Rebirth of the Wild Age

~: Four hundred and eighty four【Dialogue�

There is a concept called "Web2.0", its main feature is interactivity, users can participate in the production of website content.

It is obviously still in the Web1.0 era. The content of the website is created by the company's employees, and users only need to receive it honestly. If Song Weiyang had not let Sohu take the lead in launching the comment function, most of the websites would not be able to leave messages at this time.

The Internet Encyclopedia is a typical thing of the "Web2.0" concept, and even "Wiki Economics" was born-this thing was researched out at a cost of 9 million US dollars, and it extends from Internet companies to physical enterprises. Big companies are absorbing ideas from "Wikieconomics."

CCTV studio.

The host and the two guests shook hands respectively, and then sat back to their seats with a smile.

The host Wang Yan is dressed in a women's suit with short hair and ears, making him look capable. Under the guidance of the director, she faced the camera and said: "Hello everyone, audience friends, welcome to the "Dialogue" site to have a conversation with us. There is a young man who is under 25 years old and was already listed in the'Hurun 100' last year. The second place on the rich list. He is hailed as a pioneer in the domestic beverage industry and an angel investor in the eyes of many Internet company entrepreneurs. He also let a mobile phone called Xiaolingtong into thousands of households. His name is Song Weiyang! Those who follow Han Han with us today are: Dr. Lu from the Graduate School of the Academy of Social Sciences, and a professor from the Guanghua School of Management, Peking University. Welcome two!"

The host also said: "I want to ask the two guests, what are your established impressions of Song Weiyang?"

Professor Ren is actually an associate professor, very young, just turning 36 years old this year. He smiled and said: "Big boss, he is especially rich. Pioneers can no longer be used to describe him. They should be evaluated as business genius. Now in the MBA course of Guanghua College of Peking University, there are two Xifeng companies and one Shenzhou Technology. There are many domestic bosses and high-end management talents learning from the classic business case of China.”

Dr. Lu received his PhD degree this year. He sat with his legs on his side and said: "I pay more attention to Mr. Song's actions in the Internet field. He invested in two of the three major domestic portals; and the two major domestic e-commerce companies. Invested in one of them. In addition, I heard that he also invested in Tencent QQ, with a very precise and bold vision!"

The two scholars immediately started a discussion, and the topic even shifted to young people's entrepreneurship.

After chatting for about three or four minutes, the host quickly pulled back the topic and asked the audience to comment on Song Weiyang.

A Tsinghua student took a microphone and stood up and said: "Mr. Song Weiyang has been my idol since high school. I learned about this person from an article in "Reader", and soon he appeared on "Chinese Youth". I saw him in the magazine. Song Weiyang represents a young man in contemporary China. His experience is a legend. What I particularly admire is that he stood up as a teenager to turn the tide when his family was in trouble. This is very remarkable, I I couldn't do it, so I admired him. So when the "Dialogue" column arrived at Tsinghua University to invite the audience, I was the first to sign up. I also bought a copy of "Entrepreneurship", hoping to get his autograph. "

Next was a student’s parent who spoke: "My child is about to enter junior high school. I have two wishes, and I can achieve either. One wish is that my child can be like Song Weiyang, like learning, responsible, and young. It’s easy to start a business successfully. Another wish is that if my children don’t like to start a business, they will learn from Harvard girls and try to get full scholarships from prestigious foreign schools. Therefore, I now use Song Weiyang and Harvard girls to encourage me. My child, he has to spend 10 hours a day to study, and 2 hours to exercise his body and willpower. I will also let him read some business books and cultivate his interest in entrepreneurship... …"

This parent is endless when talking about it, and the host is also allowed to play, anyway, most of the speeches will be cut off in the later stage.

The last live audience to speak was older, almost 50 years old. The host smiled and said: "Today we also invited Song Weiyang's high school head teacher Tao Qingfang, Teacher Tao, can you tell us about Song Weiyang in your impression?"

Tao Qingfang took the microphone and said, "Well, Song Weiyang, this kid is more lively and has good grades. He ranks among the best in every exam. He is not the hardest student in the class, but his learning efficiency is very high. He listens carefully in get out of class and finishes his homework after class. I didn’t see him buying any tutoring materials. He could be admitted to Fudan University. It was completely in my expectation. I even thought he would study at Tsinghua and Peking University..."

Suddenly a live audience raised the bar and interjected: "But I heard that Song Weiyang was studying at his own expense. He was not admitted to Fudan University at that time."

Tao Qingfang was very upset, but still kept smiling: "If you are about to enter the third year of high school, your father suddenly goes to jail, the family is forced to debt, and you are still busy doing business, you still have time to study, you can still take the college entrance examination Is the performance normal? At that time, Song Weiyang had to take time off every three to five hours. He even did his homework in the office of the company, and even when he was busy, he couldn't take care of the last mock exam."

The professor Ren suddenly interjected: "At that time, Song Weiyang might be busier than he was in university. Because Xifeng has just started to develop, he needs to deal with everything, and it takes a lot of energy to manage a company. At this point, , I understand that Song Weiyang did not perform well in the college entrance examination. If he changed to another person, he might just give up the college entrance examination and choose to do business with one mind."

The student’s parent said: “My favorite is Song Weiyang. Although he succeeded in doing business, he always remembered that he was a student. I heard from Teacher Tao that Song Weiyang has to do homework in the office of the company. It can be seen that he has another kind of nailing spirit, not letting go of any time that can be used for study. Now many students do not do homework after school, go to Internet cafes to surf the Internet, ran to play football and basketball, it is a waste of great youth! People Song Weiyang He kept studying during the entrepreneurial period. Even if he failed to pass the Fudan University entrance examination, but only passed a college entrance examination, I would also like to praise him!"

The host smiled and said: "It seems that everyone likes Song Weiyang very much. Do you want to see him today?"

"Yes!" the audience shouted in unison.

Song Weiyang has been waiting in the recording backstage for more than ten minutes, and walked to the front desk under the reminder of the staff. He received the opposite treatment from Han Shao. The moment he showed up, two-thirds of the audience directly stood up and cheered. Because the positioning of this show is high-end, avant-garde, cutting-edge, and speculative, there are no old men and women in the audience, and most of them belong to young people under the age of 35.

"Hello, hello!" The host smiled and shook hands.


Song Weiyang shook hands with the host and the two guests respectively, and then walked to the front desk of the auditorium and shook hands with his head teacher, "Mr. Tao, long time no see, how are you doing?"

"Okay, okay!" Tao Qingfang was so happy from ear to ear, she was just an ordinary middle school teacher, and she was so proud today.

When Song Weiyang returned to his seat, the host asked: "Should I call you Boss Song or Mr. Song?"

Song Weiyang said: "Just call the name directly, the name is used to shout."

"Then...Song Weiyang," the host started to make a routine, "you just watched it from behind, everyone likes you very much and praises it unanimously."

Song Weiyang clasped his fists and smiled, "Thank you for your love."

The host said: "Did you know? You are an inspirational idol for all young people in China."

Song Weiyang shook his head and said, "This is impossible."

"Why?" the host asked.

Song Weiyang said: "I'm not RMB, so how can everyone like it. There are definitely people who praise me, and there are many people who scold me, but most people definitely ignore me because they have their own concerns."

"It's very interesting to compare people with money," the host said, "but are there really many scolding you? Why don't I know?"

Song Weiyang said: "It's too much. In the pure water incident some time ago, there were a lot of people spraying me on the Internet, and customers wrote letters and sent the company to scold me. There are even more unreasonable things. I was in the online chat room last year. Once encountered, he said that PHS is a **** product, so I am also rubbish."

The host said: "In this case, I must be very angry, right?"

Song Weiyang shook his head and said: "Liang Qichao said in "The Biography of Li Hongzhang" that the world can only be mediocre without blame and reputation... Therefore, it may not be a wish for the world to be famous; it may not be a great man to slander the world. Although I am not a great man, But since I have been scolded by many people, it shows that I am still very famous. Since I think I have done nothing wrong, I should be happy to be scolded."

Professor Ren said: "Boss Song has a very good mentality. No wonder he can succeed in business."

The host said: "But I think if there are a lot of people scolding, you should improve yourself and do better, so that those people can be speechless and curse beyond words."

Song Weiyang said: "Yes. So those people who call PHS is rubbish, I plan to launch my own mobile phone, and when the Shenzhou mobile phone comes out, I see how they scold me."

Dr. Lu was surprised: "Shenzhou Technology is going to release a mobile phone?"

Song Weiyang said: "Everyone who makes pagers in Bird makes mobile phones. Why can't China Technology make mobile phones? By the way, the future China mobile phones will use many independent technologies."

"Then I wish the sales of China's mobile phones are gratifying." The host said.

Song Weiyang said, "Thank you."

The host quickly changed the topic: "There are many areas of your investment, one is beverages and food, one is electronic products, and the other is the Internet. This is very rare among our dialogue guests. Let's start with beverages. , When can Xifeng beat Coca-Cola and Pepsi?"

Song Weiyang laughed and said: "These two are big multinational companies. Don't try to beat them in the next 20 years. Take Pepsi as an example. People don't just sell drinks. Both KFC and Pizza Hut belong to PepsiCo. It was split out, but Pepsi is still holding."

The host was a little surprised: "KFC belongs to Pepsi?"

Song Weiyang said, "Have you not seen KFC only sells Pepsi? Coca-Cola can't be sold. McDonald's, which competes with KFC, only sells Coca-Cola, which is a strategic partner. So Xifeng intends to support a national fast food brand. The store only sells Xifeng's Very Coke. The layout has already begun, and it is estimated that everyone will be able to hear the news by the end of the year."

Professor Ren smiled and said, "Boss Song is doing propaganda preheating."

"I still can't hide from the professors of Peking University," Song Weiyang said with a smile, "For these two companies, Xifeng's short-term goal is to defeat them in the Chinese market. At present, we have won victories in certain regions, such as Xikang Province. Except for Sprite, Coca-Cola’s products are rare."

The host said: "You are a beverage maker, how did you think of switching to electronic products?"

"I have some spare money in my hand, and I happen to encounter the PHS project, so try to do it." Song Weiyang said.

Suddenly a live audience raised their hands, and the host said, "Give him the microphone."

The audience stood up and said: "Song Weiyang, as we all know, the major shareholder of China Technology Company is Taurus Capital, and Taurus Capital seems to be established by the money you earned from stock trading. I also like stock trading. You are called a stock god, saying that you have made hundreds of millions of dollars by investing in'Qiong Minyuan'."

Song Weiyang shook his head and said, "Not that much, only tens of millions of dollars."

The audience at the scene said: "But the surge of'Qiong Minyuan' is an illegal operation, and the company boss has already gone to jail. Why did you dare to buy a large sum of'Qiong Minyuan' and have been holding it in your hands for half a year? Wait until the stock price reaches its highest point before selling. Did you get inside information? Or did you participate in the illegal operation yourself?"

There was an uproar at the scene, and it was the first time many viewers heard about this.

The host Xiaoyingying looked at Song Weiyang without trying to interrupt, even if the scene was out of control, he could cut this paragraph out in the later stage.

Song Weiyang raised a finger: "First, I did not sell when the stock price was at its highest point, but when the relevant departments issued policies. This is a normal market judgment; second, the reason why I bought 'Minyuan' is because the company's promotional concept is very beautiful, and it was bound to rise at the time; third, I have been holding it for six months before selling, because I found their mid-year financial report is beautiful. I guess it is possible The financial report is falsified, but who would believe it? They falsified to increase the stock price, then I will buy a wave. I am not afraid of being settled by the securities regulatory department, because I can withstand the investigation. If CCTV is brave, then you don’t need to pinch this passage. I dare to tell it to a national audience."

The audience gave a thumbs up: "Boss Song, I admire your vision and judgment!"

"Thank you." Song Weiyang said.

The audience at the scene asked again: "Boss Song, can you teach me some tricks for stock trading?"

Song Weiyang said: "There is no trick. It's a big bull market now. You can buy it whatever you want. I just want to say, buy it for another half a year and stop it. You can do whatever you want."

"Thank you." The audience sat down with a smile.

Professor Ren said: "Speaking of stocks, Boss Song is also a stock **** in Hong Kong. He once repelled the financial giant Soros."

Song Weiyang laughed: "Soros was repelled by the Russian and Chinese governments. I just followed suit. Professor Ren shouldn't praise me like that."

"It's not flattery," Professor Ren said. "The situation was too scary at the time. Who would dare to bring money to the end? Boss Song can accurately judge the situation and dare to put the money in. These two points are enough to be commendable. I have studied. Your business experience is very precise and decisive every time you make a decision. This is a person’s talent that cannot be learned and is difficult to cultivate."

Dr. Lu said: "I agree with this. I talked to Zhang Chaoyang of Sohu. He was looking for funds everywhere. He went to China and the United States to find no one to invest. As a result, he went to Fudan to find Mr. Song’s boss. After only a few words, The funds are available. At that time, there was no commercial website in China, and Boss Song’s investment was very far-sighted."

Song Weiyang laughed and said, "Lao Zhang was bragging. I talked with him for half an hour. How could it be possible that he only said a few words. Moreover, he didn't convince me because he didn't even have a feasible plan. I didn’t know what to do, so I was speechless when asked on the spot, so I gave up and said goodbye to me."

Dr. Lu curiously asked: "He doesn't even have a feasible plan, so how can you still invest?"

Song Weiyang said: "Because Zhang Chaoyang is very passionate, and there is no commercial website in China. It is worth investing in a person with entrepreneurial passion to be the first commercial website in China. Even if he fails, he can write. Enter the annals of Chinese Internet history."

Dr. Lu asked: "What do you think about the Internet in the cold winter?"

Song Weiyang said: "Do you know Sogou's recent actions?"

"Network Encyclopedia Project." Dr. Lu nodded and said.

"This is the answer." Song Weiyang said.

Dr. Lu said: "I admit that the Internet Encyclopedia is very promising, but what does this have to do with the Internet's cold winter?"

Song Weiyang said: "The Internet is not the Internet of any company, but the Internet of all netizens. The previous website model has gone astray, and the simple'manufacture-dissemination-acceptance' model is what I call the'web1.0 era.' '. And the future development trend, I think it should be the participation of all people, the first positioning of the website should be the platform, users are both audiences and content creators. Just like Sogou Encyclopedia, all netizens create content together and share content together. Call it'web2.0'. As long as more and more websites develop in this direction, the'web 2.0 era' will come, and the Internet winter will pass."

Dr. Lu pondered, then nodded: "This statement is very new, and I will study it as a topic."

The host smiled and said: "It seems that Song Weiyang is very proficient in the Internet, and Dr. Lu is able to think seriously with just a few words."

Song Weiyang said: "I don't understand computers and the Internet, I can only type, chat and play games."

The parent audience suddenly raised his hand, and the host agreed to speak: "Mr. Song is also chatting and playing games online? Will this delay your study and work?"

"No." Song Weiyang said.

The parent asked: "Then do you have a schedule for how many hours you set to surf the Internet every day?"

Song Weiyang said: "My help will arrange the schedule for me, but it is mainly for business. When I am free, I will choose the way to pass the time. I may read a whole day of books or chat with people online. All night."

The parent said: "You are an adult and can control your time. But I don't think students should go online, especially playing computer games. What do you think?"

Song Weiyang said: "Students must allocate time reasonably and can't indulge in anything."

The parent said: "Do you also go online when you are studying?"

Song Weiyang smiled and said: "Go to It is now popular to give myself a screen name. I should be the first person in the world to have a Chinese screen name."

"Wow!" the young people on the scene exclaimed in unison.

A viewer interjected: "How do you know you are the first?"

Song Weiyang laughed and said: "Because it was impossible to register a Chinese screen name at all, I suggested to Xiao Ma to make a little improvement. So Mazhan took the lead in launching Chinese registration, and Xiao Ma notified me as soon as possible. Registered an account at the first time."

"Who is Xiao Ma?" a student audience asked.

"The boss of QQ." Song Weiyang smiled.

The student was surprised: "You know the boss of QQ too?"

Song Weiyang said: "The boss of QQ, the boss of Netease, everyone who has known each other before is a netizen from the same station."

"Then what's your QQ number? Can you reveal it?" the student said.

Song Weiyang said: "Yes, I am the number 1 QQ. Don't even think about adding my friends. This is the inside number and cannot be added. I can only add others."

The student looked envious and wanted to use a knife to force Song Weiyang to surrender his account.

Another student audience asked: "Boss Song, what is your first screen name?"

Song Weiyang said: "There are always people who want to harm me."

"Huh? What?"

"There are always people who want to harm me."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The whole audience laughed, and even the host was amused.

(5700-character chapter, by the way, I recommend a book "Rebirth of the Wild Times". This is written by Pharaoh’s friends in reality. The protagonist interacts with Dr. Ma. The bosses in the system don’t have too many time codes, so There has been no work in the past two years. But he used to be a fifth-level author and wrote two popular official articles, and now they are all sealed.)