Rebirth of the Wild Age

~: Five hundred and forty five【God of Ent

Beijing, Yinfeng Building.

Dong Ge, who once lived on the streets of Zhongguancun selling discs, finally has his first store in his life.

In the previous two years, Dong Ge only rented a counter with an area of ​​3.5 square meters. But relying on this counter, he made his first 10 million yuan. Around 1999, computer hardware profits fell sharply. Other shopkeepers were looking for other high-profit computer equipment, but Dong Ge chose to sell it. "Removed" the disc burner.

Why do you say "yellow off"?

Because a recorder was sold in 1998, the net profit was a full 1,000 yuan. So everyone flocked to sell recorders. One year later, the net profit of each recorder was only 10 yuan.

Dongge not only chooses to sell low-profit recorders, but also comes with multimedia software, free 15-day after-sales service, and can be repaired and returned at any time (the premise of requesting a return is to buy a fake). In this way, with a recorder with a net profit of only 10 yuan, Dong Ge has achieved sales of 60 million yuan this year, but he didn't make much, and his gross profit was only 3 million yuan.

Dong Ge also worked as a distributor for a period of time, but after repeated thinking, he finally decided to become a retailer and opened the first store in Yinfeng Building.

There were only two clerk hired, and Dong Ge lived in the store himself, and could only sleep for an average of four or five hours a day.

Early in the morning, the clerk came to work.

Dong Ge yawned and explained the task, and then went out to buy breakfast.

Back in the store, the two shop assistants were actually bragging to the customer because the customer saw today's newspaper in the store.

"In the whole mainland of China, shouldn't you find anyone who can do business better than Song Weiyang?" The customer said, holding the newspaper. A tycoon."

A clerk said, "Is that right? There are secrets to doing business. Experts show up and can make you a lot of detours. Boss, look at this projector, Sony’s, brand-name goods, and the quality must be excellent."

"It's not fake, is it?" the customer asked.

The clerk said: "As long as you find it is fake, no matter how long it takes, we guarantee an unconditional return."

The customer nodded and said, "Well, okay, you have to write me a guarantee, which is a guarantee of unconditional return. By the way, where did we just talk about it?"

The clerk said, "Song Weiyang is a master of business, and the students he taught must be amazing."

"Yes, yes," the customer said after reading a few lines of news with the newspaper in his hand, "Tsk tusk, look here. There are several billionaires among the students attending the party, and there is another asset with more than 1 billion yuan. Yes. When this person listened to Song Weiyang’s lecture, he was still working in a Hong Kong-owned factory. After the lecture, he immediately resigned and worked alone. In a few years, he had a net worth of 1 billion! If I had been in Shenzhen, I would pay 500 yuan. Qian goes to a class, maybe he is the big boss now."

"That's for sure, it's all luck." The clerk took out the projector used for the display, "Boss, do you want to try the operation? If you can't, I'll teach you in the store."

The customer finally stopped reading the newspaper, and followed the clerk to learn how to install and use the projector.

Dong Ge suddenly received a call and immediately said to another clerk: "Xiao Zhang, a batch of goods has arrived, you can go out and collect it."

Xiao Zhang's name is Zhang Qi, JD No. 1 employee, with a monthly salary of 600 yuan, and after more than ten years he became a **** veteran. He got the boss's order to set off immediately, and then ran back in a panic after half an hour: "Boss, our goods were intercepted, and more than a dozen people from the other party took a stick and almost beat me!"

Dong Ge was a little depressed, and comforted: "It's okay if people are alright, I'll contact the distributor."

Distributors deliver the goods to Zhongguancun, and they supply many retail stores at one time. Each store has to send its own personnel to pick up the goods, not directly to a single store. It just so happened that the several multimedia devices Dong Ge ordered this time were all very popular products, and they were intercepted as soon as they moved out of the delivery truck.

It's not a robbery, but an interception. Those guys also have to pay the distributors.

At this time, Zhongguancun was very chaotic, with the phenomenon of interception of goods and customers emerging one after another, and those who were serious about doing business could only consider themselves unlucky.

After re-contacting the distributor to deliver the goods, the customers in the store also left with the projector. Dong Ge came to idle and asked, "What were you talking about just now?"

"Song Weiyang's teacher-student gathering, don't you know the boss?" Zhang Qi asked back.

"Not very clear." Dong Ge repeatedly shook his head.

As a businessman who sells computer-related equipment, Dong Ge's store does not have broadband. When he needs to go online, he has to dial the phone line, and he has no time to go online when he is busy.

Another clerk took a newspaper and said, "Look, boss, Song Weiyang is too awesome!"

Dong Ge carefully read the report, and he was both envious and unhappy in his heart. He has been busy for several years and has a net worth of tens of millions. He thinks he is relatively successful, but compared with Song Weiyang's students, he is really not enough. There are just a few billionaires taught by others.

The clerk Zhang Qi said: "The newspaper also said that Song Weiyang is going to run a Taurus Business School, and he personally attends seven classes every semester. Boss, or you should also sign up. It will be very good when you come back from further studies. Then we will follow you. event."

"Forget it, the annual tuition fee is 300,000, which is a bit too expensive." Dong Ge was reluctant to spend money.

Another clerk broke his fingers and said: "A student has a tuition fee of 300,000 yuan a year. If 100 students are recruited, wouldn't the tuition fee be 30 million yuan every year? This is too profitable!"

Such discussions occurred in all corners of China, and were even reprinted by the Hong Kong media.

Although there have been similar reports before, people will be suspicious. Now the rich "students" are all on the account, and the news is 100% accurate, which shocked countless people. Moreover, Song Weiyang was covered with a mysterious halo, and people speculated that Song Weiyang taught what secrets he taught during his lectures, which can make a large number of super rich people.

Since there are only more than 40 applications for "Mas Whampoa Phase I", and the education department has not passed the approval for the time being (it will take time to go through the process), Jinniu Business School is currently unable to open enrollment. So the heavy task of recruiting students fell on Hu Run. He personally called rich people he knew or didn't know, with the goal of completing 100 enrollment quotas.

There is no enrollment rake. Even if 1,000 students are recruited, Hu Run cannot get a cent from it. But he is still working hard. This guy is going to be a collaborator of the business school and will go to observe the whole process. It doesn't matter whether he can learn things or not. The important thing is to make friends with every rich man.

"Hello, President Lin, I’m Hu Run... Yes, I’m the Hu Run on the rich list... Oh, your private phone? I asked a friend for... Wait a minute, don’t hang up, please give me three minutes Time...Have you heard of Jinniu Business School? Haven't you? Then you can buy a newspaper or a magazine later. Large-scale publications of business and finance will do. There are related reports from Jinniu Business School. I am this time In the capacity of Mr. Song Weiyang as a special consultant, we invite you to sign up for Taurus Business School. Only 100 people will be enrolled in the first session. Taurus Business School is... Oh, you have to have a meeting. Okay, then don’t bother. I hope you can buy a publication to find out the situation first."

Hu Run kept calling and pulling people like this, and he was able to get two or three people a day, and many of them re-contacted him after reading the newspaper.

In fact, when Taurus Business School opened its admissions, hundreds of small bosses came to sign up. These little bosses, whose wealth ranges from tens of millions to tens of millions, either rushed to Song Weiyang's secret book or rushed to cling to the big boss. They lacked their own academic ability, and with the Jinniu Business School's policy of lenient entry and strict exit, most of them could not get a diploma, which can only be regarded as a rudimentary replenishment.

The recruitment of these people will only reduce the style of Taurus Business School, and will also upset the real rich. It requires Hurun to recruit more talented and influential students.

The Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business in another time and space, although it has been ridiculed by all kinds of things, the learning task is still very heavy. After class, there are a variety of homework, a lot of recommended books, and the requirements for graduation thesis are higher than those of the MBA of most colleges. Those who can successfully graduate from Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business are definitely elites. It is the students' personal behavior to mess around in private.

Song Weiyang’s Taurus Business School can’t be compared academically by Li Chaoren’s Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business, right?

Just as Hu Run was soliciting customers... Uh, when he was soliciting students, Song Weiyang once again became famous in Xiangjiang. Many media outlets in Hong Kong City reprinted this gathering, and the titles were exaggerated, comparing "Ma's Whampoa Phase I" to "Relicious Production Line". There are also newspapers that make up various short stories, saying that a certain businessman was living on the streets, borrowed 500 yuan to listen to a lesson from Song Weiyang, and became a millionaire in half a year and a multi-millionaire in a year. Another company was on the verge of bankruptcy. The boss paid 500 yuan to attend the class. He asked Song Weiyang a few questions during the class, and he immediately got the company out of the predicament when he returned.

The Hong Kong City "Business Daily" directly wrote: "If Konosuke Matsushita is the'God of Management' and Buffett is the'God of Investment', then Song Weiyang is the'God of Entrepreneurship.' In terms of entrepreneurship, Song Weiyang has amazing Talent, and it can be imparted to other people. According to the statistics of Ma’s Whampoa Phase I students, after listening to his lectures on entrepreneurs, the probability of becoming a millionaire is close to 10%, and the probability of becoming a multi-millionaire is close to 3%. The chance of becoming a billionaire is close to 1%."

It's just blowing, the more outrageous the blowing, the higher the sales of the newspaper.

Song Weiyang's reputation as the "God of Entrepreneurship" spread throughout Xiangjiang, and even the share price of Xifeng rose against the market.

However, when photos of Tesla's electric sports car were reported, it attracted collective ridicule from the auto industry. Anyone who knows how to make a sports car knows how complicated the hardware and software requirements are. Tesla must import a bunch of parts and assemble it by itself. Moreover, it is assembled by hand, and there is no production line. This thing can only be used as a big toy.

However, President Lu of Wanxiang Group personally visited Geely Automobile Company and went to see the Tesla electric sports car.

Mr. Lu's company specializes in the production of auto parts, Tongyong, Ford and many other foreign brands, and they all choose Wanxiang Group as their supplier. His dream is to build a car by himself one day and hang car landscape paintings on the wall all the year round. When he heard reporters say that Li Sufu wanted to build a car, Mr. Lu said: "The car is built with government approval and tens of billions of funds. Wanxiang is not ready yet."

However, Li Sufu had only 100 million funds at the time, and only got the license this year, but he built Geely cars abruptly.

Among other things, the rapid price cuts of cars in the late 1990s depended on Geely cars coming in to disrupt the situation. At that time, the price of small cars in China was generally more than 100,000 yuan. Xiali sold only 90,000 yuan and was very popular. After Geely went public, it was directly priced at 58,000 yuan.

In less than three years, Xiali was forced to cut the price to 31,800 yuan, while the Geely sedan was reduced to 29,900 yuan. Low-end models of other brands can only be followed by substantial price cuts.

People who want to buy a car are so happy.

"Congratulations, Geely has finally obtained the production license." Mr. Lu smiled and shook hands with Li Sufu.

Li Sufu said: "I also want to thank Mr. Lu. Many of Geely's accessories are supplied by Wanxiang Group. Without Mr. Lu, these accessories can only be imported, and the production cost cannot be lowered."

"I heard that you are making a sports car?" Mr. Lu asked Li Sufu laughed: "That was Boss Song’s idea. I will play with him. It is also in response to the call of the country’s new energy vehicles. ."

President Lu asked: "Does the sports car produce energy?"

Li Sufu said: "It is impossible to achieve mass production within five years, and it is difficult to achieve profitability within ten years. We plan to sharpen our swords in ten years, drill down on technology, and then compete with foreign sports cars after ten years."

Li Sufu hid the electric bicycle business. He started his career as a motorcycle, and he knows how amazing the battery car market is. Moreover, the battery car is not as complicated as an electric car. The motor can be designed by an engineer hired by himself. If it does not need BYD's battery for support, and it is not easy to conflict with Song Weiyang, otherwise Li Sufu will build the battery car by himself.

Mr. Lu smiled and said: "The boss Song, I have met once, and he is indeed a young man with ideas. This APEC summit is held in Shenghai. I want to have a good exchange with him, maybe there is still cooperation. The place."

This year's APEC summit is unprecedented in scale, and Bill Gates, the world's richest man, will also come. Unlike in Brunei last year, there were a few of the top 500 bosses in the world, and even the top richest men were not even visible.

By the way, the official also organized a summit dialogue between young entrepreneurs of China and the United States.

Bill Gates, the richest man in the United States, and Song Weiyang, the richest man in China, the two exchanged one-on-one. The CEOs of the Internet and related industries listened to the whole process and were able to ask questions on the spot after obtaining permission. CCTV will record and broadcast the communication process, and the three major portal websites of Sina, Sohu and Netease will be delayed by 10 minutes for online text live broadcast.

The news has been announced, and along with the news of the "Ma Shi Whampoa Phase I Teacher-Student Gathering", everyone wants to see who Song Weiyang and Bill Gates have the upper hand.