Rebirth of the Wild Age

~: Five hundred and seventy-two【Large com

When Zhu Xiaoming went back to Jianlibao's internal meeting and proposed his brand strategy and activity plan, it once again caused huge controversy.


  Because Jianlibao is not Zhang Guodong’s utterance, Yang Xin faction, veteran faction (cannery), Zheng Chen faction and MBA faction have all been transferred to Jianlibao to hold important positions. Although there are many factions, as long as they don't mess around with J8, they are also conducive to mutual supervision and competition.


   However, Zhu Xiaoming's actions this time are too big, and only one NBA China exclusive strategic partner feels whimsical. What's more, he wants to get an event where 100,000 people participate in the country and directly affect 100 million people. Even if other companies share the sponsorship fee, even if they can apply for funding from the sports and education departments, the funds that Jianlibao needs to consume are still huge.


   Jianlibao was split and reorganized again, and it was layoffs to buy out seniority. Now there are still a large number of fixed assets that have not been sold, and the consumption of funds is very serious. The previous crazy TV commercials and physical advertisements have already emptied Jianlibao’s cash. If you follow Zhu Xiaoming's plan, you must either find a bank loan or seek a secondment from the parent company Xifeng.


   No matter where the money is obtained, it will aggravate Jianlibao’s financial crisis, and Zhu Xiaoming’s plan may not be successful.


At the Jianlibao high-level meeting, Zhang Guodong sat like a bodhisattva, and other executives took turns to question Zhu Xiaoming.


   "Why can you guarantee that the NBA will cooperate exclusively with us?"


"The NBA has always wanted to open up the Chinese market, and because of Yao Ming’s endorsement contract, we have had initial contact with Yao Ming’s team and the Rockets. The NBA’s name is too loud, like a beautiful girl, no one dares to follow it, I guess The whole of China is also Zhu Xiaoming, who will whimsically seek cooperation with the NBA. As long as the NBA has the idea of ​​entering the Chinese market, they can only choose to cooperate with me. Please rest assured, I will personally lead the team to the United States to negotiate, at least to sign Exclusive contract for more than two years!"


   "Do you know the concept of 100,000 people participating? Do you know the scale of an event that directly affects 100 million people? How to contact? How to organize? How to promote? Have you considered all this?"


"I have considered all of these. I have a good relationship with the sports department, and the chairman has a relationship with the education department. Then directly find the sports and education departments to take the lead. Now Yao Ming's momentum is very hot, and we only need to play to revitalize Chinese basketball. For the signboard, the relevant departments will definitely cooperate, because this is also a political achievement for them. Therefore, the matter of contacting and organizing universities across the country does not require us to worry about, and even we only need to assist in publicity. Don’t underestimate those. Officials, they have experience in running major events."


"The market price of the red can of Jianlibao is 5 yuan, and some remote places even sell it for 6 yuan. College students are not our target customers at all. Most of them have limited living expenses. Even if they buy beverages, they prefer mineral water, cola, and ice tea. You have engaged in such a big battle and spent so much money to organize an event for 100,000 people, and it also includes high school students. How many consumers can you successfully convert?"


"The brand strategy should not only consider the present, but also the future. There is a classic case in the United States. General Motors often puts all its advertisements on college students. And do American college students have the money to buy a car? No, Even buying a car is buying a second-hand car. General Motors is not stupid, how could they do useless work. After investigation, for every 10 college students who have been exposed to GM advertising, 8 of them regard GM as the first standard for buying a car in the future. College students Representing the future, they are the most valuable potential customers!"


   "The future is the future. The problem is that the company is tight now, you have to spend too much money, and you can't change the status quo very well!"


"You are wrong. I say that college students are the most valuable potential customers, not that they have no spending power now. All of you present here, the youngest of you is also over 35 years old. Your impression of college students may still remain. 10 years ago. Nowadays college students are very rich, especially college students from cities, their spending power even far exceeds that of ordinary working class!"




   Zhu Xiaoming almost used a stance of fighting against the confucianists. In the face of doubts from many senior executives of the company, he persuaded nearly half of the opponents on the spot.


Finally, Zhang Guodong, who has not spoken, sat upright and said: "Okay, the discussion ends here. I agree with this plan. Don't vote anymore. As the president and CEO of Jianlibao, I have the right to make decisions. Go out. I’ll take the responsibility if the problem is solved, and I’ll take it at the headquarters. If I don’t have enough funds, I will find a bank loan. The meeting is over!"


   Reform is really a difficult thing. In the face of Jianlibao, which is riddled with defects, Zhang Guodong has made a big deal as soon as he took office. But when he looked back, he realized that the team he brought from Xifeng was not easy to use. Xifeng has gradually suffered from the "big enterprise disease", and often the concept is conservative and slow in response.


   Xifeng’s situation is normal, and almost all large companies have similar problems. As long as the system is perfect, as long as the decision-making makers do not fight inwardly, it will be more conducive to stable development to a certain extent.


   But Jianlibao is different. The sales of green can Jianlibao continue to decline, and the red can Jianlibao is opening up new markets. This is equivalent to starting a business again and cannot be dragged down by the illness of a large company, so Zhang Guodong tried to introduce fresh blood to stimulate his management team.


   As for why the sales of Green Can Jianlibao continue to decline, because the production cost of this gadget is high, but the terminal price is not far from that of Coke. As a result, retailers are struggling. Selling at too low a price is not profitable, and selling at too high a price is afraid that there will be no sales. Gradually, more and more retailers give up Jianlibao.


   It’s hard for you to imagine that the green can of Jianlibao actually added natural honey. Can the production cost be low?


   Don't blame Zhang Guodong for being black-hearted. He has quietly changed the natural honey in the raw materials to artificial honey, and the cost of honey has been directly reduced to one-third of the original. In fact, whether it is natural or artificial, the ingredients contained in it are the same. You can’t help saying that natural honey is more nutritious.


   In addition, Jianlibao’s original production line is also very backward, and new production lines are gradually being introduced.


   As long as this series of work is completed, Jianlibao's production cost can be reduced by 40%. The ex-factory price is immediately suppressed, the sales enthusiasm of the terminal retailer will also increase, and the market share will slowly rise.


  In Zhang Guodong's vision, the retail price of green can Jianlibao is 2.5 yuan, and the retail price of red can Jianlibao is 5 yuan-due to warehousing and transportation factors, the price in individual regions will be higher. The former appears as an ordinary sports drink, while the latter is positioned as a high-end functional drink, competing with Red Bull in all aspects. (By the way, some book friends said that Gatorade is also very fierce, maybe you remember it wrong. Pepsi Group only acquired Gatorade in 2001, and Gatorade fully entered the Chinese market in 2006. At this time, the Chinese market Basically not available on the Internet.)


   Before Jianlibao's bank loan was received, Zhu Xiaoming had already taken people to the United States. In just one and a half months, he actually succeeded in persuading NBA officials that the two sides reached an exclusive strategic partnership in mainland China, and the contract was signed for three years, and Jianlibao also had the priority to renew.


   During the negotiations in the United States, Zhu Xiaoming was still using overseas telephones to remotely operate, and conveniently finalized the TBBA national competition, and after a few phone calls, Xtep also joined the sponsorship.


   After returning to China, Zhu Xiaoming cooperated with the sports and education departments in seemingly complex and super-large events, and he did all kinds of work in an orderly manner. Obviously, he can't be flexible in his brain and sharp in his mouth, and he can handle complex practical matters equally well.


   Such an operation not only stunned the executives of Jianlibao, but even the Xifeng headquarters had nothing to say.


  God, it’s too hard!


   If it is not for Zhu Xiaoming's insufficient qualifications to convince the public, Yang Xin even wants to transfer him to the Xifeng headquarters to be responsible for the brand marketing strategy of the entire group. As long as this person has worked in Jianlibao for one or two years and made some impressive results, it is appropriate to be transferred to Xifeng headquarters. Anyway, he is now listed as a key promotion target.


   Xifeng is gradually suffering from a big company disease, and China Technology is also similar. Shen Fuxing has been a bit burnt in the past year, and his own abilities have gradually become insufficient.


   The overall performance is: Some departments of China Science and Technology are overwhelmed, corruption in the procurement and sales department is a bit serious, the small project teams of the three major R&D centers are not very motivated, and there are signs of competition for power and profits and affecting progress in the large project teams.


  Shen Fuxing also made various reforms and adjustments, but with little effect, and now he does not know how to proceed.


  This situation is similar to that of Huawei in 1997. At that time, President Ren didn't know what to do, so he personally went to the major high-tech companies in the United States to investigate. It just so happened that IBM had just gotten out of the illness of a big company, and Mr. Ren immediately decided to take IBM as his teacher. He paid a total of RMB 4 billion in tuition for five years.


In desperation, Shen Fuxing approached Song Weiyang to complain. Song Weiyang said directly: "You should pay the tuition fee to Huawei. I will contact Mr. Ren and ask Huawei to send an advisory team. Don't be afraid of hurting your muscles. Ten years ago, IBM When rectifying the illness of a large company, two-thirds of the senior management staff were directly replaced, and more than 40,000 employees were laid off within half a year. In the first year of the reform, a huge loss of more than US$8 billion was lost, but in the second year, it turned losses into profits more and more. good."


   "Then I will try." Shen Fuxing was completely at a loss.


Song Weiyang said: "You have to make up your Whoever stands in the way will be attacked. The biggest resistance is your direct lineage! If you can't accomplish this task, then I will end in person. I will only be more ruthless when I start. Which one is lighter and heavier, you can weigh a little for yourself."


   "Understood!" Shen Fuxing decided to attack his confidant.


   That person is the veteran of China Technology, he personally recruited when he first founded the company, he definitely belongs to that kind of outstanding hero, but now it is the most harmful to China Technology.


   Shen Fuxing had already beaten it many times in private, but the other party only constricted a little each time, and it didn't take long to get worse. It's time to be ruthless, as long as this person is taken down, you can immediately knock the mountain and shake the tiger, and the rest will be much easier. He didn't deal with it before, first because of personal emotions, and second because he didn't know how to do it in the future. If he keeps one, he will definitely raise the second one, and it will not have a big impact on the overall situation.


   Now it is a comprehensive reform, imitating Huawei's "IBM-like" management model, and combining it with the specific conditions of China Science and Technology to change the current bad situation from the system.


  Shen Fuxing thought for a while, and asked, "Can you show some love for some people and things? I don't want to be too extreme."


   "You figure it out by yourself." Song Weiyang said.


   "Okay." Shen Fuxing hung up the phone neatly.


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