., instantly forced a rapid rise, becoming high-end, international, fashionable and healthy.


   This kind of method is very expensive, Song Weiyang is reluctant for the time being, the shortcut is to ask a sports star to advertise.


   For example, Yao Ming, who is about to go to the NBA!